slavonic是什么意思 slavonic在线中文翻译

Slavonic 英 [sləˈvɒnɪk] 美 [sləˈvɑ:nɪk]

Slavonic 词典解释


Slavonic 网络解释

  1. 斯拉夫人
    ...第三、与罗马帝国和解并处于蛮族大迁徙风暴之中的基督教,从公元311年至590年,即康士坦丁大帝至教皇格里高利一世(Pope Gregory I 第四、在条顿人(日耳曼人,Teutonic)、凯尔特人(Celtic)和斯拉夫人(Slavonic)建立的民族国家中传播的基督教,...
  2. 第二号E小调斯拉夫舞曲
    ...07 美丽的罗系玛丽 SCHON ROSMARIN | 08 第二号E小调斯拉夫舞曲 SLAVONIC | 09 第五号匈牙利舞曲 HUNGARIAN DANCES NO.5...
  3. 斯拉夫民族的
    ...slavocracy /拥护奴隶制度派/ | slavonic /斯拉夫民族的/ | slavophil /亲斯拉夫人[的]/...

Slavonic 双语例句

  1. One of the key events in the history of the East Slavonic nations – the Christening of Kievan Rus in 988 was also connected with Chersonesus. The light of Christianity that he brought to Kievan Rus was lit in Chersonesus.
  2. A point of equilibrium between the western cultures and Russia, Pushkin freed the Russian language from its former administrative complexity and church Slavonic, an ancient Slavic language still used in services today.
    一点仔平棒峙伫西方文化佮露西亚中间,普西根 thau2 缚掉露西亚语伊早前行政 e5复杂语佮教堂斯拉夫语,一款古老 e5斯拉夫语到今夭用伫教会。里。
  3. The language of the Roman Rite is Latin everywhere except that in some churches along the Western Adriatic coast it is said in Slavonic and on rare occasions in Greek at Rome.
  4. any of several S Slavonic rulers, such as any of the princes of Serbia in the 14th century tzar, czar
  5. We are united by our common Slavonic origin and by the Orthodox power!
  6. Other pseudepigrapha exist in Greek, Slavonic, and other languages, many of them revisions of Jewish books.
  7. A member of the chief East Slavonic people of Soviet Russia.
  8. Aa slavonic language spoken in rural area of SE Germany.
  9. Much information of various kinds has been derived of late years from Syriac and Coptic sources, and even from the Arabic, Armenian, Persian, Ethiopia and Slavonic.
  10. The Gnostics composed a quantity of apocryphal Gospels amid Acts of individual Apostles, large portions of which are preserved, mostly in fragments, in Latin revisions, or in Syriac, Coptic, Arabic, or Slavonic versions.
  11. The local Archaeological Museum is stuffed with Ottoman, genoan, Slavonic, Khazar, Byzantine, early Christian, Roman and ancient Greek leftovers from the spoils sent to the Hermitage in St Petersburg.
  12. The Ukrainians speak a Slavonic language similar to Russian.
  13. Also from the Slavonic family of languages comes " robot ", a Czech word in origin.
  14. Those wishing to specialize in Slavonic philology.
  15. Any member of the people of Eastern Europe or Russian Asia who speak a Slavonic language.
  16. Her Slavonic ancestry was unmistakeable.
  17. He had broad, Slavonic cheekbones.
  18. Slavonic Dance No.10 for piano, 4 hands in E minor.
  19. The Slavonic premier began talks with Merkel at his residence fair outside Moscow along congratulating her on Women's Day, which is warmhearted celebrated in Russia.
  20. However, with the development of compositional environment and overall music style of composers, the two sets of Slavonic Dances differ greatly in music style for a distance of eight years.

Slavonic 单语例句

  1. They played Antonin Dvorak's Slavonic Dances, evoking a thundering ovation from the audience.
  2. " We have no confirmation or intelligence on where he may be, " Slavonic said in Baghdad.

Slavonic [slә'vɔnik]

n. 斯拉夫人;斯拉夫语
adj. 斯拉夫民族的;斯拉夫人的
a. of or relating to Slavic languages