consignment number是什么意思 consignment number在线中文翻译

consignment number

consignment number 双语例句

  1. One mechanism used to make investigation difficult is to arrange for a consignment to pass through a bewilder ing number of owners in a short time.
  2. Station to identify dangerous goods vehicles, according to the following provisions:⑴ passengers at the station found that over a small number of the provisions of a limited carrying dangerous goods in nature, you can choose from visitors to the station to send back to relatives and friends or to give up the goods; ⑵ passengers refused in the preceding paragraph in accordance with the provisions of this section or the disposal of dangerous goods vehicles found stations are prohibited and the consignment of dangerous goods, prohibited items, should goods and passengers, the public security departments to deal with the shipper to pay; ⑶ firecrackers found the train, pull guns, drop bombs, the paper so that the flood of dangerous goods should be destroyed immediately.
  3. The unique reference number assigned by the rail cargo agent to identify a consignment transported by rail.
  4. Each export permit on only one type of product, if the consignment of two or more categories, respectively, according to two different types of produce as well as a number of export licenses on.
  5. Consignment Account Customer Service will be to approve the seller fill out information, game equipment, and describe what is in the same, if the description does not, the account number and your customer will say what is worse.
  6. It gives you proof of consignment, with a unique number you can use on our web site to track your shipment.
  7. Consignment stock is managed under the same material number as your own stock. In this way, you can make consignment stock part of the available stock of a material.

consignment number

consignment number


amount: 普通用词,与quantity近义,但强调整体,指把所有数量、重量及度量归并在一起得出的总数。
sum: 普通用词,指简单加算的结果。
number: 普通用词,指人或物的数目,强调数的概念。
quantity: 书面用词,指事物的总量和总数量,侧重大批计量,含准确测量的意味。

edition: 版数;
issue/number: 期数;
version: 译本,版本
copy: 册数;

figure: 指“数字”,着重数字符号
number: 泛指“数”;