collision prevention是什么意思 collision prevention在线中文翻译

collision prevention

collision prevention 双语例句

  1. With the continually arising of collision accidents at sea, developing and exploiting an intelligent and automatic collision prevention system become more and more important.
  2. Such as walking carefully slip, on, under the stairs, not crowded, not to climb the railings, climbing is not high; play and activities to prevent the collision fall; attention to food hygiene, do not eat three without food, temporary stalls to eat food; to strengthen the physical training, and enhance physical fitness, the prevention of invasive disease.
  3. The software includes the operating interface, CAN communication, the trajectory planning algorithm and the collision prevention detecting algorithm.
  4. The ship-against-bridges problems involve many fields such as bridgework, naval architecture, collision mechanics, ship driving and collision prevention, safety management, risk assessment, economics and environment protection. It is a typical subject in the intersect field.
  5. So, infrared detection and recognition system can serve as a supplement to radar and other detection system and it will play an irreplaceable role in ship collision prevention, ship navigation safety, and Vessel Traffic Service.
  6. Fog is the enemy of Ship's collision prevention, a large number of collision accidents are happened in fog.
  7. Based on the concept of contention reservation for polling transmission and collision prevention strategy for collision resolution, a fair on-demand access (FODA) protocol for mobile ad hoc networks (MANET) is proposed.
  8. Elementary Motion-Based Multi-Robot Collision Avoidance and Deadlock Prevention
  9. This paper focuses on the introduction of the developing of testing and scoring system and CAI for the course of Shipping Collision Prevention.
  10. For overcoming the disadvantages of some manual work on highway toll gate, such as lower efficiency and much fallibility, a control system which operates the vehicle detection, bar management and follower's collision prevention is presented.
  11. Based on the specific project, it analyzes the mechanism and cause of leakage on facing brick external wall, introduces the effective prevention measures and collision technology to ensure the project quality.
  12. It has been proved by practice that the correct use of VHF in collision prevention is an effective method for reducing collision accidents and ensuring the safety of navigation.
  13. The purpose of this thesis is to developing and exploiting an intelligent system for collision prevention, namely " Intelligent Collision Prevention Expert System for Navigation "(NICPES).
  14. An Energy Consumed Collision-Prevention System of Long Distance Anchor Moving for Non-Navigational Bridge
  15. Collision Behaviour of Crashworthy Vehicles The function, purpose, pollution and prevention of the hydraulic pressure oil
  16. Impact of Airport on Birds and Countermeasures for Plane-birds Collision Analysis of the Lateral Bridge Crash Barrier Construction Quality Defects and Prevention Measures
  17. At the present day, computer is becoming universalizing, and technology of Expert System, Artificial Intelligent and-other science is developing and coming to maturity, which provide well material foundation and technological support for solving problem of collision prevention.
  18. An energy consumed collision-prevention system of long distance anchor moving is put forward to prevent the collision of ship and non-navigational bridge.

collision prevention

collision prevention


clash: 通常指两个或多个物体,特别是金属物发出刺耳声音或破裂声的撞击。也可引申指意见、利益等的冲突。
collision: 指物体相撞,其结果不是受损就是严重受阻。
impact: 正式用词,侧重指物体相撞的结果或接触点。
shock: 指强烈冲击在肉体上或思想感情上所产生的效果。