Rise是什么意思 Rise在线中文翻译

rise 英 [raɪz] 美 [raɪz]


rise 词典解释


rise 词典例句

  1. They rose to the occasion.
  2. He rose and left the room.
  3. Our confidence rises.
  4. The sun rose at seven o'clock.
  1. His rise to power surprised me.

rise 网络解释

  1. 增量
    ...坡度百分比(percent slope) :既高程增量(rise)与水平增量(run)之比的百分数 (如图 10-11) . 图 10-11 坡度的两种计算方法 坡度与坡向的计算通常在 3×3的 Dem 栅格窗口(如图 10-12)中进行,对 3×3 栅格 的高程值采用一个几何平面来拟合,...
  2. ...(1)塞进了不恰当的编舞; (2) 把原来富有特色的踏进地板的探戈舞步基础动作变为身躯飘飘然的舞蹈动作;(3) 在许多舞步花样中加进了上升(Rise)动作!艺术标准和优秀促进委员会(CASE)支持这个建议,特别推荐采纳该建议为比赛中的规则,...
  3. abbr. rising in excitement; 兴
  4. abbr. research in supersonic environment; 超声环境的研究
  5. abbr. real-time integrated services ethernet; 硬实时综合业务以太网

rise 英英释义

  1. the act of changing location in an upward direction
    Synonym: ascent ascension ascending
  2. increase in price or value
    e.g. the news caused a general advance on the stock market
    Synonym: advance
  3. the property possessed by a slope or surface that rises
    Synonym: upgrade rising slope
  4. the amount a salary is increased
    e.g. he got a 3% raise
    e.g. he got a wage hike
    Synonym: raise wage hike hike wage increase salary increase
  5. an increase in cost
    e.g. they asked for a 10% rise in rates
    Synonym: boost hike cost increase
  6. a growth in strength or number or importance
  7. (theology) the origination of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost
    e.g. the emanation of the Holy Spirit
    e.g. the rising of the Holy Ghost
    e.g. the doctrine of the procession of the Holy Spirit from the Father and the Son
    Synonym: emanation procession
  8. a wave that lifts the surface of the water or ground
    Synonym: lift
  9. a movement upward
    e.g. they cheered the rise of the hot-air balloon
    Synonym: rising ascent ascension
  10. an upward slope or grade (as in a road)
    e.g. the car couldn't make it up the rise
    Synonym: ascent acclivity raise climb upgrade
  1. get up and out of bed
    e.g. I get up at 7 A.M. every day
    e.g. They rose early
    e.g. He uprose at night
    Synonym: get up turn out arise uprise
  2. return from the dead
    e.g. Christ is risen!
    e.g. The dead are to uprise
    Synonym: resurrect uprise
  3. increase in value or to a higher point
    e.g. prices climbed steeply
    e.g. the value of our house rose sharply last year
    Synonym: go up climb
  4. rise in rank or status
    e.g. Her new novel jumped high on the bestseller list
    Synonym: jump climb up
  5. become more extreme
    e.g. The tension heightened
    Synonym: heighten
  6. go up or advance
    e.g. Sales were climbing after prices were lowered
    Synonym: wax mount climb
  7. exert oneself to meet a challenge
    e.g. rise to a challenge
    e.g. rise to the occasion
  8. become heartened or elated
    e.g. Her spirits rose when she heard the good news
  9. move upward
    e.g. The fog lifted
    e.g. The smoke arose from the forest fire
    e.g. The mist uprose from the meadows
    Synonym: lift arise move up go up come up uprise
  10. move to a better position in life or to a better job
    e.g. She ascended from a life of poverty to one of grea
    Synonym: ascend move up
  11. come up, of celestial bodies
    e.g. The sun also rises
    e.g. The sun uprising sees the dusk night fled...
    e.g. Jupiter ascends
    Synonym: come up uprise ascend
  12. increase in volume
    e.g. the dough rose slowly in the warm room
    Synonym: prove
  13. rise to one's feet
    e.g. The audience got up and applauded
    Synonym: arise uprise get up stand up
  14. come to the surface
    Synonym: surface come up rise up
  15. take part in a rebellion
    renounce a former allegiance
    Synonym: rebel arise rise up
  16. come into existence
    take on form or shape
    e.g. A new religious movement originated in that country
    e.g. a love that sprang up from friendship
    e.g. the idea for the book grew out of a short story
    e.g. An interesting phenomenon uprose
    Synonym: originate arise develop uprise spring up grow
  17. rise up
    e.g. The building rose before them
    Synonym: lift rear

rise 词组短语

  1. give rise to 引起
  2. rise again 死而复生
  3. rise to the occasion 应付自如
  4. on the rise 在上涨, 在增长

rise [raɪz]

中考 高考 四级 六级 考研
n. 上升;高地;增加;出现
vt. 使…飞起;使…浮上水面
vi. 上升;增强;起立;高耸
n. a growth in strength or number or importance
n. the act of changing location in an upward direction
n. a movement upward
n. an increase in cost


arise: 书面用词,多用于诗歌或比喻中,具有特殊的修辞色彩。
raise: 及物动词,常用词,多指把某物从低处升到高处,有时作引申用。
rise: 普通用词,指具体的或抽象的事物由低向高移动。
lift: 语气比raise强,指用体力或机械的力举起或抬起某物。

arise: vi 出现,发生
raise: vt 提高
rise: vi 上升,升起
arise from: 由….引起
give raise to: 引起