Winston Churchill是什么意思 Winston Churchill在线中文翻译

Winston Churchill

Winston Churchill 网络解释

  1. 温斯顿.丘吉尔
    ...在2006年,他参与共同创建了Panthera Corp.,该机构唯一的诉求就是保护全球濒危的野生猫科动物,他在发表在该组织网站上的一封公开信中写道,信中他还引用了温斯顿 丘吉尔(Winston Churchill)、爱德华 莫罗(Edward R....
  2. 邱吉尔
    ...科学家称,邱吉尔(Winston Churchill)、撒切尔夫人(Lady Thatcher)和爱因斯坦(Albert Einstein)都喜欢白天打盹小睡片刻,并因此增强了记忆力....
  3. 丘吉尔
    ...在有关第二次世界大战的电影<<巴顿将军>>(Patton)中,我最喜爱研读其德国对手隆美尔元帅(Erwin Rommel)的著作后,在突尼斯的坦克会温斯顿 丘吉尔(Winston Churchill)曾经讲过,民主制度是除了别的<<意识的重负>>(The Burden ofConsciousness)一书的三年时间里,...
  4. 虽然我做好了殉难的准备,但我还是宁愿延期
    ...所有我真正喜欢的事,要么是不道德的,要么是非法的,要么是让我变胖的. --Alexa... | 虽然我做好了殉难的准备,但我还是宁愿延期. --Winston Churchill | 永远老实承认错误. 这会让权威们放松警惕,给你机会犯更多的错误.......

Winston Churchill 双语例句

  1. The idea that tariffs should be reduced through bilateral and multilateral negotiations became part of the Atlantic Charter, the declaration issued by President Roosevelt and British Prime Minister Winston Churchill in 1941 as a rallying cry for nations opposing the military and economic aggression of fascist Germany, Italy, and Japan.
  2. CHAMPAGNE has long been associated with luxury, success and extravagance, thanks to a constrained supply, clever marketing, literary associations (James Bond was fond of Taittinger in the books and Bollinger in the films) and powerful customers, from the Russian imperial court, for whom Roederer`s Cristal was invented, to Sir Winston Churchill, who downed copious amounts of Pol Roger.
    香槟似乎一直是奢华、成功、铺张的代名词,这都得益于其限量的市场供应、聪明的营销方案、巧妙的文学宣传(詹姆斯邦德在007小说中喝的就是 Taittinger ,而在007影片中喝的则是 Bollinger )以及身份显赫的顾客群,从饮用路易王妃水晶香槟 Roederer`s Cristal 的俄罗斯王室到酷爱饮用保禄爵香槟 Pol Roger 的丘吉尔首相。
  3. From the Russian imperial court, for whom Roederer`s Cristal was invented, to Sir Winston Churchill, who downed copious amounts of Pol Roger.
  4. Still another example is Winston Churchill. At age 25, as a correspondent in the Boer War he became a prisoner of war and his dramatic escape made him a national hero. Elected to Parliament at 26, he performed brilliantly, held high cabinet posts with distinction and at 37 became First Lord of the Admiralty.
  5. To paraphrase Winston Churchill, it is the worst kind of accounting, except for all the others.
  6. It was, as Winston Churchill said, not the beginning of the end but the end of the beginning.
  7. I have done it. Winston Churchill said that `success is going from failure to failure without a lack of enthusiasm.
  8. My tastes are simple; I am easily satisfied with the best. by Winston Churchill
    是吗?我觉得我更像Maria Elena啊,虽然这类人最讨我厌了。
  9. We all are worms, but i do belive I am a glowworm- Winston Churchill
  10. Winston Churchill was born in the ladies` room.
  11. Many people remember American president Richard Nixon flashing a V, and Winston Churchill, who used it to stand for victory.
    很多人都记得挥动 V 字手势的美国总统理查德·尼克松,和用 V 字手势表示胜利的温斯顿·丘吉尔。
  12. Winston Churchill in the eyes of the world has become a heroic British people indomitable spirit of the concentration of a symbol of the struggle.
  13. Prime Minister Winston Churchill during the terrible days of October 1943 when, in the midst of World War II, he faced a controversy with the potential to divide his bipartisan coalition.
  14. It was founded in 1911 by Sir Winston Churchill and F. E.
    该俱乐部于 1911年由温斯顿?丘吉尔爵士和F?
  15. He is a fine debunker: for example, his view is that Britain's success in the second world war owed less to Winston Churchill's brilliance and more to managing the war effort by committee, and thus making fewer spectacular errors.
  16. He is a fine debunker: for example, his view is that Britain`s success in the second world war owed less to Winston Churchill`s brilliance and more to managing the war effort by committee, and thus making fewer spectacular errors.
  17. He is a fine debunker: for example, his view is that Britain's success in the second world war owed less to Winston Churchill's brilliance more to managing the war effort by committee, thus making fewer spectacular errors.
  18. S% n'Z u3 v学术, 思想, 随笔, 文化, 哲学, 历史, 读书, 批判 This sounds like a hopelessly inefficient way to pick a military leader, but Marlborough turned out to be a brilliant commander who, as his descendant and biographer, Winston Churchill, wrote, never fought a battle he did not win or saw a town he could not take.7 J-{2 u# W, O L7 O
    这听起来似乎是一种无望的遴选将领的低效途径,胆识马尔伯罗却成为了一名辉煌的指挥官。他正如其后人,也是其传记作者,温斯顿,丘吉尔所述,从未陷于一场没有把握的仗,从不留恋一座无法攻克的城。燕谈0 e m9 O; d4 s5 n$ L2 F; l t
  19. On my last night in London I spoke with Winston Churchill.
  20. My father, Winston Churchill, began his love affair with painting in his 40s, amid disastrous circumstances.

Winston Churchill 单语例句

  1. Winston Churchill once said of the US that you can count on it to do the right thing once it has exhausted all other alternatives.
  2. The last compulsory identity papers were abolished in 1952 by the government of Winston Churchill.
  3. Winston Churchill made frequent references to his own depression and nevertheless is considered one of history's greatest leaders.
  4. The poll found that " old Britain " was represented by a stiff upper lip, impeccable manners and wartime leader Winston Churchill.
  5. In a similar exercise held in the UK in 2002, wartime Prime Minister Winston Churchill was voted the greatest Briton.
  6. Vandals have poured red paint over the statue of wartime Prime Minister Sir Winston Churchill in London's Parliament Square.
  7. I wonder whether she has ever read the speeches of Mr Winston Churchill?
  8. World War II leader Winston Churchill topped the Virgin Money survey with 52 percent of the vote.
  9. Former British prime minister Winston Churchill described the disaster as " the end of an age ".
  10. The statue of former British prime minister Winston Churchill in London's parliament square.

Winston Churchill

[网络] 邱吉尔;丘吉尔;温斯顿·丘吉尔
Winston Churchill