bear a brain是什么意思 bear a brain在线中文翻译

bear a brain

bear a brain 双语例句

  1. Section 3 presents a number of other avenues of research that have been argued to bear on the innateness of language, and shows how recent empirical research about language learning and the brain may challenge the nativist position.
  2. What Use to make of the Tobacco, I knew not, as to my Distemper, or whether it was good for it or no; but I try'd several Experiments with it, as if I was resolv'd it should hit one Way or other: I first took a Piece of a Leaf, and chew'd it in my Mouth, which indeed at first almost stupify'd my Brain, the Tobacco being green and strong, and that I had not been much us'd to it; then I took some and steeped it an Hour or two in some Rum, and resolv'd to take a Dose of it when I lay down; and lastly, I burnt some upon a Pan of Coals, and held my Nose close over the Smoke of it as long as I could bear it, as well for the Heat as almost for Suffocation.
  3. " You shall eat it as a barley cake, having baked it in their sight over human dung. " Whole Sequence Analysis of Brain-derived Neurotrophic Factor Gene in Asiatic Black Bear Through Faecal Sampling
  4. Prissy had never been more than a mile away from Twelve Oaks or Tara before, and the trip on the train plus her elevation to nurse was almost more than the brain in her little black skull could bear.
  5. For example, a person who is thinking of a bear uses the same parts of the brain that light up when he or she thinks of a puppy or something else furry.

bear a brain

bear a brain


withstand: 经受,承受,指顶住外来的压力和攻势。如:They have withstood all test.(他们经受了一切考验。)
bear: 忍受,容忍,指忍受使人悲痛、烦恼或痛苦的事情。如:It is hard to bear to be laughed at.(被人取笑是难以忍受的。)
tolerate: 容忍,容许,指自我克制的态度,对于令人反感的事没有任何抗议。如:I can’t tolerate him if he goes on like that. (他如果继续这样下去的话,我决不会容忍他。)
stand: 忍受,与bear同义,但较口语化。如:She can’t stand having nothing to do.(没事干,她受不了。)
endure: 忍耐,书面语,指长时间经受痛苦而不屈服。如:It takes patience to endure hardships. 忍受苦难需要耐力。)

intellect: 侧重不受感情或意志左右的冷静思考或领悟能力。
wit: 指先天的才能、智力、意识等,隐含小聪明意味。
wisdom: 较文雅,也可指明智的言行。
mind: 使用广泛,无褒贬之意。强调诸如认识、记忆、思考、决定等的智慧功能。
brain: (多用复数brains)强调理解能力和独立的或者首创性的思维能力。
intelligence: 指处理或对付问题或情况的特殊才智;也指运用、展开智慧的能力。