coated sheet是什么意思 coated sheet在线中文翻译

coated sheet

coated sheet 双语例句

  1. On single-side coated paper, coated surface than coated surface it becomes apparent that the expansion rate, so when single-side coated paper was drying is a non-coated sheet.
  2. There are encouraging signs in the demand for coated sheet and coil, with some sizes already in short supply.
  3. More than 29, 000 square meters of Alcoa Architectural Products` Reynolux coil coated aluminum sheet is used on the roof of the newly built National Gymnasium for the 2008 Olympic Games in Beijing.
    NF A50-432-1997 铝和铝合金。通用盘绕涂层的薄板和带材。
  5. In addition, it can make use of a thin film of adhesive bonding material in Symalite coil coated aluminum sheet, the current, QPC is considering this aluminum/plastic laminates used in the manufacture of molded pieces of the roof of motor vehicles.
  6. Keywords color coated sheet coil coating mixture coating technology
  7. Zhejiang wonderful-wall building materials co., Ltd specialize in producing coated aluminum coil, aluminum composite panel, solid aluminum sheet more than ten years of history. The company is one of drafters for the Aluminum Composite Panel National Standard, and is also an establishment member of national Aluminum Composite Panel Association as executive vice chairman of the standing committee ever since. It is the first certification CTC company qualified through the National building materials Center, which has a long history and complete production technology
  8. When running heavy, high quality coated product on sheet-fed printing equipment, product quality is a priority.
  9. Blistering: Paper defect usually occurring during heatset drying of coated papers where clearly defined bubbles form on both sides of the sheet.
  10. Blistering: Paper defect usually occurring during heatset drying of coated papers where clearly defined bubble s form on both sides of the sheet.
  11. The present study aimed at finding the effect of galvannealing parameters, including temperature and time, on coating microstructures of an EDDQ grade steel sheet coated with 45/45g/m^2 in a zinc bath containing 0.14% Al. The results showed that outburst structure has already existed in the as-galvanized state.
    本实验采用热度锌产线以超深冲级底材在0.14% A1之锌液中镀锌,然后在实验室以GLEEBLE懒恒温加热方式对镀层进行合金化处理,以探讨合金化条件对镀层中铁锌合多相成长之影响。
  12. The metal sheet is coated with a certain special material, such as cesium
  13. We mainly produce and welded wire mesh, export expanded metal mesh, stainless steel woven wire mesh, perforated metal sheet, hexagonal wire mesh, barbed wire, insect screening, galvanized square woven wire mesh, hexagonal wire netting or chicken netting, fencing wire mesh, black wire cloth and other metal mesh including crimped wire mesh, conveyor belt net, mine sieving mesh, barbecue wire mesh and metal wire series products such as galvanized iron wire, black iron wire, stainless steel wire and PVC coated wire.
  14. We mainly produce and welded wire mesh, export expanded metal mesh, stainless steel woven wire mesh, perforated metal sheet, hexagonal wire mesh, barbed wire, insect screening, galvanized square woven wire mesh, hexagonal wire netting or chicken netting, fencing wire mesh, black wire cloth and other metal mesh including crimped wire mesh, conveyor belt net, mine sieving mesh, barbecue wire mesh and metal wire series products such as galvanized iron wire, black iron wire, stainless steel wire and pvc coated wire.
    公司 河北省安平县第九丝网厂建于 1986 年,位于中国丝网之乡——安平县城,是本地较早从事丝网生产的专业厂家,注册资金 80 万元,固定资产 300 万元,占地 3000 多平米,拥有各种丝网生产检测设备 30 多台。我厂主要生产电焊网、钢板网、冲孔网、不锈钢丝网、黑丝布、刺绳、窗纱、六角网、护栏网、输送带网、烧烤网、矿筛网等丝网、筛网产品,以及镀锌丝、黑铁丝、pvc丝、不锈钢丝等丝产品。广泛用于石油、化工、粮食、食品、医药、建筑等各行各业。其产品广泛销往全国各地,并出口到了东南亚等国家和地区。
  15. Some others composite particles that sheet aluminum powders were coated by sulphide were prepared by method of homogeneous precipitation using thiacetamide as precipitator.
  16. The laser welding technology of three-layer zinc coated sheet was studied as well as the effects of thickness combination, gap combination, gravity force and welding speed were discussed in this paper.
  17. The key measure of the novel insulator suggested in this paper is to add an annular metal sheet coated with high temperature vulcanisation HTV silicone rubber SIR at the base of the traditional ceramic insulator cap.
    以普通瓷质绝缘子为基础,并充分利用硅橡胶材料优良的防污性能,提出了一种新型绝缘子的设计方法,其主要措施是在普通瓷质绝缘子的铁帽中部加装了一个表面被覆高温硫化硅橡胶 HTVSIR 的金属环片。
  18. Section, tubular pipe frame work, mild steel sheet/stainless steel top, supplied with lihotomy poles, mounted on rubber feet, epoxy coated finish.
  19. The servicelife of CuCrGr electrode With TiC coating(1200 Welds) was 2.4 times of that of uncoated CuCrGr electrode (500 welds). The reason of the TiC coating can increase e1e-trode service life is because that the TiC particles contained in the coating deposits could stop local welding between the electrode tip surface and zinc coated sheet steel and decreased alloying between electrode and zinc on zinc coated steel during resistance spot welding zinc coated steel.
  20. The color coated steel sheet is a new kind of steel product developed in 80 s.

coated sheet 单语例句

  1. Luoyuan Yuxing Color Coated Sheet Co Ltd started its second product line in the first phase.
  2. The Yuxing color coated sheet program belongs to the metallurgical deep processing project.

coated sheet

un. 镀层薄板;覆层薄板
[网络] 涂层薄扳;涂层板;涂层薄板
coated sheet


bit: 侧重指微小,一点点,小碎片。
scrap: 侧重指废弃的零碎之物。
slice: 多指切得很薄的一片食物。
fragment: 指破裂的,不完整的,不可完整的碎片。
sheet: 侧重指平整很薄的一张或一片。
piece: 最普通用词,多指从整体上分割下来的东西,可大可小。