Robinson Crusoe是什么意思 Robinson Crusoe在线中文翻译

Robinson Crusoe

Robinson Crusoe 网络解释

  1. 鲁宾逊
    ...正如鲁宾逊(Robinson Crusoe)在树枝上刻痕,或古拉格群岛(Culag)的囚犯每天划一条线记录遭受囚禁的时间一样,我们都陷于时间之中. 撇开社会不谈,人类维持健全的心智,也有赖于规则的周期性:今天是星期几?我来这里多久了?今天,...
  2. 鲁宾逊漂流记
    ...最佳答案: <<鲁宾逊漂流记>>(Robinson Crusoe)旧译<<鲁宾逊漂流记>>,于1719年4月26日出版,是18世纪英国四大著名小说家之一丹尼尔.笛福的代表作,是笛福文学创作的里程碑,同时也是英国文学史上第一部现实主义小说....

Robinson Crusoe 双语例句

  1. I said, Who would not like to write something which all can read, like'Robinson Crusoe?
  2. We can see that Robinson Crusoe is a person with stubborn and firm character.
  3. Robinson Crusoe is also one of my favorite adventure novels.
  4. Robinson Crusoe is an adventure story very much in the spirit of the time.
  5. Do you have the first edition of Daniel Defoe's Robinson Crusoe?
  6. Robinson Crusoe written by Daniel Defoe depicts a story happened in the middle of 17th century.
  7. In Robinson Crusoe, Defore traces the growth of Robinson from a naive and artless youth into a shrewd and hardened man, tempered by numerous trials in his eventfull life.
  8. Full of enchanting detail and daring heroics, Robinson Crusoe is a celebration of courage, patience, ingenuity, and hard work.
  9. Robinson Crusoe is a legendary person created by Daniel Defoe. He survived on a lonely island for twenty-eight years with his amazing willpower. And finally he overcame the adversity and created the splendor of his own life.
  10. Nowadays, people live in a better society. Nobodywould have the experiences like Robinson`s, but people may comeacross some difficulty or adversity. When they are confronting theadversity, they should adjust their attitudes, make plans for thefuture actively, be good at bringing forth new ideas in adversity, and never give up the hope to get out of it, struggle against itindomitably like Robinson Crusoe. Eventually they will get out ofthe adversity, and create the splendor of their own lives.
  11. Nowadays, people live in a better society. Nobodywould have theexperiences like Robinson`s, but people may comeacross somedifficulty or adversity. When they are confronting theadversity, they should adjust their attitudes, make plans for thefutureactively, be good at bringing forth new ideas in adversity, andnever give up the hope to get out of it, struggle againstitindomitably like Robinson Crusoe. Eventually they will get outofthe adversity, and create the splendor of their own lives.
  12. Robinson Crusoe is an embodiment of the spirit of individual enterprise and colonial expansion of the rising bourgeoisie.
  13. 'Robinson Crusoe'is one of the most famous books in the world.
  14. In Robinson Crusoe, Defore traces the growth of Robinson from a naive and artless youth into a shrewd and hardened man, tempered by numerous trials in his event full life.
  15. Robinson is the protagonist in Defoe's famous novel The Adventures of Robinson Crusoe.
  16. Although his father wants him to become a lawyer, young Robinson Crusoe is determined to go to sea.
  17. J. M. Coetzee's fifth novel Foe is a rewrite of Daniel Defoe's canonical realist novel Robinson Crusoe.
  18. The court also ruled that men can sport beards, but the boss has a right to order it to be kept well trimmed and not become a Robinson Crusoe castaway version.
  19. What the colonial spirit influenced Robinson Crusoe most directly and obviously was shown by his concept of family.
  20. Robinson Crusoe has all the characteristics of a colonist.

Robinson Crusoe ['kru:sәj]

na. 鲁宾逊
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Robinson Crusoe