Zagros是什么意思 Zagros在线中文翻译


Zagros 网络解释

  1. 扎格罗斯山脉
    ...赖伊位于扎格罗斯山脉(Zagros)和厄尔布尔士山脉(Elburz)之间,是防守呼罗珊的关键要塞. 麦蒙派波斯贵族出身的塔希尔(Tahir)指挥军队,抵挡入侵者. 在麦加,一个叫达乌德(Dawud)的人对善男信女们大肆宣传说,阿明销毁了在真主面前发的誓,...
  2. 扎格罗斯
    ...2007年伊拉克陆上获得1个天然气发现,位于扎格罗斯(Zagros) 省,发现井为Bina Bawi 1井,作业者为A & T Petroleum Co公司. 伊拉克政府授权石油部和伊拉克国家石油公司管理本国一切石油活动. 伊拉克国家石油公司(INOC)成立于1964年2月8日,...
  3. 甜美的,女人味的
    ...Zafina 胜利的 | Zagros 甜美的,女人味的 | Zahar 拂晓...
  4. 甜美的,女人味的 女性
    ...Zafirah 成功 女性 阿拉伯 | Zagros 甜美的,女人味的 女性 | Zahar 拂晓 女性 希伯来...

Zagros 双语例句

  1. The Parthian king Mithradates I the Great (171-138 BCE) was able to conquer Media and, having gained this strategically important satrapy, crossed the Zagros and proceeded to conquer all of Mesopotamia.
    在帕提亚米德拉底特六世国王一世(公元前171-138 )能够征服媒体,并在取得这一具有重要战略意义的satrapy ,越过扎格罗斯,并著手征服所有的美索不达米亚。
  2. We can therefore think of a part of the southern Zagros mountain range.
  3. This road was essentially west of the Zagros.
  4. The repeated Assyrian attacks forced the various inhabitants of the Zagros and the country beyond to cooperate and develop more effective leadership.
  5. Nine thousand years ago, in the foothills of the Zagros Mountains man had already become both agriculturist and animal husbandry man which, in turn, soon led to the specialization of labor and development of village life.
  6. Still, it is reasonably clear that in the first quarter of the first millennium, nomadic cattle-herders speaking an Indo-Iranian language infiltrated the Zagros and settled among the native population.
  7. Basic to the central region of Assyria was farming, fed by both the Tigris river and water from the Armenian mountains in the north, and the Zagros mountains in the east.
  8. The valleys and plains in the Zagros are fertile, and Media was well-known for clover (which is still called medicago), sheep, goats, and the horses of the Nisaean plain.
  9. However, the Greek topographer Ptolemy makes a mention of a pass through the Zagros mountains which was in his age, the second century CE, still called the'Sagartian gate'.
    但是,希腊topographer 托勒密提出了提到通过扎格罗斯山脉这是他的年龄,第二个世纪的行政长官,仍称为' Sagartian门'。
  10. The statistical study indicates that giant carbonate fields are concentrated in the Persian Gulf Basin, Zagros Basin, southern Gulf of Mexico Basin, Permian Basin and Sirte Basin.

Zagros 单语例句

  1. Its chief oil fields are found in the central and southwestern parts of the Zagros Mountains in the western part of Iran.

Zagros ['zægrəs]

n. 扎格罗斯(伊朗西南部)