chekiang是什么意思 chekiang在线中文翻译

Chekiang 英 [ˈtʃeˈkjæŋ] 美 [ˈtʃʌˈkjɑŋ, ˈdʒəˈɡjɑŋ]

Chekiang 网络解释

  1. 浙江
    ...天台宗 (T'ien-t'ai Sect) 这一名称借用浙江 (Chekiang) 一座山的山名. 其创始人智顗 (Chih-yi)(逝于公元 597 年)试图综合各种佛教教义. 据信每一种教义都反映了真理的一方面,而只有<<妙法莲华经>>(Lotus Sutra,法华经)才揭示了终极真理....
  2. 浙江(以钱塘江别称因名)
    ...-Yangchow-扬州 | *-Chekiang-浙江(以钱塘江别称因名) | -Hangchow-杭州...

Chekiang 双语例句

  1. This dissertation investigates the institutional changes of the bank and its predecessors, and explores the changes and the heritages of the banking institutions with aspects such as constitution and regulation, capital structure, organization, personnel administration, business and operation, and accounting, during the complicated evolution course that from the government bank, then to the government-privat joint banks including the Chekiang Bank, the Chekiang Bank of the Repulic of China and the Chekiang Industrial Bank, and finally to the private Chekiang Industrial Bank. The author expects it could illustrate the historical development of the Chekiang Industrial Bank and its predecessors entirely and deeply.
  2. The next month, another brigade commander and another regimental commander were killed during nine days and nights of fighting at Wu-hsing in Chekiang.
  3. The lady bird beetle Ballia obscurosignata Liu is an important natural enemy of the Japanese pine bast scale Matsucoccus matsumurae Kuw., and its capacity in suppressing the scale was recently demonstrated in Hangchow district of Chekiang Province.
  4. It is no longer possible to conceal the critical situation at the front both in northern China and in Kiangsu and Chekiang Provinces, nor is there any need to do so
  5. Yesterday, a write-up of a Hong Kong magazine implied that when Eric was filming in Heng Dian, Chekiang, he often went to a hotel asking for the services of call girls.
  6. Studies on natural infection with Wuchereria malayi and the bionomics relation to climate of Anopheles HYRCANUS sinensis wied. in linhai, chekiang Province
  7. A new species of Chigger mite from Chekiang Province (family trombiculidae, genus gahrliepia, subgenus walchia)
  8. From Government Bank, Government-Private Joint Bank to Private Bank: Institutional Changes of the Chekiang Industrial Bank and Its Predecessors, 1908~1937;
  9. Descriptions of two new species and a new subspecies of Chigger Mites collected in Chekiang Province
  10. A set of measures should be devised to reward pig-raising and the experience of the Shanghua Co-operative in Chekiang Province can serve for the reference of all localities.
  11. Chekiang university library has a wide variety of books.
  12. According to Pai, this system had already been implemented in Chekiang.
  13. The Chekiang Industrial Bank was one of Chinese important private commercial banks in Modern China.
  14. Daishan Island is situated in the northeast of Chekiang province, where there are 18 great temples.
  15. Chekiang dishes are both delicious and sweet smelling, both soft and slide, clean and not greasy.
  16. Born in Chekiang Province, not far from Shanghai, Chiang reportedly claimed kinship with an ancient king of China.
  17. Annual rotation of a winter crop with the summer rice is a common agricultural practice in Chekiang province.
  18. Inspection method of raw Chekiang lamb skin for export
  19. On the relation between sexual maturation and growth of the large yellow croaker, Pseudosciaena crocea (richardson) off Chekiang
  20. In the ancient geography book Shanhai Jing (The Book of Mountains and Seas), there is an account of " Long-Leg Kingdom ". ON THE RELATION BETWEEN SEXUAL MATURATION AND GROWTH OF THE LARGE YELLOW CROAKER, PSEUDOSCIAENA CROCEA (RICHARDSON) OFF CHEKIANG

Chekiang ['tʃe'kjæŋ]

n. 浙江