chequers是什么意思 chequers在线中文翻译


Chequers 网络解释

  1. 首相别墅
    ...chequer 西洋跳棋 | Chequers 首相别墅 | Cher 谢尔河...
  2. 方格
    ...Crew neck 圆式紧身领 | Chequers 方格 | Chest 胸围...
  3. 革质碎裂花纹座盘
    ...皮质咖啡色相框 Twos Company; | 革质碎裂花纹座盘 Chequers; | 奥斯固花瓶 Sasaki;...

Chequers 双语例句

  1. I was very glad to convene them all together one afternoon at Chequers.
  2. Happy the man who sees a God employed in all the good and ill that chequers life.
  3. I was very glad to convene em all together one afternoon at Chequers.
  4. I wouldn't worry if I never returned to all those places - Downing Street, Chequers...
  5. After the event, my family flew to England to stay with the Blairs at Chequers and listen to Al Gore give his concession speech.
  6. The following account of this Sunday at Chequers by my Private Secretary, Mr.
  7. But Mr Cameron also became a close friend of Rebekah Brooks, another former editor of the Sunday tabloid, sharing Christmas dinners with her and inviting her on three separate occasions for weekends at his chequers country retreat.
  8. Heading 7804 applies, inter alia, to plates, sheets, strip and foil with patterns (for example, grooves, ribs, chequers, tears, buttons, lozenges) and to such products which have been perforated, corrugated, polished or coated, provided that they do not thereby assume the character of articles or products of other headings.
    项目7804 适用於具有花纹图案(例如槽纹、棱纹、方格图纹、泪纹、钮纹、菱形花纹)的板、片、带及箔,同时亦包括经穿孔、起瓦楞、打磨或涂层的产品,但以这些产品不会具有其他项目内所列制品或产品的特性为限。

Chequers 单语例句

  1. Blair's wife Cherie is a strong Catholic and he regularly attends Mass with her and their children at the prime minister's country residence in Chequers.

Chequers ['tʃekəz]

n. 西洋跳棋
n one of the flat round pieces used in playing the game of checkers
v mark into squares or draw squares on; draw crossed lines on
v variegate with different colors, shades, or patterns