Montesquieu是什么意思 Montesquieu在线中文翻译

Montesquieu 英 [ˌmɔntesˈkju:] 美 [ˈmɑntəˌskju, mɔŋtɛˈskjɚ]

Montesquieu 网络解释

  1. 孟德斯鸠:论法的精神
    ...[1678-1751]Bolingbroke博林布鲁克政治著作选 | [1689-1755]Montesquieu孟德斯鸠:论法的精神 | [1694-1778]Voltaire伏尔泰政治著作选...
  2. 孟特斯鸠(哲学家)庄园
    ...Champagne Jacquart霞卡香槟(世界第七大出口品牌) | Montesquieu孟特斯鸠(哲学家)庄园 | Louis Bernard路易贝娜(罗纳河谷)...
  3. 时间久了,甚至幸福也会让人感到厌倦
    ...如果一个人要移动世界,他必须先移动自己. --Socrates | 时间久了,甚至幸福也会让人感到厌倦. --Montesquieu | 我们必须接受失望,因为它是有限的,但千万不可失去希望,因为它是无穷的. --Martin Luther King, Jr....

Montesquieu 双语例句

  1. Here`s how Montesquieu put it.
  2. Montesquieu's political anthropology gave rise to his theories on government.
  3. The doctrine and thoughts of Montesquieu are reflected systematically in his masterpiece The Spirit of the Law.
  4. Montesquieu's main concern was forms of government.
  5. Montesquieu was somewhat ahead of his time in advocating the abolition of slavery in The Spirit of the Laws.
  6. There are Montesquieu before him and 托克维尔 after him. to some extent, the idea of his despotism is the main idea of his liberalism. he considered it was totally illegal for despotism.
  7. To show the prevalence of this queer idea in France, I would need to copy not only the entire works of Mably, Raynal, Rousseau, and Fenelon—plus long extracts from Bossuet and Montesquieu—but also the entire proceedings of the Convention.
    为了说明这种奇异的观念在法国的流行,我不仅需要复制马布利,雷纳尔,卢梭和Fenelon的全部著作——再加上博雪(Bossuet ,1627 – 1704,法国主教和神学家)和孟德斯鸠长长的纪录——而且还包括议会的全部会议纪录。
  8. Montesquieu as a distinguished French political philosopher, thinker of the Enlightenment on 18th century, The founder of the theory of bourgeoise and the one of the legal theory of the bourgeoisie, whose ideological and theoretical involved is very extensive and profound.
  9. Such impressions ramify very widely, and masque themselves very subtly, in historical works written in the modern fashion; but I find the trace of their presence in the domain of jurisprudence in the praise which is frequently bestowed on the little apologue of Montesquieu concerning the Troglodytes, inserted in the Lettres Persanes.
  10. Begins with analyzing Chinese government form, Montesquieu studies Chinese law, and his seeking for spirit of Chinese law is in fact judgments and interpretations of character of Chinese government form, social structure, and rites.
  11. Locke and Montesquieu are respectively the initiator and the culminant figure of the decentralization theory in the West.
  12. And they took note of Montesquieu's condemnation of China's reliance on civility and the rule of manners rather than the rule of law to assure public tranquility.
  13. These ideas, together with Montesquieu's virtuous, peaceful, moderate and equal republic, helped to build up the theoretical foundation for the federalist republicanism;
  14. The atomistic individualism of the post-Montesquieu French Enlightenment blocked the development of a genuinely sociological concept of society.
  15. Montesquieu's awareness of the relation of the social to the political effectively yielded a classification of governments and societies.
  16. Montesquieu and Lenin advocated power balance in order to avoid the harmfulness because of over centralization of power but their theories about power balance are different each other.
  17. On the Purport of Montesquieu's Eco-Politics Doctrine
  18. Montesquieu's fame rests above everything else on his political theory of the separation of powers.
  19. The fundamental Research on Locker's Power Division: Compared with Montesquieu " The separation of powers "
  20. Montesquieu's separation of powers doctrine (separation of the legislative, executive and judicial powers) originates from Walker's separation of powers theory.

Montesquieu [,mɔntes'kju:]

孟德斯鸠(Charles, 1689-1755, 男爵, 法国政 治哲学家、法学家、启蒙思想家)
n. French political philosopher who advocated the separation of executive and legislative and judicial powers (1689-1755)