Odessa是什么意思 Odessa在线中文翻译


Odessa 网络解释

  1. 敖德萨
    ...在马里乌波尔(Mariupol),敖德萨(Odessa), 第聂伯罗仁斯克(Dneprodzerzhinsk),尼科波尔(Nikopol), 哈尔茨斯克(Khartsizsk),莫斯科(Moscow)和 沃勒仁斯克(Volzhsky) (俄罗斯联邦)都设有公司代表处 ,同时在中国上海的代表处也已就绪....
  2. 敖得萨
    ...在指挥拉瑞莎.贾巴兹(Larysa Garbuz) 的领导下,乌克兰儿童合唱团勇於尝试各种型式的歌曲,对於一些需要乐器伴奏的曲子,团员则和敖得萨(Odessa)音乐学院的学生合作,这个小型伴奏乐团包括一部钢琴、两支小提琴、一个多姆拉(为乌克兰传统拨弦乐器)、一支手风琴,...
  3. 奥德萨
  4. 敖德萨市
    ...敖德萨市(Odessa)位于乌克兰南部,是乌克兰重要的工业、交通、文化教育和旅游中心,敖德萨州首府. 市区面积160平方公里,人口106万. 由于敖德萨市具有常年不冻的天然海港,在水路运输上占有重要地位,是黑海沿岸最大的港口城市,...

Odessa 双语例句

  1. Odessa is a warm water port, but of limited military value.
  2. He was born into a bourgeois Jewish family in Odessa on December 31, 1903, and his swiftly emerging talent was encouraged by his family, particularly his mother.
  3. The city of Odessa hosts two important ports: Odessa itself and Yuzhny (also an internationally important oil terminal), situated in the city's suburbs. Another important port, Illichivs'k, is located in the same oblast, to the south-west of Odessa.
  4. When the boy was 3 years old, his family moved to Odessa.
  5. We thank you for your interest in the City of Odessa and want to remind you that we are here to serve you.
  6. All of my mother`s relatives were connected to the Odessa Opera in different ways.
  7. This week, we answer a question from a student in Odessa, Ukraine.
  8. This week, we answer a question from a student in Odessa Ukraine.
  9. Odessa Steps sequence is possibly the most famous movie scene of all time.
    敖 德萨步骤的顺序可能是最有名的电影画面的所有时间。
  10. Television: In Odessa, Texas, where the Forer
  11. Haven/Antwerp/to West; Valencia /its Asia/Adriatic; cadiz /, Palermo /¨ri, / Livorno /, where¨// Baltimore East; Thessaloniki/Beirut, / Alexandria/Limassol, Antalya, / Trabzon /, / racke Weng edge of the Black Sea; Constanza /, Varna /, Odessa /, Novorossiisk±, Poti/Burgas
  12. In November 1942 and then in January, April and September 1943 it strengthened the barrages north of Sulina and in the Constanta area, these being its last mine laying missions. Two Soviet submarines were confirmed sunk by the barrages put up by the Dacia and Amiral Murgescu between 1942 and 1943: M-33 and M-60 both near Odessa.
  13. Dacia was repaired and on 14 and 15 May it took part in the launching of mine barrages north of Sulina, from Bugaz to the Dniester Liman. Between 24-27 June 1942, together with NMS Amiral Murgescu, as always, it installed two barrages at Odessa, raising the total to 21 to that date.
  14. The German tanks retreated down the Tiraspol` route and they caught up with a big group of their collaborators, even from Odessa, who were running away from the advancing Soviet troops.
  15. But one fact is undoubtful - Vitas really used to work at that Odessa theatre.
  16. And you will see them wherever you go -- in the big cities, such as Kiev, Kharkov, Odessa or Kherson - and also in the smaller villages as well.
  17. The legal bonds of marriage, a popular singer and his girlfriend, Svetlana combined in July 2006 in the suburbs of Odessa.
  18. Odessa was a black woman who came to our house to clean, cook, and watch me when my grandparents were at work.
  19. Their activities have grown into a multi-billion dollar racket with tentacles reaching far into state institutions and criminal connections that stretch from Abidjan to Odessa.
  20. But the odessa's grown, like a spider's web.

Odessa 单语例句

  1. Popova in the Odessa State Academy of Music in the Ukraine, is a rising star in Chinese piano circles.

Odessa [әu'desә]

n. a port city of south central Ukraine on an arm of the Black Sea
n. a city in western Texas