completed sales basis是什么意思 completed sales basis在线中文翻译

completed sales basis

completed sales basis 双语例句

  1. In the event of there still remaining unsold Units after the balloting and selection procedure has been completed and all registered applicants have had an opportunity to select a Unit and have either done so or declined, the unsold Units can be offered directly to the general public but only by the developer or an agent acting on his instructions on a first come, first served basis and subject to all the conditions of this consent, except as to registration and balloting, but limited to one Unit (and 2 car parking spaces) per purchaser as provided in condition (m above but if the unsold Units are subsequently included in another public sales exercise then all the conditions of the consent for that exercise will apply to those Units, for the avoidance of doubt these remaining Units must be made available to the public and cannot be used to increase the number of Units for private sale, nor can they be allocated to private purchasers under this consent.
  2. The design has achieved the function of the online auction on the basis of management systems of purchase, sales and storage. Customers can participate the auction and pay money and then completed all the timber sales process.

completed sales basis

completed sales basis


basis: 主要用作抽象或引申意义。
ground: 含义与basis和foundation接近。一般指某种决定、论点或关系的基础,也可指某种原因的基础。
base: 侧重指构成或支撑某一具体物体的基础,也可指军事基地或用作比喻意义。
foundation: 用于具体意义时,侧重指坚固结实的建筑物的基础或地基;用作比喻意义时,与basis基本相同。