bedding fault是什么意思 bedding fault在线中文翻译

bedding fault

bedding fault 双语例句

  1. There are much discontinuities in rockmass, they have different, different character, different dimension and different orient. For example, bedding plane, unconformity, schistosity, fault, fissure, etc.
  2. The south-north united tectonic environment and tectonic pattern does not exist. The east-west trend thrusting Nappe structure of Majiatan and Hengshanpu can not represent the whole western margin of Ordos. The attempt to solve the regional tectonic problem with simple tectonic pattern is against the geological theory, especially in the Helan Mountain region.(2) After the geochemical data analysis of Ruqigou basalt in Helan Mountain, the article illustrates that it belongs to continental rift basalt which appeared in the late-Triassic and early middle Jurassic. Meanwhile the article states that the region is located in the rift environment of an extension background and Rudigou is located in the central part of the rift.(3) The article illustrates that the western ridge of Helan Mountain used to be on a slope and topography slowly declines from west to east after analysis and demonstrations of the distribution under XiaoSongshan bedding fault. Through comprehensive analysis of the no-strong deformation and bedding fault features, the article states that the Xiaosongshan bedding fault used to be gravity slip detachment structure and it represents the extension from the east to the west. Based on the above and analysis and demonstrations of isotope age and track datting, the article illustrates that the? characteristic of the east of the western ridge of Helan mountain being higher than the west is the result of its late tectonic reverse.(4) Through comparison between Rujigou region Mesozoic Era late Triassic period-early and middle Jurassic period deposit and that of Ordos Basin and the analysis of the late Triassic period extension and early -middle Jurassic Period deposit povenevance it sets forth that during the period, Rujigou region was part of a large deposit basin which was closer to the northern povenevance and farther from the western povenevance.
  3. Both my wife and my friend were with petticoats short but high shoes with my wife, my amjo vain by my friend with a shoe more comfortable, clear the way my wife will no longer stand the legs of both dance took me from my my friend and one of them helped, I had never felt so, then one of them told my wife that if she is bothered by the full bore for a while, she said but I can not clear or else I run a sleep here, they came in front of me, the volume loaded and continued to walk along them, while the rate is another step in his arms and told us no longer stand is small but heavy, we get home, put music and I sat in the armchair, and I felt very bad as if it were 6 pm in a single ball, I had to stop to go back to the bathroom, where saloons Samanta oy my friend told me, the better we will She will sleep well, took me to the room and got into bed as I could, I escuchava laugh escuchava the music to it and its fraces said, shirt or something, the question is that I fall asleep, I woke up and 7 in the ma; ana and left the room she was not with me, I saw my friend asleep on the couch in the living room and the house across uprising, the shoes of my wife and she pulled my shirt and wife, the fourth between my friend and my wife was naked, lying in bed all despeinada, without bedding and almoada blanket on the floor, pulled his clothes all over, I fear, I will take the bush near the bed and I put ensima and left the room, was