Uganda是什么意思 Uganda在线中文翻译

Uganda 英 [jʊ(:)'ɡændə] 美 [jʊ'ɡændə]

Uganda 词典解释


Uganda 网络解释

  1. 乌干达
    ...> 又称斐济级改进型第二批或乌干达级. 比斐济级减少一座6英寸炮塔,但是加装了数量更多的高炮. 舰名 建造船厂 开工日期 下水日期 完工日期 乌干达(Uganda) 维克斯-阿姆斯特朗船厂 (Tyne) 1939.8.20 1941.8.7 1943.1.3 ......
  2. 非洲 乌干达
  3. (鳥干達)
    ...原本今年八月打算到东非坦桑尼亚(Tanzania)和鸟干达(Uganda)寻找一个黑花君子兰近亲品种和一个极之罕有的蛇百合(Scadoxus cyrtanthiflorus). 前者我已种植差不多有10年但从未开花,我想到产地了解生长情况. 后者我有GPS正确方位,...
  4. 乌干达 坎帕拉 非洲
    ...Tuvalu 图瓦卢 富纳富提 大洋洲 \\ | Uganda 乌干达 坎帕拉 非洲 UG | Ukraine 乌克兰 基辅 欧洲 UA...
  5. abbr. uga; 乌干达
  6. abbr. ug; 乌干达(域名)

Uganda 双语例句

  1. Now it was time to lobby the officials from Kenya, Uganda, Tanzania, Zanzibar, Somalia, Ethiopia and Sudan, the East and Central region of Africa.
  2. Proposal submitted by Uganda on article 26 Rehabilitation and Habilitation.
  3. HFO has distributed over US$2 million to help more than 1, 000 orphans in seven developing countries, including Uganda and India.
    HFO 至今已捐助了二百多万美元,救助超过一千名孤儿,这些孤儿来自七个开发中国家,包括乌干达与印度。
  4. Plans to fight poverty in Uganda are mooted if we do not solve the climate crisis.
  5. The virus was identified in Uganda in two thousand four and has spread fast in areas extending from Lake Victoria.
  6. Foden wrote The Last King of Scotland with the source of ex -dictator Amin of Uganda, and the novel won him the newly founded literature prize in Britain, the Whitbread First Novel Prize in 1998
  7. A group of Nilo-Saharan language spoken in parts of the Sudan and Zaire and Uganda and Tanzania.
  8. In the past 10 years, Uganda, Sudan, Gabon also had outbreaks of the virus.
  9. The findings, from Uganda, are in the medical journal, The Lancet.
  10. I'm going to work for an aid organization in Uganda.
  11. Of or relating to or characteristic of Uganda or its people.
  12. In 2001 it was found in Uganda.
  13. I think he is the best ambassador of Uganda here today.
  14. And now I will introduce the delegation in Uganda.
  15. So that is very much of our Uganda.
  16. Uganda The national flag of Uganda in East Africa shows an African balearic crane, also known as a crowned crane.
  17. Uganda's president, Yoweri Museveni, has resolved to keep his troops, five of whom have been killed, in the line of fire.
  18. In Uganda, a new study has confirmed earlier research linking the spread of sleeping sickness to infected farm animals.
  19. In 1967 there was East African Marathon in Kampala Uganda and I finished in the 1 St position in 2 hours and 23 minutes.
  20. Through the Pfizer Foundation, we are building with our partners an advanced infectious disease treatment and medical education center in Kampala, Uganda.

Uganda 单语例句

  1. Landmark studies from three African countries including Uganda previously found circumcision lowered men's chance of catching the AIDS virus by up to 60 percent.
  2. Statistics released on Nov 23 ranked China as the second biggest foreign investment contributor in Uganda for the third quarter of this year.
  3. Uganda yesterday scrapped an adultery law that campaigners said discriminated against women.
  4. The biggest adopters are India with 11 projects and South Africa and Uganda with six each.
  5. Uganda's bid to host the CHOGM passed the first hurdle when a foreign affairs ministerial meeting approved it.
  6. Liu spends all his free time preparing teaching materials to use during the Chinese classes he gives every day as a volunteer in Uganda.
  7. And Uganda has discovered large new deposits of oil and gas that will help to lift its economy.
  8. Last year Uganda earned $ 600 million through tourism and more than 90 percent of the money was from gorilla tourism.
  9. The LRA was originally armed by Sudan in its conflict with Uganda.
  10. Scientists theorize that women would benefit indirectly from lower HIV prevalence in men, and a study is currently ongoing in Uganda to determine this.

Uganda [ju(:)'^ændә, u:'^ændә]

n. 乌干达(非洲国家)
n. a landlocked republic in eastern Africa; achieved independence from the United Kingdom in 1962