control layer是什么意思 control layer在线中文翻译

control layer

control layer 双语例句

  1. Key words: communication technology; Ad Hoc network; media access control; cross-layer; backoff algorithm; hop count
    关键 词:通信技术;Ad Hoc网络;媒体接入控制;跨层;退避算法;跳数
  2. Randomicity and intermittence of wind speed make power system dispatch become difficulty. The paper presents a two-layer strategy for wind power system dispatch and regulation. The strategy can revise pre-dispatch scheme for traditional generators in online dispatch time scale and trace the fluctuation of real-time power output by regulating the AGC generators related to wind generators in AGC time scale.
    针对风速的随机性和间歇性对电力系统调度与控制带来的困难,提出一种风电系统有功调度的二层结构调控策略,即在在线调度周期内,借助系统内常规发电机组的配合对预调度周期内的发电计划进行再校正以及在自动控制时间级内通过与风电机组紧密关联的自动发电控制(automation generation control,AGC)机组的实时偏差调控对在线调度计划外的功率波动进行调整的策略。
  3. With procedures design of the elevator control system can achieve the elevator door's opening and closing control, and the elevater's indication under the call, moving from top to bottom, starting-up, delay closed, Ping layer, opening the door, making signals in the queue, close to the escalator and alarming control under the mode of the elevator's operation mode.
  4. The analogous structure, which does not contain the layer of gold nanos-particle, was used as the control model.
  5. According to the property of genuine Chinese crude drug and it's extract active component, select suitable finger print techniques, such as High Performance Capillary Electrophoresis、High Performance Liquid Chromatogram、Gas Chromatogram、Thin-Layer Chromatography, etc, determining it's characteristic finger print of DNA and chemical composition, control the quality of Chinese crude drug and it's extract, from origin and active component, ensure the quality of Chinese crude drug and it's extract to be stable and reliable.
    根据道地中药材及提取物有效成分的性质,选择合适的指纹图谱技术(高效毛细管电泳、高效液相色谱、气相色谱、薄层色谱等),绘制其特征性的 DNA 及化学成分指纹图谱,从药材来源与有效成分两个方面控制药材及提取物的质量,保证药材及提取物质量的稳定与可靠。
  6. Results there were loss and down of the cilia, increasing of the master cell, lympha cell and EOS, hyperplasia of basal cells, and increased height of the cylindric cell in different degree in nasal mucosa of AR. Although the nosal mucosa of nomal and negative control groups shown the much typical appearance of a pseudostraified columnar ciliated epithelium or basal layer, without cilia loss and increasing of inflammatory cell.
  7. Results:The three groups of P77PMC rats which experienced 30 and less than 30 times of audiogenic seizure and the Wistar control group did not display MF sprouting in dentate gyrus, however, the group of P77PMC rats which experienced 50 times of AGS was found hippocampal MF sprouting into the inner molecular layer of dentate gyrus.
  8. So maintenance of a perfect and uniform mixed layer in space will help to obtain an effective drawing control.
  9. Large area been changed from the two business card printing and membership card by making overprint: on the one hand, the benefit is that the control background color version of the deposit, the ink layer overprint out a thicker; on the other hand, you can greatly reduce the number of inks, paper powder, skin, and so on on the cards and membership cards to make the bad influence on art.
  10. According to the property demands of the real time, reliability, running process complicacy of the test system, it was finished in three aspects:(1)supervisory and management application of PC (2)communication layer sofrware(3)real-time control application of embedded system.
  11. The system was composed of water quality monitoring and data disposal system, electrocircuit control system, aeration machine and feeding facility. The system could intelligently control aeration, water layer change and feeding ratio.
  12. Use automatic fire control big gun substitute multi-layer pipe network water spray system, is it put out a fire result raise greatly to make, guaranteed the building is whole beautiful at the same time.
  13. In studying the motion law of rock-fall, the restitution coefficient is an important control parameter. It not only has something to do with stone's speed and quality but also is closely related with stone and overlay layer's physico-mechanical properties. However, currently there is no reasonable calculation theory about restitution coefficient which will still be a difficult problem in studying.
  14. The invention relates to a plane lighting display with side ballast and relative production. Wherein, it comprises a sealing vacuum chamber formed by front glass panel, back glass panel and around glass frame; the anode electrode layer at the front glass panel and the fluorescent powder layer on the anode layer; the control grid for controlling the electron emission; the insulated support wall and auxiliary gettering element; the back glass panel is arranged with side ballast structure for adjusting the current direction of the cathode of carbon nanometer tube and adjusting the luminescent electron emission. And it has simple structure, low cost and high reliability.
  15. Finally, the control method of structure response vector reconstruction is applied to the vibration active control of the layer board made in complex materials on the satellite antenna. It is showed that this method is effective.
  16. Under normal circumstances, a printing plate in the 230~250 ° c in bakeout homothermal~8min under 5, peripherin-layer from the original green to reddish brown, but with the print version of the appearing, roasting, temperature and toasted version of time waiting for any one of the link control incorrectly, could have an impact on the quality of fluecured version, so that the sections, and all color an exception occurs.
  17. In fact, this problem can be avoided by Radio Network Controller. On the process of the switch, the switch to FACH is decided by Media Access Control layer, not by Radio Resource Control layer.
  18. VANCL is age established on October 18, 2007, the person that basically do poineering work all fastens ordinary members of theatrical troupe of backbone of primary outstanding net, basically manufacture, present as leading role by Euramerican and famous stylist layout, build up men's clothing brand is classical the elite dress of design; VANCL detects through Intertek quality attestation, the supply that has the major inside this domain catenary system, sort each link from call, order, inventory, content layer upon layer guard a pass, control quality strictly, become the newly emerging force in dress electron business affairs.
  19. PS version of the oxide layer thickness general control in 3-4 μm, going through the physical and chemical treatment to aluminum version of the surface-, the surface area of expansion of 2-6 times, -depth about 3-6 μm.
  20. Interior decoration project mainly include indoor aerated concrete wall plastering, cement mortar layer of metope brick, the main equipment and operation process and seasonal construction quality control measures and measures, engineering safety measures, etc.

control layer

[网络] 控制层;控制层面;资料链路控制层
control layer


direct: 侧重行使领导或指导权。
control: 含义广泛的常用词,指对人或物施以约束或控制的力量。
supervise: 侧重指运用本身的或被授予的权力来管理、检查工作,含监督意味。
govern: 侧重指运用任何控制的权力来统治或管理一个国家、一个社会或一个部门,暗含能力和知识的运用。
administer: 指官方的或正式的对事务的管理。
rule: 强调用绝对或独裁的权力来管理或统治。
manage: 强调对具体事务机构进行管理,有时含受权管理或处理之意。