be ranged against是什么意思 be ranged against在线中文翻译

be ranged against

be ranged against 双语例句

  1. Sera were collected from 119 parous cows. After screening and testing these sera with cell panel, a total of 6 kind reagents against BoLA A2, A6, A8/14, A10, A11 and A30 were typed from 16 alloantisera. The titer of antisera ranged from 2x to 8x. Besides these 16 sera, another serum which seemed to be against subtype of A30 was also obtained.
    第一种方法系采集经产母牛之血清经比对测试后,筛选出具特异性抗体之血清;以此方法共筛选 119 头经产母牛之血清,而制得 6 种标准抗血清计 16 支,分别对抗 BoLA A2、A6、A8/14、A10、A11、A30 等抗原型,此外尚制得 1 支为疑似对抗 A30 之亚型之抗血清;所得抗体力价偏低,介於 2~8 倍间。

be ranged against

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be ranged against