automatic fare collection是什么意思 automatic fare collection在线中文翻译

automatic fare collection

automatic fare collection 双语例句

  1. The paper researches the application of radio frequency IC cards with the example of automatic fare collection system; the work consists of the hardware and software design, and the whole system structure design.
  2. Urban rail transit; fare policy; automatic fare collection system
  3. Automatic fare collection clearing center is the core of the automatic fare collection system for rail transit, which is the base of the transportation network business.
  4. Automatic fare collection clearing center (ACC) is the core of the automatic fare collection (AFC) system for rail transit, which is the base of the transportation network business.
  5. In recent years, with the rapid development of rail transit systems, large amount of operation data is deposited in the automatic fare collection (in short form AFC) database.
  6. Automatic fare collection system [airport railway] Bill stood the curator's argument on its head, saying that charging admission to museums would attract more, not fewer, people to them.
  7. Maintenance Organization for the Automatic Fare Collection System in Guangzhou Metro Line 1 and Line 2
  8. Human recognition system is a key component of Automatic Fare Collection System in urban rail transit. It is the embedded part of the automatic ticket machine.
  9. The discussions are mainly focused on the applications and prospects of new technologies, such as: rigid overhead catenary network, shield gate, central cooling unit, no-contact IC automatic fare collection equipment, moving block system and linear motor.
  10. With the rapid construction and development of Shanghai Metro in recent years, AFC (Automatic Fare Collection), as an important metro subsystem, has been widely used.
  11. Application and Development of Automatic Fare Collection System in Shanghai Urban Rail Transit
  12. The status quo of Nanjing bus IC card systems and the technology option of Nanjing metro AFC (Automatic Fare Collection) systems were analyzed. The results show that bus IC card systems don't adapt to the technology development trend and multi-application purpose.
  13. Automatic Fare Collection (AFC) system plays a very important part in the track transportation, saling the tickets and checking in or out efficiently and accurately without personnel.
  14. All lines now collect fares through an automatic fare collection system which accepts single-ride tickets or Yikatong, an integrated circuit card that commuters use to purchase and store credit for multiple rides.
    现在收集所有的行车费通过自动售检票系统接受单一程车票或Yikatong ,集成电路卡的通勤者使用信用卡购买和储存多个游乐设施。

automatic fare collection 单语例句

  1. Commuters queue outside Xizhimen subway station yesterday, when an automatic fare collection system was introduced.

automatic fare collection

automatic fare collection


fee: (进入一个地方,如场馆、学校等)费用
bill: (用餐、电话等)账单
fare: (特指交通等)费用

fee: 指上学、求医以及找律师等付的费用,还可指会费、借书费等。
expense: 常指实际支付的费用总数额,有时也指钱的花费。
price: 指商品在市场出售的价格,尤指卖方对商品所提出的单价。比喻意义指付出的代价。
charge: 指提供服务时索取的费用,也指货物的价格、价钱。
fare: 侧重指旅行时所付的车、船费等费用。
cost: 指生产某东西的成本,也泛指商品的价格,可与price换用。