bow gun是什么意思 bow gun在线中文翻译

bow gun

bow gun 双语例句

  1. Same as 3. Bow is faster and less damage, gun is stronger and a bit slower.
  2. But I was not content with this Discovery; but having now more Courage, and consequently more Curiosity, I takes my Man Friday with me, giving him the Sword in his Hand, with the Bow and Arrows at his Back, which I found he could use very dextrously, making him carry one Gun for me, and I two for my self, and away we march'd to the Place, where these Creatures had been; for I had a Mind now to get some fuller Intelligence of them: When I came to the Place, my very Blood ran chill in my Veins, and my Heart sunk within me, at the Horror of the Spectacle: indeed it was a dreadful Sight, at least it was so to me; though Friday made nothing of it: The Place was cover'd with humane Bones, the Ground dy'd with their Blood, great Pieces of Flesh left here and there, half eaten, mangl'd and scorch'd; and in short, all the Tokens of the triumphant Feast they had been making there, after a Victory over their Enemies; I saw three Skulls, five Hands, and the Bones of three or four Legs and Feet, and abundance of other Parts of the Bodies; and Friday, by his Signs, made me under stand, that they brought over four Prisoners to feast upon; that three of them were eaten up, and that he, pointing to himself, was the fourth: That there had been a great Battle between them, and their next King, whose Subjects it seems he had been one of; and that they had taken a great Number of Prisoners, all which were carry'd to several Places by those that had taken them in the Fight, in order to feast upon them, as was done here by these Wretches upon those they brought hither.
  3. Stoneskin is invaluable for up close encounters and I like gun better than bow.
  4. The soldier of one of his battleship material bow and arrow, sling and light Biao gun, pull Xu thou of the guarder rushed through city go to, then pass on the battleship of offend city machine, make the soldier blunt to pull into the Xu thou.
  5. It could either be an altern to the gun/bow/crosssbow or someth thei us for short-rang attacks.
  6. Handy if you want to keep a bow/gun/crossbow equipped due to better stats.
  7. Main categories: building, remote control category, electrical category, electrical category, inertia category, back to category, make jewellery, tableware, police sets, water gun type, bow and arrow type, and so on.
  8. His aim with a gun isn't as good as his aim with a bow.
  9. Ammunition: All types of gun and bow ammunition now stack to1000.All quivers and ammo pouches no longer provide haste. 15% ranged haste is now built in to Hunter Autoshot.

bow gun

bow gun


curve: 指变成曲线或弧线状的动作或状态。
crook: 指不规则的弯曲,也指按照规则或模型弯曲某物。
twist: 指通过转动、拧或扭使某物成弯曲状。
bend: 普通用词,指把某物变成曲线或角形。用于人时,指头部或身躯弯下。
bow: 指把头部或上身弯向前方的动作,也指社交中的礼节性动作。

pistol: 指手枪。
fifle: 指步枪类的枪。
gun: 系枪的通称。
cannon: 在军事上,现在gun指火炮,取代了cannon这一名词。