class rank是什么意思 class rank在线中文翻译

class rank

class rank 双语例句

  1. I have been in school during the National Computer Rank Examination certificates Guangxi Regional level English class B certificates. Mandarin Proficiency Test II B certificates and the excellent results obtained in the department.
  2. However, trading of population and the idea of status rank still existed, so the maids still had not been regard as the humble social class.
  3. The sharp race antinomy, rank antinomy and the antinomy inner the ruling class all filled with various confusions in this historic stage.
  4. Results as follow: 1. Rank of organizational commitment of first class collegiate volleyball team players were: team identify, hard intention.
  5. In this paper, we use Constant Rank Theorem to give some convexity results for a class of...
  6. Issued what be used to after the class to see mean amount today, the flow-rate ratio that discovers this keyword comes to yellow stone house property is older, baidu looks to rank regression as expected on the 2nd.
  7. The friend that wants to be English Seo to rank hard with those today shares my individual view, wanting to rely on Seo to do Google to profiteer above all, not be of course cannot, successful nevertheless odds is very small, so you had better think how other train of thought uses Seo to make money, do truly doing a net to earn lunar income to pass the person of 10 thousand is again him EMU(also once had studied the net earns for some time, had contacted income of a few months the net of 1 million class earns past master) I never had wanted to rely on Gg the main income source as oneself, a few just are hanged on the station that he do not sell a product again, a month comes down to also have the income of nearly 1000 U. S. dollors.
  8. The friend that wants to be English Seo to rank hard with those today shares my individual view, wanting to rely on Seo to do Google to profiteer above all, not be of course cannot, successful nevertheless odds is very small, so you had better think how other train of thought uses Seo to make money, do truly doing a net to earn lunar income to pass the person of 10 thousand is again him EMU(also once had studied the net earns for some time, had contacted income of a few months the net of 1 million class earns past master) I never had wanted to rely on Gg the main income source as oneself, a few just are hanged on the station that he do not sell a product again, a month comes down to also have the income of nearly
  9. What made us getting into the rank of so-called middle class people in Australia this new world?
  10. Divide this beyond, the expert still points out, 2008, as in the rank in Internet the killer class of the 4th applies, search engine already had 203 million user.
  11. The building, the beams and columns section size, have been calculated and verified with the design requirements were used cast-in-place reinforced concrete, HPB235 reinforced models using class rank and HRB335, based artificial bored piles, single-pile
  12. She has the reputation of being remarkably sensible and clever; but I rather believe she derives part of her abilities from her rank and fortune, part from her authoritative manner, and the rest from the pride of her nephew, who chooses that every one connected with him should have an understanding of the first class.
  13. Securities issued with a pari passu clause rank equally with existing securities of the same class.
  14. First, please understand that there is no required minimum standardized test score or class rank.
  15. The article uses multiple regression statistics to analyze the past settlement academic achievement, proposes a calculation method that prorates the high school entrance examination results and the results of class sorting examination organized by the school so as to provide the basis for future calculation of the settlement academic achievement, bring it closer to the real student academic level; makes full use of the historical result data of the tests that students participated, traces and analyzes the experience of our students` growth, gives full play to the advantage of small class management mode in the large classes of our school, guides students to actively summarize their own academic achievement so as to search appropriate learning methods suitable for themselves and help them develop good learning psychology quality; In addition this article uses RANK function to analyze the balance of students` terminative academic achievement, uses Radar Chart, combined with the graphic illustration of the median and hundreds'digit to analyze students` terminative academic achievement, on the one hand to guide students to focus on their overall academic development, on the other hand, to provide students with the basis for choosing arts or science subjects during entering senior two of the high school from senior one; the article provides an easy-to-operate EXCEL template to facilitate teachers to gather the information about the diagnostic academic achievement in usual schoolwork and unit tests, so that forms a timely and precise feedback link, thereby facilitating teachers to master timely the learning conditions of the students, and adjust teaching objectives and teaching strategies based on the practical situation of the students, so as to better complete the teaching tasks.
  16. Dr. eye: So in order to rank this highlight while pursuing the integration of the examination, I set up for the sample with the basic teaching building of our school and professional class, consult the materials of various fields, consult the information of various fields, develop a set of examinations and rank the system.
  17. This rapid I would rank as a Class 2+ if you get there and the waterlevel is still low from the dam release. If you arrive and the waterlevel is high, then it might be a Class 3 rapid.
  18. Differentiating with class idea the socialistic a group of people of same interest of the crowd, the rank transcends a nation, the nation is maintained be about to be in the in building a course die out of communistic society.
  19. Our corporation owns more than 1500 senior executives and special technicians, among them there are 84 first-class project managers, 127 secondary project managers, 98 persons with senior professional title, 461 persons with academic title of middle rank and 621 persons with junior professional title. It holds a large number of professional labor teams and skilled persons.
    公司拥有中高级经营管理人员和各类专业技术人员1500多人,其中一级项目经理 84人、二级项目经理127人,高级职称98人、中级职称461人、初级职称621人;拥有一大批长期合作的专业劳务队伍和技能型人才。
  20. The weight that increases a website is eventually class target is not learn in order to rank as Seo eventually class target.

class rank 单语例句

  1. Plagiarism is another form of dishonesty that has percolated from the rank and file to the most elite class.
  2. The quality and quantity of its rare books rank it in the same class as the Library of Congress in Washington DC.

class rank

class rank


rank: 指人在社会中的地位或等级,尤指军队中的军衔。
degree: 指程度、范围不同,社会地位的高低。也可指形容词或副词的级。
grade: 指按地位或优劣划分的等级,既可指人又可指物。
class: 含义广泛,指人或物按优劣划分的等级,也指学校中的年级或班级。

queue: 指人们为做某事而有顺序排成的队,在等的过程中不断向前移动。
rank: 和file常为军事用语,前者指肩并肩排列整齐的士兵横排,后者指纵队。
line: 指人或物排成的行列。
row: 指单独的一列,也可指平行的数行中的一行,而不论是横或纵。

category: 书面用词,特指有确切定义的群体。
sort: 普通用词,文体较kind随便,指对人或对事物进行的大概分类,有时含贬义。
species: 书面用词,单复数同形。指生物分类上的种。
classification: 指根据已经确定的类型对某一实物作鉴别和归类。
class: 正式用词,指门类、种类或优劣等级;用于指动植物的分类时,表示“纲”。
type: 指客观界限比较清楚,有相同本质特点的同类事物,或指大致相似的同类事物。
variety: 强调有各自的特点,形式不同,品质不同的种类。
kind: 指性质相同,而且特征很相似,足以归为一类的人或东西。

course: 指在一段时间内教完或学完的完整的课程。
lesson: 主要指教材中的一课或每次授课的单位时间。
lecture: 指讲课。
class: 从“班级”引申指学生在一起上课,还可表示“(一节)课”。