LOCS是什么意思 LOCS在线中文翻译


LOCS 双语例句

  1. These LOCs represent levels of MCs in the products below which there is no appreciable risk.
  2. RESULTS: The total rates of cataract prevalence in the 1536 people were found to be 29.2% according to LOCSⅢ criteria.
    结果:在1 536个受检者中,按LOCSⅢ标准,则白内障的总患病率为29.4%,其中皮质性、后囊下、核性、混合性各型患病率分别为23.3%,1.5%,0%,4.6%;按国内标准,白内障总患病率为24.8%,上述各型白内障患病率分别为16.5%,0.3%,0%,8.0%,两种诊断标准之间有显著性差异(P <0.05);按LOCSⅢ标准,不同年龄层次中50~、60~、70~岁年龄组人群患病率分别为15.3%,35.9%,73.1%;按国内标准,上述不同年龄组人群白内障的患病率分别为9.2%,35.2%,67.2%,两种诊断标准无显著性差异(P> 0.05)。
  3. Typical measure for volumes include LOCs, source LOCs (SLOCs), effective LOCs (ELOCs), statements, semicolons, method count, class count, and file count.
  4. The industry has generally favored LOCs of one sort or another as an indication of size, as shown by defect density almost invariably calculated as defects per LOC.
  5. He presents a couple of slides to illustrate his point, representing a web app in LOCs and the same web app in LOCs/Installs.
  6. Postoperative lens status was determined using the Lens Opacities Classification System ⅲ (LOCS ⅲ).
  7. Size is typically given as Lines of Code (LOCs); consider using eLOC as the LOC metric that best represents the true volume of logic.
  8. Lens opacity was judged with LOCS System.
  9. AIM: To investigate the protection and treatment of compound leech (Co SZ) eye drops on senile cataract by the lens opacities classification system ⅲ (LOCS ⅲ).
  10. Based on the fundamental principles of environmental economics, the fishery losses caused by water pollution in the area can be calculated in three parts: locs of resources, loss of accidents and expense of protection from pollution impact.
  11. All lenses were classified using the lens opacities classification system Ⅲ based on four categories: nuclear color, nuclear opalescence, cortical cataract and posterior subcapsular cataract.
    对89例(156眼)白内障患者测量眼轴长度,术前按照LOCS Ⅲ(the lens opacities classification system-Ⅲ)标准进行白内障分级。


abbr. Logic and Control Simulator 逻辑与控制模拟器