annuity cost是什么意思 annuity cost在线中文翻译

annuity cost

annuity cost 双语例句

  1. For example if the supply or replacement cost of an asset is $ 80 and it yields a perpetual annuity of $5 then the present value of the perpetual annuity is equal to $80 if the rate of discount applied is.0625 or 6.25%.
    举 例来说,一项资产的供货或重置成本是80美元,它产生的永久年收益为5美元,使用0.0625或 6.25%的贴现率可得出永久年金的现值等于80美元。
  2. WB: Rick Wagoner and Bill Ford have been handed tough hands to play. It`s not a consequence of anything they did. Their companies` legacy cost structures from decades ago make it tough to compete. Imagine if they signed a contract to pay more for steel. People would know that`s untenable. But GM and Ford must pay large sums in annuity and health care costs compared to their competitors. Competitors pay the same amount for rubber and steel. Some of those contracts go back to when GM had 50% market share. I`m not sure what I would do if I were CEO. If you look at GM, the company has a $15 billion market cap, and a pension fund obligation of $90 billion. So that`s $90 billion for workers, compared to $15 billion for the owners. If the company had a steel contract and was paying $200 per ton more for steel than its competitors, it would be obvious that the company was at a severe disadvantage. But when the companies signed these labor contracts, they didn`t need to account for pension obligations. Companies didn`t have to accrue for pensions until the 1960s, and didn`t have to accrue for healthcare obligations until the 1990s. So it`s important to keep in mind the economic effects, not just the accounting effects.
    巴菲特:Rick Wagoner 跟 Bill Ford都接下别人的烫手山竽,他们两人并非是始作蛹者,以前遗留下来的高成本结构大大削弱其竞争力,举例来说,如果他们采购钢铁的合约订价比别人高,大家一定会说这样行不通,同样的通用跟福特必须付出比同业更高昂的退休金与健保成本,至於钢铁与橡胶的成本大家相差有限,即便当时通用的市占率高达五成以上,我不知道当时的总裁在想什麼,看看现在的通用,市值虽有150亿美元,但却背负900亿美元的退休金负债,负债的金额远超过股东权益,如果你发现某家公司的钢铁采购成本每吨比同业多出200美元的话,你就知道情况不妙了,但当年公司签下聘雇契约时,帐上却不必认列退休金的负债,依照会计原则,公司从1960年代开始才须认列退休金的负债,至於健保成本则迟至1990年才开始认列,所以大家一定要谨计,除了会计数字之外,经济实质更是重要。

annuity cost

annuity cost


fee: 指上学、求医以及找律师等付的费用,还可指会费、借书费等。
expense: 常指实际支付的费用总数额,有时也指钱的花费。
price: 指商品在市场出售的价格,尤指卖方对商品所提出的单价。比喻意义指付出的代价。
charge: 指提供服务时索取的费用,也指货物的价格、价钱。
fare: 侧重指旅行时所付的车、船费等费用。
cost: 指生产某东西的成本,也泛指商品的价格,可与price换用。

take: 物做主语,花时间;
pay: 人做主语,花钱,pay for;
cost: 物做主语,花钱
spend: 人做主语,花钱,花时间; spend…on sth./in doing sth;

take: 普通用词,指需要占用空间、时间或精力等,其主语可以是人,也可以是一件事情。
expend: 较正式用词,通常指为某一专门目的而花费大量金钱、时间或精力。
cost: 指花费时间、金钱、劳力等。其主语是物,而不能由人充当,也不用被动形式。
spend: 普通用词,与cost基本同义,但主语必须是人。