Nauru是什么意思 Nauru在线中文翻译

Nauru 英 [nɑ:ˈu:ru:] 美 [nɑˈuru]

Nauru 网络解释

  1. 瑙鲁瑙鲁(Nauru)国际航空小包裹资费查询瑙鲁(Nauru)国际航空小包裹邮寄和挂号服务 三态 会在2-5天将国际邮寄小包裹交由瑙鲁(Nauru) 邮局(Nauru Postal Service)投递和其海关清关处处理,邮寄时间通常总共为7-14个工作日,由 瑙鲁(Nauru) 邮局投递到客户,...
  2. 諾魯
    ...美国的台湾友人,纽泽西州共和党国会众议员Scott Garrett 、诺鲁(Nauru)驻UN代表摩西斯(Marlene Moses)、吐瓦鲁(Tuvalu)驻UN代表毕塔(Afelee F. Pita)、前联合国记者协会会长Ian G. Williams及目前在美国巡回演唱的闪灵乐团主唱人林昶佐(Freddy Lin)等人均一一上台,...
  3. 瑙鲁岛
    ...第255页 品种 地理分布 分布在太平洋的珊瑚礁海域,分布范围包括吉尔伯特群岛(Gilbert Islands)至列岛群岛(Line Islands)一带海域,在克平马拉奇环礁(Kapingamarangi Atoll,加罗林群岛以东)、瑙鲁岛(Nauru)、菲尼克斯群岛(Phoen...
  4. 諾魯共和國
    ...」小艇11月15日漂到诺鲁共和国(Nauru)附近时,一艘美籍渔船发现了营养不良的七名生还者. 当地与位在中太平洋的巴布亚纽几内亚相距达480公里....
  5. abbr. nau; 诺鲁

Nauru 双语例句

  1. Tonga, Niue and Nauru, three miniscule islands in the Pacific Ocean, have quit offshore banking to avoid the cost of meeting international standards, as, in effect, have the Cook Islands.
  2. These are: fishery cooperation in Kiribati; medical services in the Marshall Islands, especially cataract surgery; vocational training for fishermen in Tuvalu; indigenous cultural exchanges with Palau; agriculture in Nauru; and the development of alternative energy in the Solomon Islands.
  3. The basic unit of money in Australia and Nauru.
  4. Of or relating to the island republic of Nauru or its residents.
  5. It's also the second smallest country in the world which is just followed Nauru.
  6. But five of these are microstates like Nauru and the Marshall Islands.
  7. Nauru may be little, but it once enjoyed enormous wealth.
  8. Yet despite all this, Nauru remains a nation where laughter rings out in the most unlikely places.
  9. Its nearest neighbors are Nauru to the west and Tuvalu to the south.
  10. Last week a mob of angry islanders burnt down Nauru's only prison in what the government said was politically motivated unrest orchestrated by a former president.
  11. Nauru Local Government Council (Domaneab) He attended our meeting in full folio.
  12. The proposed law would have meant that asylum seekers who reached Australia by boat would have been sent offshore while their cases were processed, most likely to Nauru, an impoverished island in the Pacific.
  13. Like most treasure, guano demanded a high price for its extraction. Bird droppings are the chief export of Nauru, an island nation in the Western Pacific.
  14. Phosphate bulk carrier off the cost of Nauru at sunset.
  15. Cambodia last year reached a $ 32 million agreement to resettle refugees who were rejected by Australia and are now being held in a detention center in the Pacific island nation of Nauru.
  16. Full list includes: Argentina, Austria, Cook Islands, Germany, Greece, Kiribati, Kuwait, Malta, Micronesia, Nauru, New Zealand, Niue, Palau, Samoa, Tonga, the United Kingdom and the United States.
  17. Only two countries, Guatemala and Nauru, have no legal system for the exchange of tax information, although they are working on it.
  18. In the Pacific Rim: American Samoa, Bouvet Island, Christmas Island, French Southern Territories, Heard and McDonald, Kiribati, Marshall Islands, Micronesia, Nauru, Niue, Palau, Pitcairn, Solomon Islands, South Georgia and South Sandwich, Tokelau, Tonga, Tuvalu, US Minor outlying islands, Vanuatu, Wallis and Futuna.
  19. Following counties are not included in the insurance coverage: In Asia: Afghanistan, Iraq, Cocos Islands, East Timor, British Indian Ocean Territories, Israel, Lebanon, Iran, Palestine, Sri Lanka In Africa: Eritrea, Rwanda, Somalia, Western Sahara, Saint Helena, Angola In the Pacific Rim: American Samoa, Bouvet Island, Christmas Island, French Southern Territories, Heard and McDonald, Kiribati, Marshall Islands, Micronesia, Nauru, Niue, Palau, Pitcairn, Solomon Islands, South Georgia and South Sandwich, Tokelau, Tonga, Tuvalu, US Minor outlying islands, Vanuatu, Wallis and Futuna.
    拒保国家和地区 The Countries and Territories where Assistance is not available 以下国家作拒保处理:亚洲:阿富汗,伊拉克,科科斯群岛,东帝汶,英属印度洋领地,以列,黎巴嫩,伊朗,巴勒斯坦,斯里兰卡;非洲:厄立特里亚,卢旺达,索马里,西撒哈拉,圣赫勒拿岛,安哥拉;大洋洲:美属萨摩亚群岛,布维岛,圣诞岛,属太平洋领地,赫德岛和麦克唐纳群岛,基里巴斯,马歇尔群岛,麦克罗尼西亚,瑙鲁,尼乌亚岛,巴伯儿图阿普群岛,皮特肯群岛,所罗门群岛,南乔治亚和南桑威治,托客劳群岛,汤加,图瓦卢,美国本土外小岛屿,瓦努阿图,沃利斯和富纳群岛;美洲:海地;南极洲:南极洲。
  20. In the Pacific Rim: American Samoa, Bouvet Island, ChristmasIsland, FrenchSouthern Territories, Heard and McDonald, Kiribati, Marshall Islands, Micronesia, Nauru, Niue, Palau, Pitcairn, Solomon Islands, SouthGeorgia and South Sandwich, Tokelau, Tonga, Tuvalu, US Minoroutlying islands, Vanuatu, Wallis and Futuna.

Nauru 单语例句

  1. Australia's Human Rights Commission said it had serious concerns that asylum seeker rights might not be properly protected in Nauru.
  2. Coalition immigration spokesman Scott Morrison has returned from a brief visit to Nauru where he met the country's leaders.
  3. Joint Communique of the Government of the People's Republic of China and the Government of the Republic of Nauru on the Establishment of Diplomatic Relations.

Nauru [nɑ:'u:ru:]

n. 瑙鲁(岛)(西太平洋岛国,在赤道附近)
n. an island republic on Nauru Island; phosphate exports support the economy
n. a small island in the central Pacific Ocean 2,800 miles to the southwest of Hawaii; in Micronesia to the west of the Gilbert Islands