agricultural division是什么意思 agricultural division在线中文翻译

agricultural division

agricultural division 双语例句

  1. The division is divided into 7 research groups, including botany and agronomy, animal production, bioproduction engineering, agricultural economics etc.
  2. It is a natural division of agricultural zoning and an important foundation, but also among the great consistency.
  3. Area of garden of industry of exert oneself construction, effort develops content to shed line of business, expand economy of road junction of division of group of industry of agricultural economy, characteristic, development energetically, do big recreational tourism, the development that reachs the burgeoning tertiary industy such as travel, information with manufacturing industry of industry of agriculture of efficient, effectiveness for a given period of time, high-tech, Jin Hua's original light industry, small commodities is dominant, it is a target with developing continuously.
  4. The intensive use of cultivated land of Agricultural Division 4 from 1996 to 2007 was analyzed quantitatively and qualitatively on the bassis of the conotation, method and evaluation index of intensive use of cultivated land.
  5. Agricultural division four hospitals located in 72 of the predecessor corporation, the division headquarters in 1956 with the relocation of Yining City, is a medical treatment, prevention, health care, scientific research, a comprehensive set of teaching hospitals.
  6. To participate in the uprising, including the two main parts: one did not arrive in time to participate in the Nanchang Uprising of the National Revolutionary Army of the original second front the fourth army corps headquarters, and the other part of the agricultural liuyang湖南平江and army, E'nan Chongyang and part of Tongcheng armed peasants, armed Anyuan such as mine workers, a total of about 5, 000 people, united as the first worker-peasant revolutionary army division I, II, III Mission.
  7. Experienced in worldwide product and project management, he has served as Senior Product/Portfolio manager for Seminis Vegetable Seeds; Director of Worldwide Marketing for Asgrow; Sales representative and sales trainer; and Marketing Communications Manager for various units of the Upjohn Company's Agricultural Division.
    在经历了全球产品和项目管理,他曾担任高级产品/投资组合经理seminis蔬菜种子;署署长全球营销为asgrow ;销售代表和销售教练机和营销经理,各单位的upjohn公司的农业记名表决。
  8. With the spatial analyzing tools and certain index and models, thematic maps of winter climate division and climate potential productivity of five winter crops were gotten. With the helping of these jobs, rational arrangement of winter agricultural events can...
  9. The agricultural climate division index is studied and defined according to the relationship between Huyou production and meteorological conditions.
  10. Stonethe Ministry of Agriculture Science and Education Division, presided over the appraisal, Deputy Director, Ministry of Science and Technology Development Center of Biotechnology Road Chang, deputy director of security, agricultural and Social Secretary, Ministry of Science and Technology Director Wang Zhen, Liu Xu, vice president of Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences and Technology Academy and bio-technology leadership took part in the appraisal.
  11. Division of plant physiology, Shandong Agricultural University, Taian 271018
    山东农业大学植物生理教研室,泰安 271018
  12. Because of the FSD`s research association, it is an integral part of the Agricultural Research Division within NU`s Institute of Agriculture and Natural Resources.
  13. This paper is based on PCCW Unicall call center system, speaking on the choice of system architecture, the division of the functional configuration, proeess of security design and so no, this paper also intrduce Call Center System in Agricultural Bank of China, and design and development of bill disposal module.
    本文是以 PCCW 公司开发的 Unicall 呼叫中心系统为背景,详细阐述了系统架构的选择、功能结构的划分、体系结构设计和安全性设计等特点,并介绍了农业银行信用卡客服中心建设以及其在待办单业务模块的设计开发。
  14. Accordance with the " diverging phenomenon ", which is the fact that specialization coefficient of major farm products is diverging from its comparative (or absolute) advantage coefficient, the concept of the sustainable development of agricultural regional division was posed out and its mechanism was analyzed also.
  15. The result could provide a reference to utilizing climatic resources and adjusting planting division and distribution of agricultural production.
  16. First, by revealing the relationship between the agricultural labor division evolution and new agricultural business entities, analyze the new agricultural intensification business model relying on new agricultural business entities in MZSS.
  17. Pan-American Association of Oto-Rhino - Laryngology and Broncho-Esophagology ACS Division of Agricultural & Food Chemistry
  18. In order to developing rice name brand of the first agricultural Division, TianShan Snow Rice company as the advanced enterprise of rice industrialization should control rice quality strictly, fetch in persons with ability and induct competition and inspiration system to develop rice brand strategy.
  19. Analyze the position that the listed agricultural companies take in the whole stock market. Summarize the industries and the regional division, the financial state, the stock structure, subsidy and support policies of listed agribusinesses.
  20. Agricultural climate division of Hebei Province based on potential evapotranspiration and surface aridity index

agricultural division

agricultural division


share: 指共有的东西中应占有的一部分。
fraction: 指包含在全体中的一部分,暗示微不足道的一部分。
division: 通常指按类划分或分割成而的部分。常含抽象意义。
segment: 指某物的特定部分或自然形成的部分,也指线形物品的一段。
part: 含义广,最普通用词。常指整体中可大可小的一部分,也可指整体中可分开的独立部分。
fragment: 指因破裂、分割等产生的支离破碎、不规则的一部分。
section: 指整体中的分区,部分与部分之间有显著界限。
piece: 指整体中的一些个体,尤指从某个整体上分出来的一部分。
portion: 侧重从整体中所分配到的那一部分,含一定的独立意义。