accession rate是什么意思 accession rate在线中文翻译

accession rate

accession rate 双语例句

  1. With the development of the market-oriented reform of interest rate and the accession to the World Trade Organization, the interest rate risk faced by Yuelu Mountain Branch of China Construction Bank is also increasing.
  2. The additive mass and the accession rate of emulsifier have both effect on average size and polydispersity of the latex during seeded emulsion polymerizing.
  3. The optimal process parameter for this semi solid Cu Ni Si alloy is 0.05% Ce of accession, 1048 ℃ of holding temperature, 15 s of holding time, and 2 s - 1 of deformation rate.
  4. All we need tomorrow is a credible and firm accession strategy one for each country which would include a firm membership date and a conversion rate, backed up by credible policies.
  5. After China's accession to the WTO, policy measures such as the declining of tariff will have some influences on China's real equilibrium exchange rate; meanwhile, Monetary and fiscal Policy adjustments in an open economy can also change the equilibrium exchange rate.
  6. The textile and apparel export growth has been at high speed since China's accession to WTO. However, the growth rate declines sharply this year.
  7. Since the accession to the WTO, China has maintained a rapid and stable economic growth rate.

accession rate 单语例句

  1. In the five years since China's accession to the WTO, the country's foreign trade has grown at an average annual rate of over 30 percent.
  2. Exports have grown at a rate of more than 20 percent per year since its accession to the World Trade Organization five years ago.

accession rate

n. 就业增长率
accession rate


evaluate: 与appraise相似,指使判断绝对准确,但多用于对人物的某方面的评价,很少用于评价某物的市场价值。
rate: 专指评定价值等级的高低。
value: 侧重指一般人对某物的价值或价格所作的估计。
assess: 原义指对为确定交多少税而估计,引申指通过估价以便更好利用。
estimate: 通常指由个人作出的主观估价。
appraise: 指以专家身份作了最终精确的估价。

prime: 常指最重要、价值最高的东西,也可以表示最佳、最典型或最高的人或物。
first-rate: 多用于指对抽象事物的主观评估,有时含夸大、自负的意味。
choice: 指通过精心挑选达到水平,尤指罕见或品质精良的商品。
select: 指精挑细选出来作为范例的物或人。
splendid: 口语常用词,指非常令人满意,显得完美无缺。
excellent: 通常指事物在等级品位以及职位级别等方面的最优或接近最优。

pace: 普通用词,指步行的速度,常引申指活动的进度或生产率。
rate: 作“速度”讲时,与speed同义,可换用。作速率解时,指相对增长的速度,也指两种相比较而得出的标准速度。
speed: 普通用词,指单位时间内行进的固定速度或速率,也指可能达到的最高速度。
velocity: 技术用词,指物体沿着一定方向运动时的速率。

proportion: (两件事物之间的)比,比例, 通常用于各种成分或分配额的比例等;
rate: 常用于表示速率,利率,出生率,死亡率,兑换率等;
ratio: (表示两个数量之间关系的)比,比例, in direct/inverse ratio to 成正比/反比
percentage: 百分比,百分率;