Gray code是什么意思 Gray code在线中文翻译

Gray code 英 [ɡrei kəud] 美 [ɡre kod]

Gray code 词典解释


Gray code 网络解释

  1. 葛莱码
    ...Quantum开关量模板接葛莱码输出的绝对型编码器,Concept中有将葛莱码(Gray code)转换为整数的指令吗?在Concept中,没有葛莱码(Gray code)转换为整数的指令,用户只能通过葛莱码与整数的关系公式,自己编逻辑程序来完成转换....
  2. 格雷码
    ...因数、最小公倍数、因式分解 完美数 啊姆斯壮数 最大访客数 中序式转后序式(前序式) 后序式的运算 关于赌博 洗扑克牌(乱数排列) Craps赌博游戏 约瑟夫问题(Josephus Problem) 集合问题 排列组合 格雷码(Gray Code) 产生可能的集合...
  3. 葛雷码
    ...数字输出资料会以双倍资料速度 (DDR) 低电压 CMOS 位准,采用偏移二进位、葛雷码 (Gray code)、或是二补数 (twos complement) 格式呈现. 资料输出时脉 (DCO) 的提供是为了要以接收逻辑确保适当的锁定时序....
  4. 格雷编码
    ...grating type solar cell 栅型太阳能电池 | gray code 格雷编码 | grazing angle 入射余角...

Gray code 双语例句

  1. Write C ++ can be achieved by a variety of coding gray pseudo-color image processing program source code.
  2. It encodes original test patterns in pseudo Gray code presentation to optimize the switching activity of circuit-under-test, and then result in the decrease of test power consumption. Experiments on 8-bit ripple carry adder and 16-bit carry look-ahead adder was performed and the analysis shows that the test scheme decreases the overall switching activities of CUT significantly; and the results of experimentation based on FPGA show that the test approach reduces dynamic power consumption by an average of 15.282% and 12.21% for the two adders respectively.
  3. The circuit of the new Gray-code counter has been proved stable and practical as a result of eliminatingthoroughly the static hazard in principle circuit.
    同时给出的PLA 模型及其化简法对使用 LSIC 芯片进行数字系统的硬件逻辑设计有很好的参考价值。
  4. A static hazard problem inherent in principle ciruit of Gray-codccounter is analyzed and a new method for designing Gray-code counter by usingPLA model developed.
    针对原理性葛兰码计数器内在的竞争冒险问题,给出PLA 设计模型及简化方法,用PLA 模型设计了实用的葛兰码计数器。
  5. Besides, the flow chart of control system is given. The paper also introduces the method as how to transfer the gray code from the photoelectric encoder to natural binary code and has finished the design of whole servo motor-based electronic shedding mechanism.
  6. A far-infrared remote thermometer is used to measure the temperature and a three-dimensional imaging technology based on the digital grating projection and Gray-code is used to measure the thermal deformation.
  7. Recently, many coding experts have studied much of the Z_4-cyclic code(which is not necessarily linear) and its Gray map, and obtained a set of equivalent conditions in which a family of cyclic codes are linear, and the condition that this family codes are self-dual cyclic, and in this condition Nechaev-Gray image of the cyclic codes are self-dual cyclic.
    近年来,已有编码学家对Z 4-循环码和Z 4上的映射作了深入研究,得到一类循环码是线性码的一系列等价条件,以及这类线性码是自对偶线性循环码的条件,在此条件下它的Nechaev-Gray像也是自对偶线性循环码。
  8. According to the characteristics of Gray code, a method of separate count is presented.
  9. Gray Processing and median filtering code, the image processing is an important role.
  10. Natural Gray code to the VHDL code, the code is after I read the simulation can be used.
  11. Gray pigeons VIP latest code, I did not look very carefully, to be careful when using.
  12. The Gray code was introduced to improve the input manner and disturb the intrinsic relation of input and output data.
  13. Past, I wrote a gray handle source code, a relatively simple combination beginners.
  14. The procedures used to generate Gray code sequence portfolio, it generally means than to be fast, it was a Gray code distribution by t...
  15. We mainly introduces a new method, which uses high precision angle-coder (13 bits Gray-code) to get the gradient of the converter, the information is collected via serial port of MCU and then transmitted to the control centre based on DSSS technology after being changed into 8421 code.
  16. He said here, Piele Yan small gray doves, Just now, you say little gray pigeon heroes of the flowers on your home, of course, is a heroic act, but this code thing to do with the yards are two different things.
  17. A will be converted to asynchronous clock domain synchronous clock domain methods, can save resources, and avoid the Gray code conversion.
  18. A structured light 3D encoding scheme based on RGB color Gray code is presented.
  19. Time encoding; structured light; intensity ratio; gray code; phase shifting
  20. This paper generalizes the algebra essential conceptions of group, ring and field, introduces the development and current situations of cyclic code. The main research works and contributions of this paper are as follows: Firstly, this paper introduces concept of K-cyclic code and K-negacyclic code over Z_4, defines the corresponding Gary map and Nechaev-Gray map, and gives the property of the Gary image of K-negacyclic code over Z_4 and the Nechaev-Gray image of K-cyclic code of length which is an odd integer over Z_4 respectively. Secondly, this paper introduces concept of cyclic code and negacyclic code over Z_4, defines the corresponding Gary map and Nechaev-Gray map, and gives the property of the Gary image of negacyclic code over Z_4 and the Nechaev-Gray image of cyclic code of length which is an odd integer over Z_4 respectively.

Gray code

un. 格雷码;葛莱码;葛雷码
[网络] 格雷编码;编码成格雷码;二进制码
Gray code


law: 普通用词,泛指由最高当局所制订、立法机构所通过的任何成文或不成文的法规或条例。
rule: 通常指机关、团体的规章、条例或比赛规则;也指对人行为、方法等所作的规定,还可指习俗所承认的规定。
regulation: 普通用词,指用于管理、指导或控制某系统或组织的规则、规定或原则等。
code: 指某一阶层或社会所遵守的一整套法典、法规或法则;也可指与某一特殊活动或主题有关的规则。
act: 指经立法机构通过并由行政管理签署的法案。
constitution: 指治理国家或国家在处理内外政务时所遵循的基本法律和原则;也指规章规则的汇集。