clamping cap是什么意思 clamping cap在线中文翻译

clamping cap

clamping cap 双语例句

  1. Labeling process is in line with the COTS and squeege formed the COTS guaranteed cutan, when the charts after gelatinize cots and when you turn the subject box of the front end to scroll in the form of stick out a label; with a label of panels continue to campaign, 张合 by 揭标-揭标 e-? ·|-clamping of the label side margin was off, when the then standard barrel go to one side of the bearing bottle turntable with Mark intracavernous when the aluminum foil on the bottle labels; at the same time the label of the bottle with the cap bottles go taiqian line also with the pallet for the 90-degree rotation, across the brushlelss label group label is brushlelss; the last high school marching to starred on the head part of applanation.
  2. The instrument is equipped with pressure monitors, peak keep records and peak cap setting, can replace rubber diaphragm, manual clamping device.
  3. The utility model relates to a door-handle component capable of changing rotation directions, comprising a handle, a cover cap, a spring, and a clamping ring.

clamping cap

clamping cap


cap: 指无边的便帽,呀表示职业的帽子,如运动帽、军帽等。
hat: 指有边的帽子,尤指礼帽。