attitude of the joint是什么意思 attitude of the joint在线中文翻译

attitude of the joint

attitude of the joint 双语例句

  1. This is a survey research that discusses the physicians` knowledge, attitude and behavior in group practices. The definition of group practices is the provision of health care services like consultation, diagnosis and treatment by a group of two or more licensed physicians engaged in a formally organized and legally recognized entity. It also can joint use of equipment and manpower.
  2. According to the attitude, spacing and length of the joint cracks, t heir probability distribution was deduced.
  3. Decades, high-build gel Foshan Industry Co., Ltd. increasing development and expansion, is now set up an area of 20, 000 square meters of modern production, office and ancillary facilities for the new plant, it is a vibrant attitude to meet the competition in the challenge, the company is willing to work with Ken and outside the industry parties together people with lofty ideals Facade joint endeavor to build China's LotSynergy chapter.
  4. In the face of the positive attitude of the management, joint venture capital firms insipid response.
  5. This part mainly for the purpose of the defined overseas shipping developed country as well as the international joint pledge to the Himalaya provision and the potency shift in attitude of developing process.
  6. In China's accession to the WTO, our company is still in step with the times of hot pursuit, as always, to draw the scientific management model and better work attitude, providing our customers with quality products and services in the hope that joint efforts of both sides to better development cooperation to achieve win-win objective.
  7. At standard anatomic attitude, the iliopsoas, pectineus, adductor longus, adductor brevis, lower part of adductor magnus have the function of inside-revolve to hip joint and gracilis has outside-revolve function.
  8. Result enunciation: In regard to the machine axes of lower extremity (hip and knee joint center on-line), at standard anatomic attitude, the iliopsoas have the function of inside-revolve to hip joint.
  9. Firstly, the state equation of the free-floating space robot system is established with the joint angles and the satellite attitude as its state variables, and the joint angular velocities as its input variables.
  10. The design and realization technology in engineering of the on-board programming for software in satellite attitude and orbit control computer are developed in this paper. The principle of the programming, realization, reliability design, resource distribution, joint requirement and operation process are presented.
  11. Since the beginning of 2005, China-South Korea FTA joint study, the attitude of China and South Korea are very active, China-South Korea FTA negotiations have entered the " official, production, learning " phase of a joint study.
  12. To measure the sub-pixel image motion which is caused by satellite attitude instability or vibration, the joint optical transform correlator is used based on using the auxiliary plane CCD to record of the image motion in the focal plane of the satellite camera.
  13. Based on the theory of system controllability, the path connecting the system initial state with the desired state is planned, and the satellite attitude and joint angle can be controlled at the same time only using the manipulator joint motion.
  14. Since the beginning of 2005, China-South Korea FTA joint study, the attitude of China and South Korea are very active, China-South Korea FTA negotiations have entered the " official, production, learning " phase of a joint study.
  15. In prior art, the position and attitude control for antenna can only realized in small-scale, and lies in the means of hydraulic cylinder, gear box and rotary joint.

attitude of the joint

attitude of the joint


reciprocal: 着重互惠,有来有往。
joint: 强调至少两人或两方共同占用,侧重指一个统一体。
mutual: 着重彼此共有或共享,局限于双方的关系。
common: 侧重两人或多人共有共同,但不暗示彼此间存在的等价关系。

attitude: 普通用词,指对人或事情的看法和采取的行为,多有某种不很明确或不便明说的感情色彩。
manner: 多指某人在某一场合的言谈举止等。
air: 含义广泛。单数形式指某人脸上表现出的心理活动,或言谈举止;复数形式指某人故意做作而摆出的架子。

position: 指对看法有分歧的问题所表示较冷静和节制的态度,常常是经认真考虑后决定的。
attitude: 普通用词,指对于事情的看法和采取的行动,多带不很显确或不便说明的感情色彩。
stand: 常指某人对某一问题的看法或立场,有时含个人感情色彩。