coarse sludge是什么意思 coarse sludge在线中文翻译

coarse sludge

coarse sludge 双语例句

  1. The effect of dosage of fly ash including coarse and fine as well as powered lime on sludge dewatering was analysed through the determination of sludge specific resistance and moisture content of the cake.
  2. The main structure works: coarse grid upgrade sewage pumping station swirl of fine grid Grit Chamber biochemical pool blower between the increase in drug sludge dewatering between ultraviolet disinfection drainage.
  3. Through the wastewater quality and quantity of careful analysis, and access to relevant information, mainly SBR method, also known as sequencing batch reactor, or SBR, the advantages of this method are: the process is simple and cost-effective, flexible operation, a high level of automation management, easier to control, and a small amount of sludge produced, easily sludge bulking, The sewage plant effluent quality BOD5 = 20 mg/L, SS = 20 mg/L, 2 emissions up to state standards, the process flow diagram: influent pumping station coarse grid of fine grid Grit Chamber SBR aeration tank effluent sludge dewatering progressed between sludge thickening tank

coarse sludge

coarse sludge


gross: 语气强烈,指粗鲁、无礼貌,令人讨厌。
crude: 与vulgar同义,也指言谈举止粗俗,不文雅,缺乏教养。
coarse: 指缺乏教养,言谈粗俗,举止粗野,可与vulgar换用。
vulgar: 侧重指对听者的冒犯,往往强调粗野,言行、趣味不高,缺乏教养。

rude: 指加工粗糙、不精细。也指某人的言行举止粗鲁无礼,缺乏修养。
crude: 主要指未经加工处理尚处于自然状态的物质;也可指人的言行粗鲁。
harsh: 指外表、性质、声音的粗糙、刺耳、刺目,强调使人不愉快的粗糙感。
rough: 普通用词,指某物纹理不精细,或表面凹凸不平,不光滑。
coarse: 指某物质地粗糙低劣或编织、加工等不精细、精巧。也指人的言谈举止粗鲁,不文雅。