close bed是什么意思 close bed在线中文翻译

close bed

close bed 双语例句

  1. I remember climbing in the bed on my father's side and snuggling close to his arm.
  2. The anatomy relationship of venae hepaticae intermediae and its branches on gallbladder bed were analysed, which could be the reference during the LC. Results:For 112 patients suffered from inatrophic cholecystitis and cholecystolithiasis, whose gallbladders were decoherence directdly from ectoptygma muscular coat close to the gallbladder wall.
  3. My son was looking after me tonight, and she slept quietly on the camp-bed close to a wall.
  4. When choosing a night stand or a baby dresser from the baby gift registry, make sure that the color of the night stand intermingles with the color of the room and is also close to its bed and changing table.
  5. Johnathan, Bub`s long dead angel father appeared to them both and told Bub that HIS HOLINESS had another job for him savin some old man from burning up in his cabin cause he done moved his bed too close to the fire, so Bub told Miss Huneysuckel to wait right there for him and he`d be back in a little speck of time to help her get on home.
  6. At the same time, Ditan hospital nurses I know Mr. summary from the bed with the door close, and therefore should be careful when opening the door to leave.
  7. But I know, I am close old mother of 80 years old, her survive can be spent on the bed only.
  8. As I drop to my knees by her bed at night, she talks to Jesus, and I close my
  9. He remembered the room where they lived, a dark, close-smelling room that seemed half filled by a bed with a white counterpane
  10. Last week when I saw him suffering from the heat, I offered to give him a bath. Father shook his head and hand showing he didn't want to. I still asked mother to boil some water. I put father in the shower basin and held him from the back so he could lie in my arms. My wife carefully bathed him from head to toe. When I carried him to the bed, father held my head close to his chest with the only one arm he could move, my face next to his. Tears came out of his drying eyes.
  11. Your husband yell out of the window, and the van instead of turning away, move close to you, bump the tires on the curb, scratch the fence, and even run over the flower bed by the roadside, just to test if your husband will come out.
    你 丈夫冲着窗外大声喊叫,但卡车非但没撤走,反而向你开过来,轮胎轧上了路肩石,碾烂了栅栏,甚至已经开进了路边的花坛,而这一切只是为了试试看你丈夫会不会出来。
  12. The traction bed was used in the operation, and close reduction and fixation was performed with assistance of C-arm X-ray machine.
  13. Without giving himself time to reconsider his decision, and, indeed, that he might not allow his thoughts to be distracted from his desperate resolution, he bent over the appalling shroud, opened it with the knife which Faria had made, drew the corpse from the sack, and bore it along the tunnel to his own chamber, laid it on his couch, tied around its head the rag he wore at night around his own, covered it with his counterpane, once again kissed the ice-cold brow, and tried vainly to close the resisting eyes, which glared horribly, turned the head towards the wall, so that the jailer might, when he brought the evening meal, believe that he was asleep, as was his frequent custom; entered the tunnel again, drew the bed against the wall, returned to the other cell, took from the hiding-place the needle and thread, flung off his rags, that they might feel only naked flesh beneath the coarse canvas, and getting inside the sack, placed himself in the posture in which the dead body had been laid, and sewed up the mouth of the sack from the inside.
  14. Will nurse now process and experience report are as follows, consult in order to offer broad colleague. 1 nurse 2003-2007 of case of illness year, this academy shares 23 patients to accompany hair bedsore, age 45~81 year old, among them male 14, female 19 happen before 9; courtyard, erupt simultaneously inside the courtyard blood-vessel of 4; head is accident patient 17, patient of femur neck fracture 4, handkerchief gold family name solicits a patient integratedly 1, the whole body with most bedsore of a; has qualitative patient of evil fluid of terminal cancer of the stomach ten place, only place area is the largest amount to 8 Cm of 8 Cm ×, fester rate is the latest already produced fester sex to musculature necrotic. 2 nurse 1 article of 2 · prepares the method beautiful treasure is wet burn creams 1, the alexipharmic French chalk that contains borneol is bowl of right amount, physiological saline tampon, forceps, cure, curved dish, autograph of fluid of disinfection of iodic bend over, cotton, gauze, adhesive plaster, bumf, towel, washbasin. 2 · 2 operations measure 2 · of 2 · 1 wash one's hands, carry guaze mask, use content together to place cure fully push on the car to the bed by, make good explanation work to patient or its family member, obtain cooperation. 2 · of 2 · 2 close good door window, when necessary screen keep out, help patient takes appropriate position, reveal affected part, underlay bumf.
    现将护理过程及心得报告如下,以供广大同仁参考。1护理病例2003-2007年,本院共有23例患者伴发褥疮,年龄45~81岁,其中男14例,女9例;院前发生19例,院内并发4例;脑血管意外患者17例,股骨颈骨折患者4例,帕金氏综合征患者1例,晚期胃癌恶液质患者1例;褥疮最多的全身有十几处,单处面积最大的达8 cm×8 cm,溃烂程度最深的已至肌肉组织并发生化脓性坏死。2护理方法2·1物品预备美宝湿润烧伤膏1支、含冰片的消毒滑石粉适量、生理盐水棉球、镊子、治疗碗、弯盘、碘伏消毒液、棉签、纱布、胶布、卫生纸、毛巾、脸盆、42℃温开水半盆。2·2操作步骤2·2·1洗手,带口罩,备齐用物放置治疗车上推至床旁,向患者或其家属作好解释工作,取得合作。2·2·2关好门窗,必要时屏风遮挡,帮助患者取适宜体位,暴露患处,下垫卫生纸。
  15. There is a tool chest under the bed close to the wall.
  16. I think that the normal, to do the mother is more careful, some of your baby before going to bed will turn to turn to the irritating kind, the performance of the different, if the baby grasping ears, pulling hair, blubber, or adults, pregnant Lane乱窜, or bitten by something, to do these movements when the baby will pay close attention to his hands, but with the growth of your baby, your baby will gradually change, I do not know your baby`s eating habits and daily routine habit, so bad that all of a sudden, like you said this is the case, is the baby`s habits differ, she consider such fun, so easy to fall asleep, or her annoying attitude you have uncomfortable, the reasons for poor sleep, and I think it should be normal, need not be too to worry too much, or you go into further detail about your baby`s eating habits and daily routine no matter how good I used to for analysis.
  17. English: The artificial bird placed on a silk cushion close to the emperor`s bed.
  18. Do not ever place the child`s crib or bed too close or in front of a window for safety reasons.
  19. ABSTRACT In this work, the experiments were made in reduction of concentrate respectively in a horizontal tubular oven and quarz tubular fluidized-bed, and the microstructure of reduced samples was analyzed with a raster electron microscope. The experimental results indicate that there is a close relationship between the morphology of separated iron and sticking behaviour.
  20. He told her he taking care of daily skincare too. How's lucky she was.. You should see me on that day, when I have mask and wait for 15 minutes, I was thinking of he's here, laying like me, having mask same like me(I told her I like to have same like him and they have 2 different services) in this room I've got gooshbumps and feels so close to him, like munn said same bed with him hee hee.

