Jericho是什么意思 Jericho在线中文翻译

Jericho 英 [ˈdʒerikəu] 美 [ˈdʒɛrɪˌko]

Jericho 词典解释

名词古时 Palestine地方的都市,偏僻的地方

Jericho 词典例句

  1. Go to Jericho!

Jericho 网络解释

  1. 核爆危机
    ...<<校园私探>>(VeronicaMars)消亡了,<<核爆危机>>(Jericho)沦落了,<<周五夜光明>>则闪耀光芒. 2007年下半年,低级滑稽、肥皂剧和超能力还是会统治小屏幕. 上个星期,对一些美剧来说,是决定命运的时刻,有些电视剧可以继续拍下去,...
  2. <小镇危机>

Jericho 词组短语

  1. from Jericho to June 相隔遥远地

Jericho 双语例句

  1. However, when the people of Gibeon heard what Joshua had done to Jericho and Ai
    09:3 基遍的居民听见约书亚向耶利哥和艾城所行的事
  2. And the south, and the plain of the valley of Jericho, the city of palm trees, unto Zoar.
    34:3 南地和棕树城耶利哥的平原,直到琐珥,都指给他看。
  3. They were to go to the city of Jericho, and secretly investigate the land.
  4. This is the inheritance Moses had given when he was in the plains of Moab across the Jordan east of Jericho.
  5. These are the heritages of which Moses made distribution in the lowlands of Moab, on the other side of Jordan in Jericho, to the east.
    13:32 以上是摩西在约旦河东对着耶利哥的摩押平原所分给他们的产业。
  6. As a fish vendor in Marikina`s Concepcion Market, Jericho realized that he is good in selling stuff.
  7. And the people marched over against Jericho: and the priests that carried the ark of the covenant of the Lord, stood girded upon the dry ground in the midst of the Jordan, and all the people passed over through the channel that was dried up.
  8. And he went into Jericho, and when he was going through it
    19:1 耶稣进了耶利哥,正经过的时候
  9. He entered Jericho and was passing through.
  10. And He entered and was passing through Jericho.
    19:1 耶稣进了耶利哥,正经过的时候
  11. At the center of everything is Jericho`s faith in God.
  12. And as they went out of Jericho, a great crowd followed him.
  13. The road to Jericho, we will not pass to the other side.
  14. Like a lot of young people of his generation, Jericho believes in his dreams.
  15. You want this show to do well, you do. It has an awesome, charismatic cast you can root for with Moonlight's Alex O'Loughlin in the lead, a promising premise (a unique medical drama from three different perspectives: the organ donors, the patients and the Doctors), and a talented show-runner (Jericho's Carol Barbee).
    你希望这部剧能成功,没错,它拥有迷人的,魅力四射的Alex担当主演,他还主演过你曾狂追的剧《血色月光》,还拥有一个前途远大的主题(一部独特的医疗剧从三方面展开叙事:器官捐赠人,待移植的病人和医生),更别说它还拥有才华出众的制作人Carol Barbee。
  16. I am at my happiest every time I see my family happy, says Jericho.
  17. Hope and hard work are two noble concepts that encapsulates Jericho`s prodigious career.
  18. I know each of you has lost your loved ones on Jericho VII, Harvest, and Biko.
  19. There was a successful casino in Jericho and a new airport in Gaza.
  20. And you could hear her whoop to Jericho.

Jericho 单语例句

  1. The disagreement over Jericho appears to focus mostly on a gleaming luxury casino and hotel just outside the city.
  2. As with the earlier handover of Jericho, the main issues concerned control over surrounding territory and removal of Israeli roadblocks.
  3. League officials say Jericho's mother became irate, threatening them and vowing to get the league shut down.
  4. Providing electricity to Jericho will not affect the power supply in the Jordan Valley area, he said.
  5. The tape appears to have been recorded since March 14 when Israel raided a jail in Jericho because bin Laden mentioned the West Bank incident.
  6. League attorney Peter Noble says the only factor in banning Jericho from the mound is his pitches are just too fast.
  7. Bush spoke to reporters after meeting privately with two men who have graduated from Jericho's program and dealt with drug problems.
  8. League officials suggested that Jericho play other positions, or pitch against older players or in a different league.
  9. The enthusiasm for the vote was clear throughout Jericho, the world's oldest continuously populated town.
  10. Players and parents held a protest at the league's field on Saturday urging the league to let Jericho pitch.

Jericho ['dʒerikәu]

n. 耶利哥, 偏僻的地方
n. a village in Palestine near the north end of the Dead Sea; in the Old Testament it was the first place taken by the Israelites under Joshua as they entered the Promised Land