Venezuela是什么意思 Venezuela在线中文翻译

Venezuela 英 [ˌvenə'zweɪlə] 美 [ˌvenə'zweɪlə]

Venezuela 词典解释


Venezuela 网络解释

  1. 委瑞內拉
  2. 委内瑞
    ...[委内瑞(Venezuela)拉]水洗的秘鲁豆,以中部的婵茶玛悠(Chanchamayo)与南部的库斯科(Cuzco)最着名,另外北部也有一些不错的有机咖啡. 秘鲁豆有柔和到锐利的酸味,单薄到中等的质感,滋味与香气颇佳,是很好的综合品成份....
  3. 美洲 委内瑞拉
    ...安赫尔瀑布位於南美洲委内瑞拉(Venezuela)和盖亚那(Guiana)的高原密林深处. 在委内瑞拉东南部玻利瓦尔州(Bolivar State)的卡奈玛国家公园(Canaima National Park)内. 瀑布的源头是丘伦河(Churun),自平顶高原奥扬特普伊山(Auyan Tepui)直流而下,...

Venezuela 双语例句

  1. Archbishop Gabriele Giordano Caccia was appointed apostolic nuncio to Lebanon in July. Archbishop Franco Coppola will represent the Pontiff in Burundi, and Archbishop Pietro Parolin will be nuncio in Venezuela.
    在五位接受主教职的司铎中,有两位以前是在梵蒂冈国务院做副秘书职务的佳备额尔嘎卡蒙席Gabriele Giordano Caccia被任命为教廷驻黎巴嫩的大使,伯多禄帕罗林Pietro Parolin则被任命为委内瑞拉新一任大使。
  2. You can establish 70000 Yankee bases surrounding Venezuela, but you aren't going to beat the Bolivarian Revolution!
  3. Immediately afterwards Hugo Chavez stood up to ask for the floor on behalf of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela.
  4. Consider what happened in the 1980s, when farmers in Venezuela`s Portuguesa state cleared millions of acres of forest to create cropland.
  5. You know our delegation visited Venezuela; I wish to inform you that the aggregate volume of orders may exceed 5 billion dollars.
  6. Today, the main exporters of Balsam of Tolu are El Salvador, Columbia, and Venezuela.
  7. Balsam of Tolu is an herb that comes from a very tall tree that can be found in Columbia, Peru, Venezuela, Argentina, Brazil, Paraguay, and Bolivia.
  8. So says Venezuela's candidate for the world beauty contest in 2003, Andreina Prieto, who admitted that if were it not for the help of cosmetic surgery, she probably would not have made the line-up.
  9. La Guaira, Venezuela
  10. Hola! My name is Jose Gregorio Hernandez and I was born in Venezuela.
    大家好!我是Jose Gregorio Hernandez我来自于委内瑞拉。
  11. Venezuela has a proud and long history in motorcross, producing two world champion s in the 250cc category.
  12. Venezuela has a proud and long history in motorcross, producing two world champions in the 250cc category.
  13. Since much oil is presold, the recent plunge in its price will start to be felt in earnest only this month. That is when Venezuela will start to feel a cold draught from the slowdown in the world economy.
  14. In Venezuela, the harbour of Guaira is the most dangerous for passengers and cruising ships.
    在委内瑞拉,Guaira 港对过往行人和船只来说是最危险的地方。
  15. In X Venezuela, currency exchange controls and a leadership paston hostile to free market markets make it difficult to do business.
  16. Viso from Venezuela and Townsend Bell from USA.
    Viso,以及来自美国的Townsend Bell.E.J。
  17. The United States'more measured response, and the low-profile stance taken by some South American governments, have been lost amid the high-stakes campaign launched by Venezuela's caudillo.
  18. You can see why a call from Canada's Alberta Heritage Savings Trust Fund may strike you differently from an offer by Venezuela's Investment Fund for Macroeconomic Stabilisation.
    你可以发现,但来自于加拿大Alberta Heritage 储蓄信托基金和来自于委内瑞拉的稳定宏观经济投资基金的出价会给你完全不同的感觉。
  19. It`s the highest waterfall in the world, deep in the jungles of Venezuela.
  20. They identified two bacteria, Lactobacillus casei and Lactobacillus plantarum, which can be added to beans so they cause minimal distress to those who eat them, and to those around the bean-lovers, Marisela Granito of Simon Bolivar University in Caracas, Venezuela and colleagues reported.

Venezuela 单语例句

  1. Moros said that Venezuela questions the legitimacy of the arms embargo placed on Libya through Security Council resolution 1970 and strengthened by resolution 1973.
  2. Venezuela's state oil company PDVSA has activated an emergency plan to tackle the leak, local media reported.
  3. Venezuela increased its military presence at its most active border zones with Colombia after 10 people were killed in this region last Saturday.
  4. He said he and members of a presidential commission were redrafting it so that capitalism in Venezuela " finishes dying " to make way for socialism.
  5. Venezuela now props up Cuba's fragile centrally planned economy with its oil supplies.
  6. Its first job will be to certify the reserves in Venezuela's Orinoco Petroliferous Strip.
  7. " The whole world knows a true democracy is in motion here in Venezuela, " Chavez said after voting at a school where cheering supporters greeted him outside.
  8. No one can speak vulgar words to deny Venezuela's chief of state the right to speak.
  9. China would supply US $ 4 billion with Venezuela chipping in the remaining US $ 2 billion.
  10. Venezuela's Civil Protection Authority said the quake had caused alarm but there were no reports of damage or casualties.

Venezuela [ˌvenə'zweɪlə]

n. 委内瑞拉
n. a republic in northern South America on the Caribbean; achieved independence from Spain in 1811; rich in oil