carrier position是什么意思 carrier position在线中文翻译

carrier position

carrier position 双语例句

  1. Then combined with the actual situation of university, the author concluded the major behavior of university's imbalance in academic ecology including the mixed position of the academic principal part, and the dissimilation of academic carrier and the market-oriented change of academic environment. The author analyzed their effects and harms.
  2. Yam carrier 2*8 yam carries on both side of 4 guide rails, the position is controlled by program.
    换色系统 2*8组纱嘴配置在4支导轨的左右两侧,停放位置程序控制。
  3. GPS carrier-phase relative position has been an important method in the landslip monitoring because of its high precision.
  4. The disposable loading unit may have a carrier that supports a staple cartridge therein, an anvil assembly that is movably coupled to the carrier, and an axial drive assembly that is constructed to move in a distal direction from a start position to an end position through the staple cartridge in response to a drive motion imparted to the axial drive assembly from the surgical stapling apparatus.
  5. The gene of two B-cell epitope C (aa2~21) and C2 (aa33~46) within the immundominant N-terminal region of the HCV nucleocapsid was designed expressed on a chimeric protein with Flock house virus capsid protein as a carrier by inserting in the L1 position of FHV capsid protein encoding gene -RNA2 in E.
  6. The design of the device using NC Lathe CA6140 control, part of the main transmission system using AC spindle motor and graded by the pulley driven spindle gearbox, through the inverter and gearbox to achieve sub; Feed System used by stepper motor driven ball screw slowdown after campaign vertical feed system through a gear after the ball screw drive, in the horizontal feed system through two gear-driven ball screw; Tool to automatically transfer tool carrier (4-position), thus achieving automatic tool change; by MCS-51 series 8051 data to be dealt with. from the I/O interface stepper pulse output signal to control the feed rate and itineraries; In order to maintain the function of cutting thread, to the outer end of spindle or other appropriate location loaded pulse generator; Lathe will be transformed into Tailstock manually controlled electric Tailstock.
  7. The design of the device using NC Lathe CA6240 control, part of the main transmission system using AC spindle motor and graded by the pulley driven spindle gearbox, through the inverter and gearbox to achieve sub; Feed System used by stepper motor driven ball screw slowdown after campaign vertical feed system through a gear after the ball screw drive, in the horizontal feed system through two gear-driven ball screw; Tool to automatically transfer tool carrier (4-position), thus achieving automatic tool change; by MCS-51 series 8051 data to be dealt with.
  8. More profound discussion in the new theoretical framework will be offered to those previously discussed issues such as agent, patient, factitive, instrument, time; New insight will be provided into the problems existing in the previous research, such as the post-posing of agent, the syntactic representation of the instrument, and the rules of appearance and disappearance of the instrument in discourse; Specific topics are to be devoted for the first time to those semantic constituents that have ever been touched upon in the literature such as possessor, carrier, attribute, phenomenon, position, alternative participant, manner, accordance, reason; Specific topics are also dedicated to the newly-designated semantic constituents such as causee, phenomenon, undertaker, involvement, relative, comparative.
    动元是动核结构中受动核支配的必有语义成分,现代汉语句子语义结构中动元的类别和数量如下:1)主事动元,包括:施事、致事、经事、系事、起事 2)客事动元,包括:受事、使事、感事、涉事、止事、成事、位事、任事 3)与事动元,包括:当事、共事 4)补事动元——补事动核和动元构成基干的动核结构,若有状元则是扩展的动核结构,状元是语义结构中的可有语义成分,现代汉语句子语义结构中状元的类别和数量如下:1)凭事状元,包括:工具、材料、方式、依据 2)境事状元,包括:时间、处所 3)因事状元,包括:原因、目的 4)关事状元,包括:对象、范围、方面、条件 5)比事状元——比事本文不仅建构出现代汉语句子语义结构类型系统和语义结构组成成分——语义成分系统,而且构拟出了现代汉语句子语义结构和句法结构的对应关系,讨论了语义成分投射为句法成分的一般规律和语用限制。
  9. It is shown that the spectral shifts and spectral switches, which take place in Young's interference experiment, depend on the pulse width, carrier frequency, obscuration ratio and the position of field points in general.
  10. The lamps supply the information to the pilot indicating the`height and position of master of carrier under the Condition ofnight or Iow visibility when helicopter arrive the carrier.
  11. Nonliner contact analysis is applied to the contact position of carrier frame, outriggers and pins.
  12. Paper'.''carrier and typing position parallel to the typing line.
  13. Being the inevitable trend of the economic and social development, informationization shows increasingly important position and role in the economic construction and social development. As an important characteristic of modernization, urbanization is not only the common law of the economic and social development in every country, but also the strong driving force and carrier of industrialization. The level of informationization and urbanization has become the hallmark of the social and economic development in a country or a region.
  14. The category and number of arguments in the semantic structure of sentences in modem Chinese are represented as follows: 1 Subject, which is composed of agent, causer, sensor, possessor, carrier 2 Object, which is composed of patient, factitive, position, undertaker, causee, phenomenon, involvement, attribute 3 Alternative participant, which is composed of recipientlsource, collaborator 4 Complement The predicate and the argument constitute the basic predication structure, which becomes an extended predication structure in the presence of an adverbial argument, which is an optional semantic constituent in the semantic structure.
  15. Today, the dominant position with the largest Internet -- interactive, had obtained more and more approbating, online sale also was expressed taller hope: How to choose the network carrier that suits more and sale form?
  16. A method using the signal's amplitude AfAGC voltage、target's length and position information is presented to identify aircraft carrier.
  17. So as long as two missiles hit the 100, 000-ton aircraft carrier the following key position.
  18. We attribute the relationship to the large-volume effect of the arsenic precipitates defects, which may result in significant differences of carrier capturing in annealed LT-GaAs from point defects formed by anti-position AsGa.
  19. Especially in the field of military, infrared small moving target detection technology holds an important position in advanced weapon system of Occident, including forewarn system of aeroplane carrier, infrared searching and tracing system of varies airplanes, infrared imaging guidance missile and warning system of some ground military facilities.
  20. Luo Wind the first account of in the preamble, let us understand the idiom of the language of this particular phenomenon is a carrier of Chinese culture and aggregation in the world, language and culture has its prominent position.

carrier position

carrier position


position: 指对看法有分歧的问题所表示较冷静和节制的态度,常常是经认真考虑后决定的。
attitude: 普通用词,指对于事情的看法和采取的行动,多带不很显确或不便说明的感情色彩。
stand: 常指某人对某一问题的看法或立场,有时含个人感情色彩。

setting: 一般特指戏剧或小说所写的环境或场所。
site: 指或大或小的地方,既可指供专门用途或特定活动的地点,又可指某一事件的地址。
position: 多指物体相对于其他物体所处的位置或状态。
location: 指某物设置的方向或地点。
scene: 常指真实事件或虚构故事发生的地点。
locality: 指某物所处的客观位置和周围地区。
place: 含义广泛,最普通用词,既可指很小的地点,又可指很大很远的地方或场所。
situation: 指物体在其周围环境中所处的位置或状态,侧重地点或场所的环境特征。
spot: 指相对较小的特定地点或事物所在地。

position: 侧重指社会地位较高,工作较为庄重,领取工资的职位。
post: 普通用词,指人的职务,职位,岗位。
place: 指任何不分高低贵贱的职位;有时侧重指在政府、法庭所谋求的职位。
situation: 正式用词,一般指雇员或为富有人家工作所担任的职位,现多见于广告中。