cynthia是什么意思 cynthia在线中文翻译


Cynthia 词典解释


Cynthia 网络解释

  1. 月亮女神
    ...上周被月亮女神(Cynthia)戴同学批评,说大家都不知我大学毕业后去哪了. 我接受意见,从晒照片开始....
  2. 辛西娅
    ...在生命形成的同时,佛雷姆和索爱丽又生下了一对孪生姐妹,夜之女神(The Queen of night)辛西娅(Cynthia)和卢娜(Luna)在夜晚诞生. 为了祝贺这对美丽的孪生姐妹的诞生,欧德和康非欧什用黄金和白银铸造了两颗卫星,并让夜之女神姐妹掌管....
  3. 辛西亚
    ...黛安娜(Diana)是她的罗马版本的名字,辛西亚(Cynthia)是她的小名. Artemis通常被描绘成前额具有新月形状的神只形象,所以也常常被人与希腊神话中的月神--瑟雷娜(Selena)混为一谈. 因此传说中Artemis可以控制月亮,也因此女巫们尊崇Artemis女神....
  4. 辛西亚 希腊 月亮女神黛安娜的称号
    ...Cornelia, 可妮莉雅, 希腊, 山茱萸树,号角. | Cynthia , 辛西亚 希腊, 月亮女神黛安娜的称号. | Daisy, 黛西, 英国, 雏菊....

Cynthia 双语例句

  1. She wears a Giovannio hat, Cynthia Steffe top and skirt, sweater by CARDIGAN and Manolo Blahnik shoes.
  2. The results showed that the genomic DNA from Antheraea yamamai showed positive bands after hybridized with the fragment of DH-PBAN cDNA from Samia cynthia ricini, which labeled with [α-32P]-dCTP.
    结果表明,标记的蓖麻蚕的DH-PBAN cDNA片断能够与天蚕、樟蚕、柳蚕和棉铃虫的基因组DNA结合。
  3. Cynthia Kenyon, a researcher at the University of California, San Francisco, and a co-founder of Elixir Pharmaceuticals, another company looking into anti-ageing drugs, believes that molecules such as resveratrol are likely to be approved in the next five to ten years, for use as prophylactics against age-related diseases.
    Cynthia Kenyon是加州大学旧金山校区的一名研究员,同时也是万能制药公司(另外一家研制抗衰老药物的公司)的创立者之一,他相信在以后的五到十年内,白藜芦醇等分子将有可能通过审批,用于预防与年龄相关的疾病。
  4. My name is Miss Cynthia Fred, 23 years old girl single.
  5. I often go out with Cynthia but it's purely Platonic love between us.
  6. Cynthia Purley: But sweetheart, I can't be your mother!
  7. Cynthia said that she was not feeling well, didn't she?
  8. It also got a boost last fall when designer Cynthia Rowley's models walked the runway in specially designed wedge heels made of Tupperware for New York Fashion Week.
    特百惠聚会因为请了如男演员 Ice T 作为嘉宾而使聚会星光灿烂,在格莱美颁奖时向知名人士大量赠送产品。
  9. At the first session of bookish assembly hosted by Mr. Wu Kuei-jen on October 23, Ms. Sun Chu-chun reported on the book Portrait of Dr. Gachet: The Story of a Van Gogh Masterpiece, Money, Politics, Collectors, Dealers, Taste, Greed, and Loss, written by Cynthia Saltzman. Besides introducing Vincent van Gogh's life, the book focused on his famous painting 「Portrait of Doctor Gachet.」 It traced the painting's transfer process through fourteen collectors and dealers.
    10月23日读书会在吴贵仁先生的主持下,第一场由孙菊君小姐《梵谷流浪一百年》,作者为Cynthia Saltzman,本书除介绍梵谷生平,特以其名作「嘉舍医生的画像」为主轴,详细描写此作品经历十四个收藏家及交易商的转移过程,亦反映了当时社会的经济、政治面向。
  10. The terms lunar, selene/seleno-, and -cynthion (from the Lunar deities Selene and Cynthia) refer to the Moon (aposelene, selenocentric, pericynthion, etc.).
    条款月球,selene/seleno-,并cynthion (从农历诸神selene和辛西娅)是指月亮( aposelene ,selenocentric ,pericynthion等)。
  11. Cynthia told the group that she originally took a Circle K clerk job as an interim position while she looked for something better.
  12. I blamed Cynthia why she turned off the TV by controller at joking tone, but she told me she hadn't seen the controller for a day.
  13. To obtain DNA noninvasively from the silkworms Bombyx mori and Philosamia Cynthia ricini, we collected the sloughs of fifth instar and the wings of moth, and then extracted DNA by SDS and the DNA extraction kit of animal tissue and purified them.
    对家蚕和蓖麻蚕的蚕蜕和蛾翅分别采用SDS裂解法和动物组织基因组试剂盒提取法提取DNA ,并与常规方法以蚕蛹提取的DNA一起进行RAPD扩增图谱比较、分析,结果表明用非损伤性方法提取的DNA的RAPD图谱和用常规方法提取的DNA的RAPD图谱基本一
  14. I also want to thank Joe`s parents, Jose and Cynthia.
  15. He guided the efforts to bring Sheryl Swoopes and Cynthia Cooper to Houston and then drafted Janeth Arcain in the WNBA Elite Draft. Finally, he worked with Alexander to hire three-time WNBA Coach of the Year Van Chancellor.
  16. Later, cynthia and i put the ouija which made by ourselves in a box, and then put the box into her father's cupboard, piled some shoes on it and close the cupboard, then locked the bedroom door and went back to watch TV in living room, maybe it's between twelve forty five am and one thirty am
  17. Cynthia Purley: I wouldn't know him if he stood up in my soup!
  18. Cynthia Rose Purley: You gotta laugh, ain't ya sweetheart?
  19. Cynthia Purley: Well...
  20. I had no idea if the augu...

Cynthia 单语例句

  1. Documents issued at a US county court stated his marriage to Cynthia was " irretrievably broken ".
  2. Dr Cynthia Smillie has seen firsthand the effects that too much pampering, dressing up and pushing around in prams can have on Hong Kong dogs.
  3. Chicago FBI spokeswoman Cynthia Yates said the bureau wants DNA from " numerous individuals " including Kaczynski, although she wouldn't provide details about any of the others.
  4. A former employee named Cynthia at Fidelity English School told a METRO reporter by phone that everything was just a misunderstanding.
  5. He faces up to 6 years in prison if convicted of all charges, said prosecutor Cynthia Zimmer of the Kern County District Attorney's Office.
  6. Cynthia Estrada of Dededo said she was making up her mind while waiting to vote, but she was leaning toward Clinton.
  7. In the female role, soprano Cynthia Makris is an attractive figure who hits all the right notes.
  8. Tyson spokeswoman Cynthia Schwartz said the family had not arranged a funeral yet.
  9. Civil Air Patrol spokeswoman Major Cynthia Ryan said Fossett had been expected to return about three hours after the flight.
  10. " I'm not worried about her going back, " he said of his daughter Cynthia.

Cynthia ['sinθjә]

n. 月亮;月亮女神
n (Greek mythology) the virgin goddess of the hunt and the Moon; daughter of Leto and twin sister of Apollo; identified with Roman Diana