bill and accounts payable with terms是什么意思 bill and accounts payable with terms在线中文翻译

bill and accounts payable with terms

bill and accounts payable with terms 词典解释

形容词[经] 定期应付票据及帐款

bill and accounts payable with terms 网络解释

  1. 期付款项
    ...Bill of parcels; bill 发票 | Bill and accounts payable with terms 期付款项 | Bills and accounts receivable 期收款项...

bill and accounts payable with terms

[会计] 有条件期付款项


or: 或者,否则,常用于否定句中 I don't like apples or bananas. Hurry up or you'll miss the bus.
and: 并且,Hurry up and you'll catch the bus.

fee: (进入一个地方,如场馆、学校等)费用
bill: (用餐、电话等)账单
fare: (特指交通等)费用

condition: 通常指为实现许诺、协议、计划、合同等而订出的必须遵守或满足的作为前提的条件或要求。
terms: 指谈判或订立合同等时,一方或双方提出或同意的条件。