Isaiah是什么意思 Isaiah在线中文翻译

Isaiah 英 [aiˈzaiə] 美 [aɪˈzeə, aɪˈzaɪə]

Isaiah 词典解释

名词以赛亚书;艾赛亚(男子名),来源于希伯来语,含义是“耶和华帮助”(Yahwe helps);以赛亚(希伯来的大预言家)

Isaiah 网络解释

  1. 以赛亚书
  2. 艾塞亚
    ...Isabel 伊莎贝尔 | Isaiah 艾塞亚 | Ivan 伊凡...

Isaiah 双语例句

  1. This official licensed ring is made from solid sterling silver and features Isaiah 53:5 inscribed on the side.
    这款官方授权的戒指由标准纯银制成,侧面刻著以赛亚书 53:5。
  2. Two Concepts of Liberty has aroused widespread concern in academic circles after its using in the study of Western political and legal thinking by Sir Isaiah Berlin.
  3. Someone seems to have interrupted Isaiah as he was speaking the first words of this chapter.
  4. Therefore, Isaiah predicted the time of divine punishment against them as well.
  5. 3 Hezekiah replied to Isaiah, " The word of the LORD which you have spoken is favorable.
  6. He said, I am the voice of one crying in the waste land, Make straight the way of the Lord, as said Isaiah the prophet.
    Joh 1:23 他说:「我就是那在旷野有人声喊着说:『修直主的道路』,正如先知以赛亚所说的。
  7. He said I am the voice of one crying in the waste land, `Make straight the way of the Lord` as said Isaiah the prophet.
    约翰用先知以赛亚的话说:我便是那在荒漠中呼喊 `立即修上帝之路`的声音。)2-21 但耶稣这话,是以他的身体为殿。
  8. To fulfill what had been said by Isaiah the prophet: 11" He took away our infirmities and bore our diseases.
  9. God's ultimate purpose in creation is to fill the earth with His glory Isaiah 45:18; Numbers 14:21
  10. The prophet Isaiah, son of Amos, wrote the rest of the acts of Uzziah, first and last.
  11. It is spoken on behalf of Israel but is also very personal from the heart of Isaiah himself.
  12. And Jehovah said, Just as My servant Isaiah has gone about stripped and barefoot for three years as a sign and a wonder against Egypt and Cush
    20:3 耶和华说,我仆人以赛亚怎样露身赤脚行走三年,作为警戒埃及和古实的表号和奇事
  13. Below under the table, the universe is duplicated half size. A little masonite table with coping saw, crewdrive chisel. A little stool. A work bench, A little vice. A beer crate. A cigar box with about thirty cans of Humbrol. Isaiah's things. I've been in here once before when they were sitting floor...lost to the world.
  14. Then came Isaiah the prophet unto king Hezekiah, and said unto him, What said these men?
  15. Then Isaiah the prophet came to King Hezekiah and said to him, What did these men say?
    20:14 於是申言者以赛亚来见希西家王,问他说,这些人说了什麼?
  16. It is written in the book of Isaiah, the proph-et, I am send-ing my messenger ahead of you to prepare your way.
  17. We must extract them from the crannied wall of learning and dissect and analyze them before we can be sure that we have a Milton or an Isaiah, and not merely a clever imitation.
  18. Moses, and David, and Solomon and Isaiah, had written these recently compiled books.
  19. Knight, meanwhile, was famously caught up in the Isaiah Washington maelstrom of 2007, when Burke's portrayer reportedly aimed an anti-gay epithet at his castmate. Washington left the show months later.
    与此同时,Knight因2007年被发现与Isaiah Washington的大混战而出名,Burke的扮演者公然歧视他的这位同剧组演员,而在几个月之后离开了剧组。
  20. For Isaiah had said, Let them take a lump of figs, and lay it for a plaister upon the boil, and he shall recover.
    38:21 以赛亚说,当取一块无花果饼来,贴在疮上,王必痊愈。

Isaiah 单语例句

  1. Isaiah said Zhu had copied the book's main idea and structure.
  2. The claim was made by a netizen named Isaiah in a series of articles posted online.

Isaiah [ai'zeiә]

n. 以赛亚(圣经男子名,希伯来预言家);以赛亚书(圣经旧约)
n. (Old Testament) the first of the major Hebrew prophets (8th century BC)
n. an Old Testament book consisting of Isaiah's prophecies