Podgorica是什么意思 Podgorica在线中文翻译

Podgorica 英 ['pɔ:dɡɔ:ˌri:tsɑ:] 美 ['pɑdɡəˌrɪtsə]

Podgorica 双语例句

  1. I don`t feel sidelined because I didn`t get to play in Podgorica.
  2. We offer around 220 scheduled flights each week to Amsterdam, Brussels, Copenhagen, Frankfurt, Istanbul, Kiev, London, Moscow, Munich, Paris, Podgorica, Pritine, Sarajevo, Skopje, Tirana, Warsaw, Vienna and Zurich (and occasionally also to Barcelona, Rome, Birmingham, Manchester, Dublin, Ohrid…).
    该航空公司每周飞往阿母斯特丹、布鲁塞尔、哥本哈根、都柏林、法兰克福、伊斯坦布尔、伦敦、曼彻斯特、莫斯科、慕尼黑、奥赫里德、巴黎、普里斯蒂纳、波德戈里察、萨拉热窝、斯科普里、斯普利特、特拉维夫、地拉那、维也纳和苏黎世的预定航班约有 185 次。
  3. The country does not have a unified capital anymore, dividing its common institutions between Belgrade in Serbia and Podgorica in Montenegro.
  4. We followed a tight, winding road into Podgorica and then after lunch at a beachside cafe we drove the narrowest road, almost a one way road around the villages and towns of the coastal inlets.

Podgorica 单语例句

  1. Some supporters honked their car horns and waved Montenegro's red flags with a golden eagle in downtown Podgorica.

Podgorica ['pɔ:d^ɔ:,ri:tsɑ:]
