climatic year是什么意思 climatic year在线中文翻译

climatic year

climatic year 双语例句

  1. The spatial-temporal distribution of NPP along NECT and its response to climatic change were also analyzed. Results showed that the change tendency of NPP spatial distribution in NECT is quite similar to that of precipitation and their spatial correlation coefficient is up to 0.84 (P.01). The inter-annual variation of NPP in NECT is mainly affected by the change of the aestival NPP every year, which accounts for 67.6% of the inter-annual increase in NPP and their spatial correlation coefficient is 0.95 (P.01). The NPP in NECT is mainly cumulated between May and September, which accounts for 89.8% of the annual NPP. The NPP in summer accounts for 65.9% of the annual NPP and is the lowest in winter. Recent climate changes have enhanced plant growth in NECT. The mean NPP increased 14.3% from 1980s to 1990s. The inter-annual linear trend of NPP is 4.6 gCm^(-2)a^(-1), and the relative trend is 1.17%, which owns mainly to the increasing temperature.
    结果表明:(1)NECT样带植被NPP的空间变化趋势同降水量的空间变化十分相似,由东到西逐渐降低,二者在空间上的相关性达到了0.84 (P.01),说明NECT样带的植被NPP在空间分布上主要受水分趋动:(2)NECT样带植被NPP的年际变化主要是由各年份夏季NPP的变化造成的,夏季对NECT样带植被NPP的年际增长贡献率最大(67.6%),二者之间的相关性达到了0.95 (P.01);(3)NECT样带的植被NPP积累期主要发生在5-9月份,这5个月的NPP占了全年NPP总量的89.8%,整个夏季(6-8月份)的NPP占了全年的65.9%,冬季(12-2月份)的NPP最低,基本为0;(4)近19年来的气候变化促进了NECT样带的植被生长,从1980年代到1990年代,NPP显著增加,年代际相对增长率为14.3%,平均年际绝对增长趋势为4.6 gCm^(-2)a^(-1),相对增长趋势为1.17%,这主要是由温度升高引起的。
  2. The spatial-temporal distribution of NPP along NECT and its response to climatic change were also analyzed. Results showed that the change tendency of NPP spatial distribution in NECT is quite similar to that of precipitation and their spatial correlation coefficient is up to 0.84 (P 0.01). The inter-annual variation of NPP in NECT is mainly affected by the change of the aestival NPP every year, which accounts for 67.6% of the inter-annual increase in NPP and their spatial correlation coefficient is 0.95 (P 0.01). The NPP in NECT is mainly cumulated between May and September, which accounts for 89.8% of the annual NPP. The NPP in summer accounts for 65.9% of the annual NPP and is the lowest in winter. Recent climate changes have enhanced plant growth in NECT. The mean NPP increased 14.3% from 1980s to 1990s. The inter-annual linear trend of NPP is 4.6 gC·m-2·a-1, and the relative trend is 1.17%, which owns mainly to the increasing temperature.
    结果表明:(1)NECT样带植被NPP的空间变化趋势同降水量的空间变化十分相似,由东到西逐渐降低,二者在空间上的相关性达到了0.84(P《0.01),说明NECT样带的植被NPP在空间分布上主要受水分趋动;(2)NECT样带植被NPP的年际变化主要是由各年份夏季NPP的变化造成的,夏季对NECT样带植被NPP的年际增长贡献率最大(67.6%),二者之间的相关性达到了0.95(P《0.01);(3)NECT样带的植被NPP积累期主要发生在5-9月份,这5个月的NPP占了全年NPP总量的89.8%,整个夏季(6-8月份)的NPP占了全年的65.9%,冬季(12-2月份)的NPP最低,基本为0;(4)近19年来的气候变化促进了NECT样带的植被生长,从1980年代到1990年代,NPP显著增加,年代际相对增长率为14.3%,平均年际绝对增长趋势为4.6 gCm-2(a-1,相对增长趋势为1.17%,这主要是由温度升高引起的。
  3. The milk yield records of Holstein cows on the Bayi and Wuchang da iry farms from 1995 to 1999 in Wuhan were collected and adjusted to standard lac t ation length of 305 days. One year was divided into three seasons considering th e special climatic characteristics of Wuhan.
    收集了武汉市牛奶公司八一奶牛场和武昌奶牛场的1995~1999年的产奶量数据,在进行305 d产奶量校正后,采用动物模型BLUP原理和相应的计算机软件对数据进行了统计分析。
  4. The successive three-year wheat summer sowing test from 1999-2001 reveals that the climatic and ecological condition from August to the beginning of November in the west suburb, Jingzhou city in chinese Jianghan plain meets the meets of wheat soming.
  5. 3When an above-normal (below-normal) winter TFSE happens, less ASE usually be seen over most northern Eurasia in November last year, but more ASE can be seen only in some European regions in February current year, which indicates that European winter AFSE may play an important role for climatic effects of winter TFSE.(4)As expected, three East Asian planetary scale circulation systems found to associate with winter TFSE.
  6. By comparison with previous studies, I investigated the 22-year changes in interspecific association of the climatic climax vegetation in Dinghushan, Guangdong, China.
