Genovese是什么意思 Genovese在线中文翻译


Genovese 双语例句

  1. Maike Abetz/Oliver Drescher, Alexone, Grant Barnhart, Gary Baseman, Tilo Baumgartel, Tim Biskup, Mark Bradford, Daniele Buetti, Cailan Burns, Ray Caesar, Miguel Calderon, John Casey, Paul Chatem, The Clayton Brothers, Joe Coleman, John Currin, Brendan Danielsson, Stephan Doitschinoff, Blaise Drummond, Dzine, Ala Ebtekar, Martin Eder, David Ellis, Ron English, Faile, Christian Farner, Rosemarie Fiore, FriendsWithYou, Camille Rose Garcia, Os Gemeos, Michael Genovese, Charles Glaubitz, Benjamin Guuml; del, Robert Hardgrave, Maya Hayuk, Ryan Heshka, Femke Hiemstra, Cody Hudson, Gisela Insuaste, Rich Jacobs, John John Jesse, Colin Johnson, Mel Kadel, David Kassan, Aya Kato, David Kinsey, Henning Kles, Kozyndan, Susanne Kuehn, Mia M?
  2. The result was 24 convictions against members of the Marcello, Gambino and Genovese crime families. The FBI is also investigating allegations that Louisiana state legislators took multimillion-dollar payoffs to approve an expansion of video poker.
  3. Not surprisingly, the Genovese case earned the interest of social psychologists, who developed the theory of the " bystander effect ". This claimed to show how the apathy of the masses can prevent the salvation of a victim.
  4. He used Genovese basil but found that other Italian seeds fared poorly.
  5. But the main targets were three of the " five families " based in New York who control organised crime in America: the Genovese, Bonanno and, best known, the Gambino family.
  6. 'I made a pledge to myself, right then at age13, 'Sully recalls, 'that if I was ever in a situation where someone such as Kitty Genovese needed my help, I would choose to act.
  7. Not one of the almost 40 neighbours who were said to have been aware of the incident left their apartments to go to Genovese's rescue.
  8. The bystander effect or Genovese syndrome is a social psychological phenomenon that refers to cases where individuals do not offer any means of help in an emergency situation to the victim when other people are present.
  9. There are a lot of thoughts on citizen education in Rousseau's other works, such as political economy, the public education of Genovese, considerations on the government of Poland.
  10. It includes two parts; one is history context of UNCRC. Based on Genovese Child`s Rights Pronounciamento(1924) and Child`s Rights Pronounciamento(1959), UNCRC had been drafted out and passed by UNC. Another part is about the content of UNCRC.
  11. Not surprisingly, the Genovese case earned the interest of social psychologists, who developed the theory of the " bystander effect ". This claimed to show how the apathy of the masses can prevent the salvation of a victim.

Genovese [,dʒenә'vi:z]

n. 热那亚人
adj. 热那亚的;热那亚人的
a of or relating to or characteristic of Genoa or its inhabitants