Rankine cycle是什么意思 Rankine cycle在线中文翻译

Rankine cycle 英 [ˈræŋkin ˈsaikl] 美 [ˈræŋkɪn ˈsaɪkəl]

Rankine cycle 词典解释


Rankine cycle 网络解释

  1. 郎肯循环
    ...新系统与传统热动系统相同,采用郎肯循环(Rankine Cycle)作为热能和机械能的转换,机械能再推动发电机转化为电能. 首先低沸点的液态冷媒在封闭回路中由帮浦增压,进入蒸发器后经由热交换吸收外部的低温热能,形成高压高温蒸气....
  2. 朗肯循环
    ...三、电力节能应坚持的原则和节能目标;第三节 发电技术发展的主要方向;第二章 蒸汽动力循环及主要设备;第一节 蒸汽动力循环及效率计算;一、水蒸气作为工质的卡诺循环;二、简单蒸汽动力装置--朗肯循环(Rankine cycle三、再热循环;四、回热循环;...
  3. 循环
    ...力装置--朗肯循环(Rankine cycle) 三、再热循环 四、回热循环 五、热电联产循环 第二节 热电联产的效率及影响因素 一、热电联产的类型 二、热电联产的热经济性分析 三、热电联产的主要热经济指标 四、热电联产的燃料节省 第三节 热电联产的主要设备 一、锅炉 二、燃料及燃烧计算 三、供热式机组的类型 四、背压式机组的动力...

Rankine cycle 双语例句

  1. Analytical results showed that the thermal efficiency and exergy efficiency increased with increasing condensation temperature of Rankine cycle, inlet pressure of turbines of Rankine cycle and LNG cycle, and decreased with increasing outlet pressure of turbines of Rankine cycle and LNG cycle.
  2. The energy balance equations and exergy balance equations of heat exchanger and power equipment in the combined power cycle were established. Taking condensation temperature of Rankine cycle, inlet and outlet pressure of turbine of Rankine cycle, inlet and outlet pressures of turbine of LNG cycle as key parameters, the influences of these parameters on the thermal efficiency and exergy efficiency of the combined power cycle were analyzed.
  3. The energy balance equations and exergy balance equations of beat exchanger and power equipment in the combined power cycle were established. Taking condensation temperature of Rankine cycle, inlet and outlet pressure of turbine of Rankine cycle, inlet and outlet pressures of turbine of LNG cycle as key parameters, the influences of these parameters on the thermal efficiency and exergy efficiency of the combined power cycle were analyzed.
  4. This superheat cycle was chosen to have the same turbine exhaust conditions as the previous Rankine cycle.
  5. The result shows that both Kalina and Rankine cycle have respective advantages in the different waste heat types.
  6. Difficulties: energy analysis and calculation on Rankine, Reheat and cycle.
    难 点:蒸气压缩制冷循环的工作原理及 lgp-h 图和 T-s 图。
  7. Impact of ambient temperature on system performance of organic Rankine cycle system driven by exhaust
  8. For the same quality of steam entering the condenser, the quantity of heat rejected to the condenser is the same as for the Rankine cycle.
  9. It consists of nitrogen Brayton cycle, nature gas direct expansion and ammoniawater Rankine cycle.
  10. Coupled with its high overload capacity, the Rankine-cycle engine would eliminate the need for a transmission.
  11. The Rankine vapor-cycle external combustion engine has torque-speed characteristics close to the ideal.
  12. The Rankine vapor-cycle external combustion eng in e h as torque-speed characteristics close to the ideal.
  13. The improvement in thermal efficiency for a simple Rankine cycle is by virtue of the bled-steam releasing all of its heat to the feed-water, and little or none to the condenser.
  14. According to the results, Rankine cycle and Brayton cycle are advised to recycle LNG physical exergy.
  15. ANALYSIS OF ZEOTROPIC MIXTURES USED IN LOW TEMPERATURE SOLAR RANKINE CYCLE SYSTEM Identification of pinch point in countercurrent heat exchanger for zeotropic refrigerant mixtures
  16. An experimental study of organic rankine cycle was presented.
  17. The first development of the Rankine cycle into a more practical steam cycle involves raising the pressure and temperature of the steam entering the turbine.
  18. LNG cold energy utilized in a transcritical CO_2 Rankine cycle and CO_2 recovery by liquefaction
  19. Rankine Cycle is spread to universal thermodynamic system by using matrix theory. A new universal model is provided to describe thermodynamic system.
  20. Determination of optimal reheating pressure in Organic Rankine Cycle system

Rankine cycle

na. 【物】兰金循环
[网络] 朗肯循环;郎肯循环;朗肯蒸气循环
Rankine cycle