close bed 单语例句

  1. A heater close to the bed had burnt the quilt covering Yang as she slept.

close bed

close bed


conclude: 正式用词,多指以某事或活动达到预期目的而告终。
finish: 与complete基本同义,着重圆满地结束或完成已着手的事。
accomplish: 正式用词,强调一个过程的完成;也可指依靠努力达到一定目的,或取得一定的结果。
terminate: 强调有一个空间和时间的限度,届时必须终止。书面语用词。
complete: 侧重指完成预定的任务或使某事完善,补足缺少的部分等。
end: 最普通用词,着重事情的完成。也指某种活动因达到目的而自然结束或由于某种原因而突然中止。
close: 普通用词,着重行为的终止或结束,不强调其目的。

shut: 着重关闭的动作、过程和方式手段。
slam: 象声词,指“砰的关上”,或用力关上。
close: 较多地用于正式或庄重的文体中,如关闭铁路、公路以及其它交通渠道,要用close。

near: 语气弱于close,也指时间或空间上的接近,但无“紧接,接触”的含义。
nearby: 指距离上很近,近在咫尺。
close: 语气强于near。指时间、地点或程度方面的接近,有紧靠、相邻的意味。

closely: 紧紧地,紧密地 closely connected,
close: 接近,靠近, stand close

familiar: 通常指因长期交往而彼此很熟悉,像自家人一样。
intimate: 语气强烈,指感情或思想融洽、相互知心,彼此关系亲密。
confidential: 指相互之间可推心置腹、彼此信赖。
close: 语气较强,指兴趣爱好相同,因而关系密切,感情深笃。