balance rider是什么意思 balance rider在线中文翻译

balance rider

balance rider 双语例句

  1. The goal during riding is to maintain balance of the front sub-frame as it contains most of the'essence', ie the rider mass, the drive system, the steered wheel.
  2. For those who love horses, the sight of horse and rider in perfect harmony is a thing of beauty: moving in perfect balance and grace, an effortless performance, yet energetic and fluid.
  3. For this reason they are best practiced at the halt, for the inexperienced rider, while his horse is in motion, is still coping with problems of balance as he has not yet mastered an ability to go with the horse`s movements and he tends to stiffen up when called upon to influence on one side only of the horse`s body.
  4. A To further develop and improve the balance and equilibrium of the horse, which has been more or less displaced by the additional weight of the rider.
    a 多少靠骑手体重影响,进一步发展和改善马的平衡。
  5. A rider of this particular bike type has to exhibit lots of skill and balance while riding the bike.
  6. The rider must also be placed centrally in the saddle seat to allow perfect balance, and free movement, and to maximise the bearing surface on the horse's back.
  7. Riders seat allows collection, balance, steering, forward movement and control of the horse to take place, as well as providing the rider with stability and balance when on board.
  8. The world champion motorcycle rider loses his balance while drawing the curtains in his home, trips over and falls on a glass table, cutting his hand and foot.
  9. When the beam drops down, a contact is made that causes the driving motor to move the rider in the direction that will balance the beam.
  10. The balance scales held by the rider to measure out the grain, and the very high price of the grain seem to indicate scarcity of food.

balance rider

balance rider


balance: 指支取存款的余额或减去各种开支后的尾数。
remainder: 含义较广,可指数学运算中的余数,也指从整体取走或用掉部分后的所余部分,或一群人走掉一部分剩下的人。
remains: 常指人或动物死后的遗体或遗骨,也指古代文明的遗迹或去世作家尚未发表的遗稿。
rest: 最普通用词与定冠词连用,指任何指定数量的人或物等。
surplus: 指超过需要数量之外的剩余。