Ireland是什么意思 Ireland在线中文翻译

Ireland 英 ['aɪələnd] 美 ['aɪrlənd]

Ireland 词典解释


Ireland 网络解释

  1. 爱尔兰共和国
    ...欧洲(Europe)爱尔兰共和国(Ireland)CORK简介科克(Cork) 为爱尔兰第一大郡,科克(Cork)市为爱尔兰第二大城且刚获选为2005年欧洲文化城市,它也许不像都柏林那样繁华、人口众多,但科克人(Cork Man)却带著更多的热情欢迎观光客的到来,...
  2. 爱尔兰 愛爾蘭
    ...爱尔兰爱尔兰(IRELAND)位于欧洲西部的爱尔兰岛中南部. 西濒大西洋,东北与英国的北爱尔兰接壤,东隔爱尔兰海同英国相望. 面积70282平方公里,人口约380万,是欧盟国家中人口密度最小的国家,每平方公里人口仅为52人. 绝大部分为爱尔兰人,...
  3. 欧洲 爱尔兰
    ...欧洲--爱尔兰(Ireland)国家概况[政府] 1997年6月26日,共和党和进民党组成联合政府. 15名内阁成员中,共和党占14名,进民党占1名. 主要内阁成员:共和党领袖伯蒂埃亨(Bertie AHERN)任总理,进民党领袖玛丽哈尼女士(Mary HARNEY)任副总理兼企业、贸易和就业部长,...

Ireland 双语例句

  1. Emmet: That's right, I'm from the Republic of Ireland.
  2. The American president will be presented with fresh shamrocks from Ireland.
  3. He has travelled to read his work in a wide range of American locales and also in Galway, Ireland.
  4. Russian-born, she now divides her time between her two homes, one in a rural area of Ireland's west coast, the other in a traditional'hutong'in Beijing.
  5. England and Ireland have lived a cat and dog life of it.
  6. England and ireland have live a cat and dog life of it.
  7. Between Britain and Ireland, in the Irish Sea, lies the small Isle of Man.
  8. Products by this company Suyuan Chi Heng Electric Manufacturing is limited, should be up to the Group Wuxi Industrial Co., Ltd., Ireland Hua Technology Co., Ltd., etc., by the above companies alike, the company's quality management objectives: to create a one-time acceptance Products more than 95% pass rate, customer satisfaction rate of 90%, the contract assumed rate of 100%.
  9. The larger of the two islands is Britain, which lies to the east of Ireland.
  10. The two large islands are Great Britain and Ireland.
  11. My teacher once told me the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland is made up of four countries.
  12. My family and I are going to Ireland for our holiday.
  13. I'm of Ireland, and I'll stay in Ireland until I die!
  14. I mean, coming from Ireland, they look like people you went to school with, you know?
  15. I spoke about ireland to see what you would say.
  16. The family has operated for more than 250 years as a manufacturer of linens in Northern Ireland.
    该家族企业是北爱尔兰的亚麻布制造商,已有 250多年的历史。
  17. This is a Turbine Enstrom Helicopter on the Heli Pad of a Greenpeace ship some where off the coast of Ireland.
  18. Westminster Bank, impressed by the concept, opened the UK's first drive-through bank in Liverpool in 1959, soon followed by Ulster Bank opening Ireland's first in 1961 at Finaghy.
    威斯敏斯特银行,留下了深刻的印象的概念,开启了英国的第一个驱动器,通过银行在利物浦于1959年,不久之后,爱尔兰阿尔斯特银行开设的第一个于1961年在Finaghy 。
  19. About the same time the Calced Carmelites returned to Ireland, and there arose a dispute as to the ownership of these convents.
    大约同一时间,calced carmelites回到爱尔兰,并因而产生的纠纷,以拥有这些修道院。
  20. It is worthwhile to mention that Ireland`s emblem embodies the flavor of Ancient Greece as strong as Greece`s loses it.

Ireland 单语例句

  1. Much of the torch's route in coming days goes through predominantly Irish Catholic turf, home to IRA extremists still committed to overthrowing Northern Ireland by force.
  2. British authorities say Northern Ireland's faltering peace process cannot resume until the outlawed paramilitary group halts criminal activity.
  3. Moderate Catholic politicians said Wednesday they won't punish Sinn Fein over alleged IRA spying, meaning Northern Ireland's administration probably faces suspension by Britain next week.
  4. The revellers probably don't know the origins of Halloween, which go back to ancient Celtic traditions in Ireland.
  5. The movie stars Amy Adams as a woman who finds love in an unexpected place as she chases across Ireland to propose to her boyfriend.
  6. German Chancellor Angela Merkel has infuriated members of Ireland's ruling Fianna Fail party by backing opponents Fine Gael to win the country's next parliamentary election.
  7. A village in southwestern Ireland has won another round in the battle to change its name back to Fort of the Harlot.
  8. Nations such as Ireland and Spain have boomed, fueled partly by cheap money.
  9. He was also arrested in Ireland in November 2007 for drunkenly rowing with airport staff, only seven months after checking into rehab for the second time.
  10. According to market observers, the numbers for Ireland and Greece don't add up.

Ireland ['aɪələnd]

n. 爱尔兰
n. a republic consisting of 26 of 32 counties comprising the island of Ireland; achieved independence from the United Kingdom in 1921
n. an island comprising the republic of Ireland and Northern Ireland