contact symbol是什么意思 contact symbol在线中文翻译

contact symbol

contact symbol 双语例句

  1. The plant color of the meaning and green of the green symbol in the western culture contain very great contact, is a vegetative life color.
  2. My personal web page is going to be announced. You may contact me by Christina368§126 dot com for the time being. The symbol is special but you may know why.
  3. My personal web page is going to be announced. You may contact me by Christina368§126 dot com for the time being. The symbol is special but you may know why. Thanks for your kind attention.
  4. But it only can use one time, after once puts on cannot again take off, because extinguished actually its witch collects the strength under its influence already to surmount its own limit, too crossed the exuberant flame finally to be able to burn oneself, when it is loosened once more, the technique in instantaneous will obtain certainly the big strength, but in after, also will lose his/her body for extinguished actually all abilities Constrains the word spirit: The light depends on the technique name to be able the reflective launch technique Pulls the star box: God of death aristocrat's symbol * Breaks the Asian space newly, in order to does not let the space which the present world and the corpse soul each other contact produces impractically in the traversing break the accident separately outside the samsara soul, paces back and forth is breaking, passes through year after year gathers in together, afterwards the soul can separate the memory and the energy, does for returns to the samsara to prepare.
  5. Make Contact; Break Contact; Symbol 3; Symbol 4
  6. Close-before-open contact Make Contact; Break Contact; Symbol 3; Symbol 4
  7. If you have ever seen this exact symbol before or have any information of what it means please contact me.
  8. Then, we can contact all kinds of art works with open arms and feel their expressed symbol meanings.

contact symbol

contact symbol


sign: 普通用词,指人们公认事物的记号,也可指某种情况的征兆。
emblem: 指选定象征一个国家、民族或家庭等的图案或实物。
symbol: 指作象征或表达某种深邃意蕴的特殊事物。
token: 语气庄重,指礼品、纪念物等作为表示友谊、爱情等的象征或标志。
attribute: 指人或物及其地位、属性的象征。
mark: 普通用词,含义广泛。既可指方便于辨认而有意做的标记,又可指自然形成的标记或有别于他事物的特征。
signal: 指为某一目的而有意发出的信号。
badge: 一般指金属证章或写有姓名的带状标志物。

face: 侧重双方静止地面对面,或指指充满勇气、信心和决心正视人或事。
encounter: 通常指遇到困难或挫折,也指偶然或意外地相遇。
meet: 普通用词,本义指双方或多方从不同方向或相反方向作向对运动,最终相碰(遇)。
contact: 多指通过书信、电话或直接会面和别人联系。口语用词。
confront: 不可避免的,面对面的相遇。也指敢于正视困难或问题的决心和信心。

touch: 指具体意义“接触”时,强调动作;表抽象意义时,侧重“联系”。
contact: 强调紧密接触的两个物体之间的相互关系。也可用作比喻。