awakened at that my friend and I wonder who told him that as seguis better, but that had happened last night, she told me we were playing and dancing, but I fell asleep on the couch she was dancing des with them because this is not anything that I said, this is totally naked on your bed and the fourth all messy, she again asked if she fell asleep when the rates were still and told me that if they were still dancing with her, my wife had an incredible energy that does not tire of dancing, I went to the bathroom; oy was in the trash thrown two condoms with toilet paper, I told him, watch this, if you ask my wife had told him of his illness and I said no, but then I said nothing, I went to ba; ar and I went to horseback riding, when it comes to those two hours were the two stand and arranged that if we could go back to the river, told them that if I do not really going to make a papelon in this house, besides if I was just my fault for having moved from Athens and drinks.
    不要问什麼,到目前为止我已经这样做,但我temos ,她是做一些夜晚,我也需要一个朋友,你是我的安慰。安理会,我的朋友:噢,我的生活,我要求道歉poderte不符合,但昨天在办公室,你无法腾出一半,但相应的手机在他的手,人在办公室,你不能交谈的自由总是天空。Q告诉我什麼是真正不幸的,但我一直都坦率地告诉你,你什麼,但我觉得受到伤害。你是我的朋友,我爱你十分,我不会撒谎。你的天堂主要责任者,是发生了什麼。和自由远远这些先生们认识到,自由和利用了ciscunstancia 。他们并不愚蠢发现敞开了大门,进入时,他们发现该设施,感谢上帝,如果他们谨慎和使用避孕套与她。想像一下,他们已经被感染。这疯狂fuistes papi.Trata这不会再发生,我们提供的经验和照顾你的妻子和你的孩子。当您不采取它如果你做到这一点,并采取行动。谁知道,如果他们给你一些属於更快,处於休眠状态。没有人知道天气不好,不应该依赖很大。您的朋友没有这麼友好,因为她知道,你的妻子被带到,并应受到保护。我们必须保护妇女和更多未知的,如果利率在某些方面。或由一个简单的事实,这是你的妻子或你的客人。我认为这不是那种你不与你的妻子。我已经发出词两个黑色shit和尊重我的房子和你的妻子。爸爸我爱你和感觉非常发生了什麼。但是事实却是胸部继续,重要的是生命。然后尝试时,您可以作出审查你的妻子。Cuidala天空,她生病了,你爱她。她的母亲,你心爱的儿子,必须保护它。我支持你!尝试将生活之美的生活,继续前进,但不认为发生了什麼。认为这是一个经验,期间。有一个朋友你agradesco你的话,我看到担心,有三种类型,如果不是实际上通过了,但让我insertidumbre的是,我的朋友已经习惯了那个地方,她知道他们非常美好,但令人担忧我最深的是:正如我所说的有三类,如果她允许他做过什麼,是非常强大,你知道第二天的河流时hibamos再次经历了在那里他们看到,我的妻子,他告诉她,这是失败的没有的朋友昨天晚上,我希望看到和问候,也许我们已陪同下进入河流,而不是她担任自然,彷佛什麼也没有发生,就我而言我还没有考虑到我觉得很不好,我在乎很多这一说法,但是也许我毁的原因不能失去我的一步,那天晚上,也许你说得对,如果当你说了什麼,她与他们,这是目前在我心中的每一个时刻。
  4. The diplog is a method for detecting the space location of the bedding and fault planes in barefoot well.
  5. After high pressure jet and wash, cement grouting, the bedding fault zone in layer C5 and fractured fault zone were tested, checked and analyzed by supersonic wave.
  6. Then the limit stability analysis method is used to calculate the stability factor of safety of the blocks cutting by the fault and bedding layers.
  7. Orebodies occur as tectonic lenses or pods equidistantly along the secondary fractured zone or bedding-parallel shear zone in a fault belt.
  8. The mechanisms summarized are as follows: 1 compressional normal stress; 2 ductile and/or viscous deformation in bedding fault since incompetent bed is susceptible to plastic flow; 3 higher li.
  9. High Pressure Jet and Wash for Bedding Fault Zone in Layer C_5 and Fractured Fault Zone
  10. According to the actual demand of project application, This text imitate such geological structure of project yardstick as fault, bedding plane and great joint etc with radial basis function neural network, and construct out the geological model figure of the three-dimension.
  11. A case history of the application of the P-wave reflection method in that area to investigate the bedding plane of bedrock, karst cave, fault and the distribution of the dissolution belt is given.

bedding fault

bedding fault


mistake: 最普通用词,泛指思想上、行为上或认识上的判断或理解方面的错误。
flaw: 指结构或组织上的缺点,如破裂之处。用作比喻意义时,指品格上的缺陷。
shortcoming: 指没有达到所要求的标准、没有充分发展或没尽到职责的不足、缺点或短处。多用复数形式。
error: 指思想或行动背离正题轨道或没有得到正确指引而出现的偏差或错误。
defect: 普通用词。指表面上的缺陷,或指人或物本质上的缺点。
slip: 指因疏忽或无意而造成的差错。
fault: 一般指小并且可宽容的缺点、错误。
blunder: 通常指由于无知或情况不明造成判断或行动上的大错。