buenos aires是什么意思 buenos aires在线中文翻译

Buenos Aires 英 [ˈbwenəsˈaiəriz] 美 [ˈbwenəsˈɛriz, ˈaɪrɪz, ˈbwɛˈnɔsaɪrɛs]

Buenos Aires 网络解释

  1. 布宜诺斯艾利斯[阿根廷]
    ...4、布宜诺斯艾利斯,阿根廷 (Buenos Aires) 布宜诺斯艾利斯(意为「好空气」),是阿根廷首都和政治、经济、文化中心,素有「南美巴黎」的美誉. 居民中 98%为欧洲移民后裔,因此城市布局、街道景观、生活方式、风俗习惯等方方面面都充满了浓郁的欧陆风情....
  2. 布宜诺斯艾利斯 布宜諾斯艾利斯
    ...您要找的是不是: 布宜若斯艾利斯 布宜诺斯艾利斯 布宜诺斯艾利斯(Buenos Aires) 阿根廷首都和政 阿根廷工业最发达的省,有肉类冷藏、制乳、纺织、面粉、冶金、造船、化学、石油提炼、车辆制造等工业,主...
  3. 阿根廷
    ...在阿根廷(Buenos Aires)、巴西(Rio de Janeiro)和加拿大的研究表明1/3或更多的毒品注射者至少有过一次用性来换取毒品的经历. n 流动的加强对HIV在全世界范围内的传播起到一个关键性的作用....

Buenos Aires 双语例句

  1. It soon spread to provincial towns of Argentina and across the River Plate to Montevideo, the capital of Uruguay, where it became as much a part of the urban culture as in Buenos Aires.
  2. In this dark, futuristic tale set in 2068 Buenos Aires, a motorcycle messenger is sent on a routine delivery to the TV corporation Grupo Crinal, where he unwittingly stumbles upon a truth that will change his life forever.
    在这个以2068年阿根廷首都布宜诺斯艾利斯为布景的黑暗且未来派的故事中,一个摩托车信使被例行公事地派出去电视大企业 GrupoCrinal 送物件。而在这里,他无意中发现了一个改变他一生的事实。
  3. Rather than returning straight home to his wife Rosi, he wanders through the night of Buenos Aires.
    他并没有直接回到家中妻子 Rosi 的身边,而是在夜晚的布宜诺斯艾利斯漫步。
  4. Only your presence in San Isidro, Buenos Aires through your works.
  5. At a concert in Buenos Aires in summer 2001, it was awarded the Argentine music critics'prize.
  6. Among them were Alfredo Astiz, and Jorge Acosta, officers who worked at the Naval Mechanics School, the largest detention center operated by the military in Buenos Aires and it was here that new-born babies were taken from their mothers and given for adoption to childless military couples.
    他们中包括 Alfredo Astiz,和 Jorge Acosta ,这些官员在海军机械学校工作,这里是布宜诺斯艾利斯最大的感化中心。
  7. To commenorate Argentiana`s 150th anniversary, an El Al flight would land in Buenos Aires, bearing Israel`s delegation to the festivities.
    为了纪念阿根廷建国150周年,El Al航空公司将有一架客机载着以色列代表团来参加庆典。
  8. My mom cooks in Cordoba, and sometimes also in Buenos Aires, because I bring her with me.
  9. On their 11th free clinic here, volunteers from Buenos Aires and Tucuman have brought simple medical equipment and acupuncture services to relieve the workers of their aches and soars.
  10. This capable woman ran a tourist agency in Buenos Aires, but resolutely gave up her easy lifestyle and to marry a husband who lived in the remote and destitute province of Tucuman, thousands of miles away.
  11. Nilza and Claudemir Pires de Souza, of Brazil, strike a pose during the qualifying rounds of the 7th Tango Dance World Championship in Buenos Aires, Tuesday, Aug.
  12. Further south in Santa Fe and in northern Buenos Aires, yields total 2.94 tonnes per hectare, 11% down on last year.
  13. After an incredible train journey to Salta she continues south to the capital Buenos Aires.
  14. The group, made up of Halliwell, Victoria Beckham, Emma Bunton, Melanie Brown and Melanie Chisholm, will also perform in San Jose, Los Angeles, Las Vegas, New York, Cologne, Madrid, Sydney, Cape Town and Buenos Aires.
  15. As to the big wether/temperature change between the 2 places between Buenos Aires and New York, u can easily feel by link to: http://blog. sina. com. cn/s/blog_502c63050100cbdj. html
    这一天两个城市的巨大天气差别,可以从 http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_502c63050100cbdj.html 窥见一斑。。。过瘾呀!!
  16. I continued meditation on my own until I joined a group at a Buddhist monastery in Buenos Aires.
  17. When I was in Sao Paulo, I used to travel every week to Buenos Aires as it was only a couple of hours away by plane.
  18. There was, however, one surprise winner in Buenos Aires City which could counteract the Unión Pro`s conservatism.
    不过,布宜诺斯艾利斯市一个令人惊讶的获胜者可能抵消Unión Pro 的保守倾向。
  19. In 1967 a novel called Cien Anos de Soledad was published in Buenos Aires and began winning international acclaim for a Colombian journalist named Gabriel Garcia Mdrquez.
    1967年,一本名为 Cien Anos de Soledad的小说在布宜诺斯艾利斯出版,并由此而使一个名叫加布瑞尔-加西亚-马奎兹的哥伦比亚新闻记者名扬海外。
  20. He got the emergency committee to ban the general secretary from talking to the press and ordered Urs Linsi to stop reporting to Zen-Ruffinen and instead report to finance committee chairman Julio Grondona who told a Buenos Aires radio station, `Zen-Ruffinen isn`t fit to run a troop of boy scouts.

Buenos Aires 单语例句

  1. Buenos Aires Mayor Mauricio Macri has said he does not plan to challenge the ruling.
  2. Five former municipal officials have been charged with manslaughter in connection with the December 2004 nightclub fire in Buenos Aires that claimed 193 lives.
  3. " The Day an Angel Came to Buenos Aires " is a dance drama performed by Argentine artists.
  4. Buenos Aires authorities said that the deadly accident occurred on national route 7, and the two vehicles involved were traveling on opposite directions.
  5. Argentina is seeking his extradition in connection with the bombing of a Jewish centre in Buenos Aires in 1994 which killed 85 people.
  6. The Superclasico in Buenos Aires between two of the country's most popular and successful clubs, is the biggest fixture on the Argentine soccer calendar.
  7. Maradona said he planned to stay in Buenos Aires for another week and travel to Cuba and Italy afterward.
  8. Argentina froze its diplomatic ties with Iran after a bomb attack at a Jewish cultural center in Buenos Aires in 1994 that killed 85 people.
  9. Tehran denies any involvement in the Buenos Aires bombing and withdrew its ambassador from Argentina soon after the 1994 attack to protest against the allegation.
  10. The Day an Angel Came to Buenos Aires is a Tango dance drama by Argentine artists.

Buenos Aires ['bwenәs'aiәriz]

n. 布宜诺斯艾利斯;【城】布宜诺斯艾利斯
[网络] 阿根廷;阿根廷布宜诺斯艾利斯;首都布宜诺斯艾利斯
Buenos Aires