degraded image是什么意思 degraded image在线中文翻译

degraded image

degraded image 双语例句

  1. A simple depth-cueing method to restore a degraded weather image is suggested, based on the dichromatic atmospheric scattering model developed as shown.
  2. This paper presents an improved algorithm for fog-degraded image clearness, which is designed to improve the visibility of outdoor surveillance system in fog weather.
  3. Ultrasonic image quality is degraded as a result of the blurring effect.
  4. Taken inverse filter and two Wiener filtering algorithm to image restoration of degraded images to achieve the restoration process.
  5. Firstly, the principle based on single image is introduced. Secondly, the degraded imaging model of camera and the algorithm of image registration are studied. Thirdly, the algorithm of image reconstruction and the algorithm flow chart based on superresolution are proposed.
  6. This paper describes the successful use of a coherent optical feedback system in realizing restoration of a degraded image.
  7. When point spread function (PSF) is not known or only partially determined, restoration of the degraded images is called blind image restoration (BIR).
  8. Blind image restoration is to recover the original image form the observed degraded image with unknown the Point Spread Function (PSF).
  9. The combined action of backscattering and forward scattering can lead the underwater image degraded seriously, which is the main reason to limit the distance of underwater observation.
  10. Improvement in Enhancing Methods of the Degraded Hand - Printed Character Image
  11. The demand of image restoration is rapidly increased since the obtained images in many conditions are often degraded due to relative motion, atmospheric turbulence, lack of focus, noise existing and other factors.
  12. Because the raster projection image is usually degraded by random interference from such as environment, illumination, camera lens, image scanning, quantization, transmission, etc., a method of fast background correction is proposed for improving the image quality and contrast.
  13. Investigation on Restoration Method for Turbulence-degraded Image Using Bayes Theorem
  14. Firstly, the local regularization parameter should be proportional to local noise variance in degraded image is proposed.
  15. A turbulence-degraded blind image restoration method based on generalized regularization was proposed.
  16. Blind Image Restoration is the process of estimating both the true image and the blur from the degraded image characteristic using partial information about the imaging system.
  17. Due to the dynamic disturbances, complicated spatial motion of the optical remote sensor and its components will be created, which will cause the image movement on focal plane during exposure. So the imaging quality will be degraded.
  18. Application of Image Smoothing and Histogram Modification in Improving Degraded Images
  19. As to the ill-conditioned problem of noisy and degraded image restoration, we propose a new algorithm which combines frequency shrinkage and Quincunx wavelet transform.
  20. To solve the visibility of outdoor surveillance system in foggy weather, a weather degraded image sharpening algorithm is proposed.

degraded image

degraded image


sight: 视力,眼界,情景,奇观
vision: 远见,想念力,洞察力,眼界
image: 形象,肖像,影像
scene: 景色,景象,舞台指像图画一样映入眼睛view或landscape,但不那么广泛,是整个风景中可以入画的一部分