TCXO是什么意思 TCXO在线中文翻译


TCXO 网络解释

  1. 温度补偿晶体振荡器
    ...2)晶体振荡器的温度补偿 晶体振荡器(TCXO)绝大多数已经实行了片式化,在晶体振荡器电路中都含有一个温度补偿电路来消除冷、热对晶体振荡器性能的影响,因为温度的高低会使频率出现波动,造成性能的不稳定....
  2. 温度控制晶体振荡器
    ...SEC/SMC通常采用由恒温晶体振荡器 (OCXO)或温度控制晶体振荡器(TCXO)驱动的DPLL来实现,可以是网络产品的一部分或某块单板. 分层结构中的第二层及以下各层,只要其到 PRC/PRS的路径不中断,就可以拥有与PRC/PRS相同的时钟精度....
  3. 温度补偿晶振
    ...固态照明(LED)市场受到移动手持设备的键盘和LCD显示屏用高亮度蓝光与白光LED的强劲需求的推动. 3月份,温度补偿晶振(TCXO)的价格保持稳定. 手机键盘以及显示屏上大量采用高亮度蓝白发光二极管使得对发光二极管(LED)的需求强劲....

TCXO 双语例句

  1. That's the way to improve the precision TCXO.
  2. If you know the specific crystal frequency offset at each temperature, TCXO can be adjusted by adjusting the load capacitance offset.
  3. The result shows that the best approximation has an advantage over the least square approximation. Then, its application to the single capacitor TCXO design is presented.
    而且给出了它用于单电容温补晶振设计的方法和例子,并且在这个基础上制作了一个TCXO样品,经过补偿后该TCXO的频偏小于 1 10^-6。
  4. SMD mainly used in temperature measurement and compensation of mobile phone, LCD, TCXO, HIC, etc.
  5. This programmable signal source is completely self-contained with an internal TCXO reference.
  6. The clock control unit adopts the highly precise RTC provided with the integrated TCXO and crystal, which is able to keep the time accurately and prevent the loss of data even when there is a power cut.
  7. TCXO series of built-in temperature sensor device can detect the temperature regularly, with the temperature values are within the query in the lookup table, find the parameters used to calculate and generate internal 32.768kHz crystal load capacitance, in order to achieve 0.0ppm accuracy.
  8. Cellular phone, Codeless phone, PHS, GPS, Bluetooth, Wireless LAN, DSC, Pager, TCXO, etc.
  9. Main Marketing Products: quartz crystal resonator/quartz crystal filter/quartz crystal oscillator series (XO/VCXO/TCXO/OCXO) and related materials material development/production/operation.
  10. Then, its application to the single capacitor TCXO design is presented. Base on this method, we make a sample TCXO whose frequency deviation is less than ± 1 × 10~(- 6) after compensation.
  11. By analyzing error characteristics and measurement method of oscillator, this paper chooses temperature compensate crystal oscillator (TCXO) as clock source of inter-satellite relative clock synchronization system, and proposes to build accurate clock bias model for the clock source.
  12. Ultra-low Frequency Rectangle Wave Signal Generator with High Stability Based on TCXO
  13. This paper introduces a new type of programmable temperature compensated crystal oscillator (TCXO). It is developed on the basis of the traditional temperature compensated crystal oscillators and combined lock phase technology and other new technology.
  14. As an example, the experimental results of the 128466 MHz TCXO are presented.
  15. New development of TCXO
  16. A reformed Monte Carlo method is presented in this paper for thermal sensitive compensation networks optimal design of temperature compensation crystal oscillators (TCXO).
  17. Design of Intelligent Programmable high-accuracy Time-controller Using TCXO
  18. Of TCXO, Microprocessor temperature compensated crystal oscillator (MTCXO) is a comparatively new-type digital compensated crystal oscillator.
  19. Design of TCXO Chip
  20. A proven analog temperature compensated crystal oscillator (TCXO) is described which employs parameter compensation by automated systems that have a rapid data-capture ability.


abbr. Temperature Compensated Crystal Oscillator 温度补偿晶体振荡器