Oregon是什么意思 Oregon在线中文翻译

Oregon 英 [ˈɔriɡən] 美 [ˈɔrɪɡən, -ˌɡɑn, ˈɑr-]

Oregon 词典解释


Oregon 网络解释

  1. 俄勒冈州
    ...我们是美国企业主要出口造纸用桉木,松木木片,广州办事处主要协助中国造纸企业的采购、售后和咨询服务. 1、产地:美国西岸加利福尼亚州(California), 俄勒冈州(Oregon), 华盛顿州(Washington)等 2、品种:桉木片、松木片 3、运输方式:集装箱 4...
  2. 俄勒冈
    ...布鲁克斯的排名从此前的第17名一跃升至榜眼,强劲的上升势头让NBA官方站专家不由的感叹火箭选秀中了大奖. 身高:官方183cm或180,实际178cm 号码:0号 生日:1985-01-14 体重:161磅/73公斤 学校: 俄勒冈(Oregon) 臂展:1.93......
  3. 俄勒冈大学
    ...大三,南加州大学(USC)泰积-吉布森(Taj Gibson),6英尺9英寸,大一,南加州大学(USC)俄勒冈大学(Oregon)和内华达大学拉斯韦加斯分校(UNLV)那场比赛就看到了Oregon身高才5英尺6英寸的大一控球后卫Tajuan Porter搅得翻江倒海,...
  4. 奥勒冈州
    ...例如华盛顿州 (Washington) 每小时最低薪资约US$8.07、奥勒冈州 (Oregon) 约US$7.95、阿拉斯加州 (Alaska) 约US$7.15、爱达荷州 (Idaho) 约US$6,55,利用假期不仅替自己赚些零用钱也替自己增加工作的经验,有助於未来工作面试时的加分....

Oregon 双语例句

  1. Quarter-mile-long (0.4-kilometer-long) wheel line spritzes an Oregon alfalfa field.
  2. A quarter-mile-long (0.4-kilometer-long) wheel line spritzes an Oregon alfalfa field.
  3. Paper presented at the meeting of the National Science Teacher Association and at the Oregon Academy of Science.
  4. Derek Murphy was born in Portland, Oregon in 1979 - on the eve of Winter Solstice and in the middle of what astrologists call the'prophetic cusp.
  5. Darlene Hooley, an Oregon Democrat, listed an $81 payment to the Plant Tender.
    胡利在报销账目中列举了一笔支付给Plant Tender的81美元的支出。
  6. The accounts of former Rep. Darlene Hooley, an Oregon Democrat, listed an $81 payment to the Plant Tender.
    俄勒冈州民主党籍前众议员达琳·胡利在报销账目中列举了一笔支付给Plant Tender的81美元的支出。
  7. And 1125bp for ZM-95. These two strains are classified into pestivirus type I as identified by homological analysis of the genes using the DNASIS software. Strain cc!84 and strain Osloss, between which share 91.6% identity, are divided into to subtype Ib.
    序列分析结果表明这两个毒株均属BVDVⅠ型,184株属Ⅰb亚型,其E2基因与Osloss株E2基因同源性为91.8%,而与NADL株CV24株E2基因的同源性为69.9%;ZM-95株与NADL、属Ⅰa亚型,其E2基因与NADL、Oregon CV24 E2基因同源性为71.2%,与Osloss E2基因的同源性为69.9%。
  8. Nick Furman heads Oregon's Dungeness Crab Commission.
  9. You think you`re merely sending this splendid foot-soldier back home to Oregon with his tail between his legs, but I say that you are executing his soul!
  10. It is a combination of two powerful herbs: Echinacea purpurea root and Oregon Grape root.
  11. Oregon pinot noirs tend to have higher levels of polyphenols and European wines tend to have more polyphenols than American wines, in general.
  12. On the docks along Oregon coast, not everyone shares Pellegrino's enthusiasm.
  13. Oregon, however, is also popular and it has high income taxes.
  14. When we spoke we didn`t joke too much, we talked about basketball a lot and I had told him how his costar in the movie `Blades of Glory`, Jon Heder, is also from my hometown Salem, Oregon.
    当我们以我们没有太多的笑话,我们谈到了很多篮球和我曾告诉他如何,他costar在电影'叶片的光荣',琼heder ,也是从我的家乡塞勒姆,俄勒冈州。
  15. The shaking was felt up to the Oregon border and as far south as Sonoma County.
  16. Living in Central Oregon is good for the soul and good for the family.
  17. Fishing Contest Enlivens North Oregon Coast Town Beach Connection, OR - 18 hours ago Oregon Beach Vacations.
    钓鱼大赛生动北镇俄勒冈州海岸沙滩连接,或-1 8小时前俄勒冈州的海滩度假。
  18. Fishing Contest Enlivens North Oregon Coast Town Beach Connection, OR - 2 hours ago Oregon Beach Vacations.
  19. Obama took his campaign to Beaverton, Oregon, on Friday.
  20. Headquartered in Beaverton, Oregon, Tektronix has operations in 19 countries worldwide.

Oregon 单语例句

  1. Other researchers at Oregon Health & Science University set out to discover how fish oil supplements prevent sudden cardiac death.
  2. Kepler died Friday at Oregon Health & Science University hospital, which did not give the cause of death.
  3. The Connecticut State University System expects an 11 percent rise in applications this year, while Oregon State University's applications have grown by 12 percent.
  4. The nails were not visible when doctors first examined the man in the emergency room of an unidentified Oregon hospital a day later.
  5. Others agree with Ray Hyman, an emeritus professor of psychology at the University of Oregon.
  6. Oregon sees this as their niche in a market characterized by falling profit margins and aggressive prices cuts in the lower end of the market.
  7. President Barack Obama signed an " Executive Order " to block a privately owned Chinese company from manufacturing wind turbines near a US military site in Oregon.
  8. The mayor of an Oregon town who once stripped to her underwear and posed on a fire truck has been stripped of her office.
  9. The US state of Oregon is offering travelers free cycling maps to download for iPhones, iPod Touches or BlackBerries.
  10. Spokesmen for both Gov John Kitzhaber and the statewide party organization said Wu hadn't reached out to top Democrats in Oregon.

Oregon ['ɒ:rigɒn]

n. 俄勒冈州(美国州名)
n. a state in northwestern United States on the Pacific