come into a fortune是什么意思 come into a fortune在线中文翻译

come into a fortune

come into a fortune 双语例句

  1. This is a Chinese knot, The moral of this Chinese knot is:May you come into a good fortune!
  2. My father has just come into a fortune in diamonds.
  3. But that on his arrival at Leghorn he had come into possession of a large fortune, left him by an uncle, whose sole heir he was.
  4. Best wishes for the year to come! Good luck in the year ahead! May you come into a good fortune! Live long and proper!
  5. To sb's notice bring/call to mind bring to a halt bring into action catch one's breath call down/lay a curse upon sb. cast a shadow over catch at shadows catch sb's eye catch fire catch/get a glimpse of catch sight of come to sb's knowledge come to sb's notice come to a point come /go into effect come into a fortune come into fashion come to a halt combination with commander in chief communication with commit a crime commit/make an error come into possession of sth. come/go into operation come to one's senses come to/arrive at a decision come to/arrive at an agreement with reach/make an agreement with come to sb.'s assistance complaint about/of competition with/against sb.
    do a threat to do damage to do/try one's best 与----接触不平衡与-----保持友好与----一致对----负责违背诺言实施,使生效给某人带来羞辱使某人注意----想起使停止采取行动喘息诅咒某人蒙上阴影捕风捉影引人注目着火,烧着对----瞥一眼看见被某人知道引起某人的注意到紧要关头实施,生效继承一笔财产开始流行停止与------结合总司令与-----交流,与----通信犯罪犯错误占有某物实行,生效恢复理性,苏醒过来做出决定与-------达成一致与-------达成一致帮助某人对------抱怨与某人竞争对----有威胁损害-----尽力,努力
  6. Cast a shadow over catch at shadows catch sb's eye catch fire catch/get a glimpse of catch sight of come to sb's knowledge come to sb's notice come to a point come /go into effect come into a fortune come into fashion come to a halt combination with commander in chief communication with commit a crime commit/make an error come into possession of sth.

come into a fortune

na. 继承一笔财产
[网络] 继承一笔遗产;继承一大笔财产;继承大笔遗产
come into a fortune


luck: 普通日常用词,指好的或坏的运气,尤多指好运气,有时也指成功或愉快的结局。
lot: 多指偶然的运气或终身遭受的不幸命运。
destiny: 普通用词,侧重预先注定的命运,对未来命运的美好憧憬。
fortune: 普通用词,指由机会或运气来决定的一种命运,如暗示一种比fate好的运气或一种愉快的未来。
doom: 指最终的,常常是灾难性或毁灭性的命运,隐含不可避免的意味。
fate: 较庄严用词,多指不幸的命运,暗示不可避免,令人畏惧和人的意志无法改变,宿命论色彩较浓。

arrive: 侧重到达目的地或达到某一目标。也可用作比喻。
reach: 既可指到达目的地,又可指到达途中的中间站。强调经过的周折或付出的努力。
come: 普通用词,含义广泛。强调到达的动作或进程,不侧重是否到达目的地。也可用于比喻意义。

turn: 侧重指变得与原来截然不同,有时含贬义。
get: 常指某人或某物有意无意地获得引起变化的因素,结果使变成另一状态。
grow: 常指逐渐地变成新状态,强调渐变的过程。
become: 最普通用词,作为连系动词,指从一个状态向另一个状态的变化。
come: 侧重变化的经过或过程,多用于不良情况。
go: 作为连系动词,通常与形容词连用,指进入某种状态,从而发生变化,多指不好的状态。