  7. Company said that this year, the Fujian Refining and Ethylene Project construction to withstand the rainy season, typhoons, and other climatic factors as well as the cause overloaded with a large number of domestic and foreign manufacturing equipment and materials, and other adverse effects on the delivery lag.
  8. The 250 mm isohyet is used as the climatic boundary line between arid and semiarid region and it shifts at a maximum distance of 110-130 km during the extreme dry and wet year.
  9. Because temperature and precipitation have strong correlation in China (the correlation coefficient is about 0.77), so the author uses two kind of methods, one is Pearson correlation, and the other is partial correlation. The findings are:(1)The partial correlation is the better method than Pearson correlation; (2)The year-average temperature is an important climatic factor on influencing the carbon storage of soil. The correlation differ greatly in three cases: temperature0 degree, 1020 degree.(3)The correlation of non-agricultural soil carbon storage with climate factors is better than agricultural soil's. This means that carbon storage in agricultural soil is less influenced by natural climate factors due to the human management.
  10. However, because of geological and climatic conditions, the Qinghai-Tibet Highway is the only one road which is open year-round.
  11. One year was divided into three seasons considering the special climatic characteristics of China.
  12. The climatic trend demonstrated by changes of the lakes in Xinjiang since recent year.
  13. This article mainly used 1971~2000 year-climate material to carry on the detailed analysis to Liaoning Province agriculture climatic resource present situation, and has carried on the discontinuity examination.
  14. Triangle Hill warm and humid climatic conditions and abundance of fertile soil conditions of the formation of a rich vegetation, the distribution of garden plants is 496 Section 138 of more than 1100 kinds, constitute a rich aesthetic landscape of forest resources, showing a quarter of the alternating phase and sex change, all year round with the quarter for King, beautiful spring, Baicao Zheng-chun, Yamahana brilliant, scene of prosperity, Cui Zhu Qing-Song; summer season, breezy and pleasant weather, home this summer, this music extremely Ho; autumn, Yushu Qionghua, Hongtoushan here, visitors now, relaxed and happy; winter season, snow, Yushu Qionghua, this赏雪, increasingly the North.
  15. This area occupies the subtropics monsoon plateau peak climatic province the edge, in the piedmont is growing a lot of year spruce, the pine and cypress, the forest covering the entire field, ancient wooden towering.
    这个 地区处在亚热带季风高原高峰气候区域的边缘,山麓中生长着千百年的云杉、松柏,成林蔽野,古木参天。
  16. The year guarantees the jade to occupy the subtropics monsoon plateau peak climatic province the edge, in the piedmont grows is doing hundred year spruce, the pine and cypress, the forest covering the entire field, ancient wooden towering.
  17. Base on the surface mass accumulation data in year of 1987/88, both distribution and variability of annual mass balance on Mizuho Plateau have been discussed. The authors also studied how they were influenced by means of shortterm climatic and topographical variations.
  18. According to the seasonal aridity index. Fujian climate has been divided into six climatic patterns in humidity: humid throughout the year, dry in summer-autumn winter, dry in autumn-winter, dry in summer-autumn, dry in summer, and dry in autumn.
  19. Because of the warm climatic conditions, which suitable for vegetation to grow, mountains are covered by year-round dense vegetation; bring quiet, simple, inoffensive aesthetic sense.
  20. The year's harvest of 2004 is considered an abundant year by analyzing the agricultural climatic condition including light, temperature and precipitation in growth period of grain and oil crops, growth situation of crops and occurrence of meteorological disaster.

climatic year

n. 气候年
climatic year