catholicism是什么意思 catholicism在线中文翻译

Catholicism 英 [kə'θɒləsɪzəm] 美 [kəˈθɑlɪˌsɪzəm]

Catholicism 词典解释


Catholicism 网络解释

  1. 天主教的教义组织等
    ...cardinal 红衣主教 | Catholicism 天主教的教义组织等 | Clergyman 神职人员...
  2. 天主教的信仰
    ...天主教的papisticpapisticalpopish | 天主教的信仰Catholicism | 天主教地papistically...

Catholicism 双语例句

  1. Thus the term used at Vatican II, aggiornamento, has to some extent been realized in post-Vatican II Roman Catholicism.
    因此,使用的术语在梵蒂冈第二,aggiornamento ,已在一定程度上实现了在后,梵蒂冈第二罗马天主教。
  2. It is the period of struggle between Catholicism and Protestantism.
  3. Orthodoxy agreed with Catholicism in acknowledging seven sacraments while not insisting upon the absolute significance of the number.
  4. More importantly, South Fujian also gradually became the primary stopover station for Western missionaries entering South China and other areas, in particular the Catholic Dominicans and Franciscans, all of whom regarded the South Fujian area as a springboard for expanding missionary work along the Chinese coast, and thus caused the South Fujian area to become another gateway for Catholicism to enter China at the end of the Ming Dynasty opposite Macau.
  5. It was the dominant religion in Australia throughout the 19th and most of the 20th centuries. It has lost its demographic supremacy to Catholicism.
  6. As the 85-year-old Mr Vermes recalls, his Hungarian Jewish parents died in the Holocaust, even though the family, which was not religious, had converted to Catholicism in the 1930s.
  7. My Dear i'm sorry has been that somebody shoots off self's mouth no longer when I leave think that I am resolute right away when she appearing on you definitely is able to leave, somebody has uttered a sigh no longer shortly sighing, no more has been called suddenly greatly small aha get angry with your chaos only ask remembering my my self-willed, persist in; My Catholicism, shows solicitude.
  8. Maggie's head was spinning in a daze of ultramarine blue far removed from Catholicism or Polynesia.
  9. His deep piety, his faithful Catholicism dominated his life, even though it is rather his work that reveals true greatness of his faith and his relationship to God.
  10. The Catholic Church, backed up by its remarkable wealth, to a large extent shapes the policy-making process at all levels as well as the moral value and political orientations of over 60 million followers. However, the growth or prevailing of American Catholicism is by no means a smooth and instant one.
  11. Christianity, Catholicism, Buddhism from Tibet and Native Religion coexist here harmoniousky which is rarely seen in other areas of the world.
  12. But it may be American Catholicism that changes the most.
  13. It's very difficult to understand but Catholicism in this country is inbred.
  14. As you can see influence of catholicism is very important in Spain.
  15. Catholicism is more a way of life.
  16. Italy is a very beautiful country, some 90% person believe in Catholicism.
  17. In his research career, his devotional faith of Catholicism has profound effect to his theory.
  18. Do you believe in Christianism or Catholicism?
  19. And so my grounding in Catholicism was deep.
  20. Dorothy Day, co-founder of the Catholic Worker movement, has been called the most significant, interesting, and influential person in the history of American Catholicism.

Catholicism 单语例句

  1. He introduced Catholicism and worked as a diplomat, cartographer and translator.
  2. Chinese perceptions of Catholicism began to change after the first Opium War in 1840.
  3. He urged to continue the selection and ordination work in order to fill the vacancies of bishops and advance the development of Catholicism in China.
  4. Liu also noted that Catholicism encourages love and tolerance for others, which can help promote the building of a harmonious society in the country.
  5. Aside from the clashes between religious leaders, the clash of Catholicism with local people's beliefs is also highlighted in the book.
  6. The Spanish arrival and colonization brought Roman Catholicism to the country and became the main religion of Mexico.
  7. But those around Blair have not felt so reticent to talk about his path to Catholicism.
  8. His behaviour has influenced relatives and colleagues, many of whom have been converted to Catholicism.
  9. Guy Fawkes was Catholic, and he and his conspirators were trying to bring Catholicism back to England.
  10. You can rest assured that the spiritual heart of Catholicism knows how to do Christmas.

Catholicism [kә'θɒlisizm]

n. 天主教;天主教义
n. the beliefs and practices of a Catholic Church